Preached in L E N T. t.Arma militit< nof!r.e. And thus is Religion, aPillaramong them alfo. ~ C~r.t~ t, For fu 1 e, thechrif/randutJ: of bearing wr011g (where it is w~llperfwaded)doth mainely ftrengthen theCrvtll ot domg nowro~g: And,the Chrif/tan,ofdepartrng with our owne ch•rtta6ly, doth ftrengthen the Ctvt!l of not takmg ~tke~n:enstn]rmouflj .- A d li of therelt. That he callcd1t not amdfe,that called DlVlmnetheBack-bon~ otthe 0 P rinces Law; and confequemly, Religwn of the Common-wealth. So that not onlyMo[es andPJttl, by caUmgon the name of God; but, Elias and Ieremie, b ;caching the wrll ofG o o (Not, by Pr•yeronely, butbyPreMhm,O _al:et~e . y Iron Ptllar (ler.I.48.) theother, the Chanot~t~~dho>femmof lfrael;mhls • Kmg.r~ one, an , time. · ''' Now if all men had faith, DicAmwould have ferved,and this one l'i/larhave z, beene eno'ugh: But, becaufc all men have not Religion, but there bein rhe'world evil! andabfrerdmen ( 2 The[. 3.2.) therefore~eded the frcond, therefore needed Iu. Jlitia Iudicabo. Indeed,meltores [tmt,the better partbetheyquos dmgtt amor,whom loveleadeth: but plures (tmt, quos corrigit timor, the greater by£ure, that feare driveth : Even[uch as will not be ledwith the cords of aman(that is,induccmems ofReligion and reafon, (Ho f. I r. 4·) but they muft be held withbitand6ridle (that is,tP,e curb of Iultice,Pfalme32.9.) Which kind of men are of two forts (therefore is it Itiflitia.) r. Theenemieor }Egyptian fmiting Ifrael, from without. •· The lnjuriousl{raelitewronginghisbn. i!xod.••tt; 1 j: ther 1 fromwithin. Why then, Sit nsbi; Re.",[ay the people, I Sam.8 .zo. (which is ·a - -·- – perfeCt comprehenfion of this PillAr of Iuftice) to doe them right : And to defend thembyWarre,when need is, againfl: the forreineenemie; by lultice, when caufc is, againft the domefticall oppreffor. Againfl: the one Iehof~phat placeth garri{ons. ( 2 chron. 17.'1.) th:it is, againlt o~twardhv.ftilitie : Again{hhe other,he ordainetlt ,Iudges( 2 chron. 19·~.) that isinwardilljterie. . . Dicens Cyro,([althGod) Paftormeus,&c. (E{ay 44·•8-( WhJChfayto I?JI'tu (the " , mighty Monarch) thou art my Shepheard. A Shepheard, by pall:orall Iuft1ce,To fee the flocke fafe from without, and quiet from within. From wi~hout, To kcepe the wild Bm of the fomft from fpoilingourlivcs and goa~s (P{alme.Bo.i3.) ;ind fromwithin, the ravenom Wolfe ftommaking havockeof•our Joules (vfflsJt!o_. z,.) Will you know, whatthefetwo meane~ omype~ple, (faith Go o) Rememher what Balack the King hath devifed againft you (fpeaking of a forreine Prince)o(rhe Don.)' Andwhat Balaam hath anfrvered him (fpeaking ofafalfe Pro.phe!,of the~oife.)The Mic,G,f: cafe is very like ours, and God grant us a thankful[ remembrance andm~dicationof -· it: Of the long intelligence betweenBalackandBala>lm,for ourove!:ch~6wiaildft6w graciouflyandmarvelloufly Godhathdelivered us. ' ' · .,~ • .:. ' ·• ·o • ,• . Now, aswithout thefold, thefe beafts bee bufy, ~nd God therefore ~atngi1:t ~he X:;~;!:!;; Prmce wttha[word : So, wtthm, alfo, there are certamefed Rammes (f:mhEzekiel) -- thatwitk their homes,pujh; andwiththeir heeles,lay 111t againfl: the poore weake lheepe (chat Wtt~vit ~ndftat'!, ~eceitand violence, keepeeviJl rulewithin;) againfi whom H~ hath giVenmto thm nght hand aScepter, That, by the ar~eft of theScepter, they I''·#; mtght be qmet fromwtthtn ; and by theedge of thef word, fafe fromwithout :So intendtn~ themyflerie of godlinejfe,and the knowledge thereof,and.after it;theexercl{! 1 Tjm?·''·" i~godlmejf'e, and the praCtice thereof; rhat·fo after Stab!liatur f~-eg.niim me~mi~tli~~ ~-.~; 1 .e, by Iu!hce, '!"e may come to Advenrat Regnrem taremmthe lifet6 come,by Rell- ' ~ton. And th1s 1s the fecond Pillar yeelding us lacob's ll:rength who (as 'we [aid) wa's b urmlhed both withhu •tajfe, to fee good order in his flocke 'andwithhit fworeNnd .G••·~~- •oi ' owagam{hhe Amorite.' ' . · ' ' .+8·~•, !hus have we the two Pillars of the earth each ll:ren<>thening other: Religion rfotmg Iujlteew_ithin; IuflicefencingRetigionw!thiJtlt, and they bothmaklhg' anarch 0 govemment memovable. , , • Aa z ' ).'et •