Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

z68 'The ftrft S E R M 0 N I I r. Yet, thefe two Pillars as firong and as fieady as they are, except they be looked to, and upheld; except they have an rpholder; and that a good one,Religionwill cleave,and li'.ftice hend,and they both link and thewhole frame with them. Therfore mention is made here of a pcrfon,put intrr'.ft, with the hearing them up; which is the third point. . WhichPerjim, is here, Ego atltem, theftrft; that is,David; theftr/1 and tliechiefe '•s•"'-•1'- ; 7 , Perfon in any governemem. He it is upon whom both thefeleane: He is the He.d, L;un.4,,o~ that guideth thefe two armes : Hethe breath of life in both theft noflrills : Yea, of all the body (faith/eremie,of Ioft.u.) Even(hriftm Domini,theAnnointedof the Lord,u the_hreath of allour noftrills. . Familiar it is, and but meane, but very full and forceable, tbe Simile of E{ay : l!fo.n:•l-1 wherein hecompareth the Prince toanailedriven into awa/l,whereon are hangedall both the vejfels offervice, and thelnj/rumentsof <.Mujike ;(thatis)Hebearesrhem upall. And great caufe to delirc God, falt may it fiicke and never ll:ir (thisnaile: ) for, if itlhould, all our Cttppes would batter with the fall, and all the Mrifikeof our O!!_ire bee tnarred: (that is) both Church and Country bee pur m danger. Which Go o willino- to lhew (faith Philo Irtd«uo) Hee did place theftfthCommandement (which is th; Crowne-commandemem)'•"'"'"'ri., as it were, in the middle, and confines of both Tables, Thofe touchingReligion, and rhofetouching Ir'.ftice; that, wirh one arme He might flayReligion, and with the other ll:ay luftice, andfouphold both. ' And,whereCuch fupport hath wanted,both havelyen on the ground. For,borh of Mica's Idolatrie (that is, corrupt Religion) and of the villanieoffered at Giheah, and of the outrage _committed by_them of Dan, both inrifling hotifa, andJacking '1f!hole torpnes (that 1s) m)ull:Jce, God rendereth no caufebut this, :l"{gn erat \ Rex : the Pillars went downc: Egowanted. WithoUt which (that is,an ell:ablilhed governement) we £houldhave no Comm_on-wealth, bur a wild forrefl, whcreNim. Gen. to.$. rodand his crew would h!'nt andchafeall others: No Common-wealth, but a Pond, Abac.•. •r· where the great ftfo would devourethe fmall : Nothing bur a Conot/heepe fcattmd :Num.:pr.\ without a ShC(iheard(fait,h, ¥if's.) No moreoves Pafcu,.,lbcepe ofthePafiure,when ); l'f•L,r.r. their Gpvernor is gone, but oves occijionu, lheepe for the llaughter. Nonpopu!HG,fd /; !'l>l.H.u · l trtrha,No People,but arout; No building, nor Pillars, but a heape-of fiones. There· _um.>px, foreajoyfrtl~noifeu thefoouto( aKingamong the'?. . . · Joyfulhndeed every way; butjoyfull efpectally, 1f thiSEgo,beenot Saul, but David. ' Davrd, wiJich givethftrength unto the Pillars, and nor Saut, an impairer or Weakner ofth~m. It is David's complaint, in theforepart, he {ottnd the landweake when heecame to it. So, Saut had left it. It is bis promifethat,as Sattl by his llack- • 1 '~ ne(fe, had brought theell:ate low; So h~e, by his vigilancie,would raife it ~tp againe. ·< ' 1 And this is the !all:point, b,owSaffl decayed, and Da'lJidrefiored the Pillars againe. II II • , The faith; that evilllooking to, willdecay theprincipa!lsof any huildinr ll"'!.ro. 1 s: . :tnd that was Satel's defect (as the Scripture recordeth.) Religion firfi : Infiead of - Celehrabim111, NegligimHG I • Ho v A M. KingDavid,inhis oration to the States-of it Cbri• H· : his ReaJme before his fir!l: Parliament, te/lifieth, the vfrke w.u not{ought to inthe dayes of Saul .-That PillAr, was not looked to. Sought to it was, after a fort (Religi– ~ Som. ; 4 , i». Dl! : ) but nothing Co as it lhould. Comtlet r« have the Arke(faith bee.) And then, - · • 9 • Goeto, it skills notgreatly, carryitbackeagaine : which,whatwasit,buttoplayfalt Aa.•ps. ang loofe with Religion~ To intend P•tll (as Felix faith) at o11r idle time; and not to Redeeme time, to that end~ Iudge of Religion's cafe, by the reverence ofthe ,s,., 6 ,, 0 • Ephod .-· A daughter of hisownebringing up (Mica!) faw David,forhonourofrhe vtrke, weate it, and deffi{ed him in her heart, Iudge of it, by the regard ofthe Pndl, •