270 The ftrft SE R M o N cion of the Kings of Iuda. Wherein;puttingnot only the Diademe lm~ aB.eg. ''·"· Booke of the Larr alfo, upon the Kings head; It wa~ intended, tha~ book lhoutd b: a~ dcare to them as the1: Crow_ne, and they_equa!ly ftud1e to advance tt. And in putrin<> EI•T !~· u; theScepter of Iujltcemthetr h~nds;andmlaymg thekey ofthe houfe uj Davidonthe~ ihoulders, what elfewas requtred, bur, as they executed the on_e wtth their hand, fo they rh~uld puttorhe other, .arme and ih<;>Ulder andall~ Thatrs (asDavtdhere ex. •Sam.l.•f· l>iil.gg+ ~C<Ir.JJ.lO. Vcd'c G, p~effech lt) rwo Celebrab~imm s,toone Iudicabo. , Thus was flrengthened the lirll: Pillar : and fo~ the fecond; theHoly Ghojl giverh liim an honourable teilimony(I fpeake not ofhis Milirarie Iull:ice,I need nor,thercin he wastrained up;) but that in peace, he executedJrulgement andIujlice to aUhupeople, Th~Kings P!nvei' (faith he)loveth Jndgement: Notpower in injttrie,bur Power in Judge– ment (faithDavid :) Powertoedificatioll, (faith Sr. Paul) nottodeflrullion :· that is,to build up, nor, to decay the building. Therefore,Verruc and V:!lourwal)ted nor their reward in his time. He profeffeth after,in this Pfalme,The windlhould blow no man to priferment,outofwhat f<t!arterfoever it came,but God,by his graces,lhould point them , Chron. 11 . to it. And fure,rhe diligent defcription,theHoly Ghojl ufeth of his Worthies, andmen • s,m.•J· of Place, lheweth him to have becne mofi exaCt in this point: Firfr, his Three; and then afrer;his thirtie intheitorder; and that thofe thirtie attainednotunto theftrft thm but every one efieemed and regarded,in his worrhineffe. ' And for deprefiing the wicked, it was his mor»ing Worke,as he teftifieth Pfalme tor. 8. and rhat (as himfelfe herefers <;lowne) in amoltheavenly order,wirhDiw 11 uor...... firfi, as beltig fer over mtH, and therefore willing to lead themwith the cords of men (that is) faire and gentle, yet effeetuall perfwafion;. And 'J'Vver didthe dew •fhMp,••••, ,' :, ven more fweetly refrejh thegrajfe,rh~tn doth a favourable faying piercethe infiri~tlr,ftom the mouth of a Prince. Therefore, there was no dbrc in the Land,bur,in this Booke (I will nor fay, hee mildely faid, but)hee even fweerly fung their feverall duties un– to them: To his Court (P{~tlme IOI.) his Church (Pfalmt45·) hisludges(P{alme Sz.) his Commons all in o·ne (Pfalmet44·) I will addethis, that if V,widoffended inoughr, herein it was, in that he ufedDi,·am toomucb,andFrangamnot oft enough. •Sam.rf.l, AbfalomcouldobjeC! it,when it ferved hisrurne: And, whenDavidwas ro leaverhe world, it lay on his Confdeuce, his Clemencie ufed in loab's andShemei's cafe. t.A ' Reg.>. s· deare andpretiom thing iJ the meamfllilondin the eyes ofDavid(Co he faith :) Andthat :rra1. 7 ' '' 4 • made his peoplemore afraidfor him, thanofhim,~nd to value his life at ten thou{mtl •Sam. •S·l· of their owne: and that,fo manySubjefls, fo triany of his Guard: Nor,fomany Sub: 1 Sam.~•+ jetls/omanyConJJiratours, as Saulcomplaincd. . l>rov.zo.>B. Yet, becaufe Clemencie is but one foot of the Throne; andSeveritie,at fome o-' Ver.z. ther time (for, Cum acceperotempm, time mull be kept in this Muficke) cloth noleffe fi1pport it: Therefore, where fayingwill not fervc,norjinging; .Frangdmmufl: fomc· k times beeufed; where the Rodcontemned, let the Swordbedrawne. lt is Gods owne 11 " ·"· 9 ' 10 ' courfe. If he,for all dieam, lift up his horne againfl: Godor good orders, faw off his •S=.•• " · horne; if he doe frill mmilJftonte minit•ri, Caput ejtu mittetur adte, was Davlds Iu– ll:ice, Take offhis head. For,dicam is the chArmehe fpeaketh of: which (ifthe viper !'f,l.rs.r. fiop nor his w·e) will doe him good: Ifit doe not, contunde in theriacam,he mufr bee btuifed and made into Mithridate, that others may be amended by him,feeing hec would nor be amended by others. • Thus did David repaire Sauls ruines; rhefe arc his freppes, thus did heelhew Himfelfe. as goo.d as his p~omife (here) a Skilfull 'l.holderof th.efe two maine Pi/. tan, which beare up and gtve' frtength to every Lan • And by thlS meanes,hechan– ged both the Nature and name ofhis Countrey; finding it Ie6tu (that is) ,·onculcata, (and fo, indeed, it was a Citie contemned andtroddendownewithevery foot:) And leaving it a new name, Iemfatem; andfoir was Salem Ieru, a Cirieto beefea– !ed and envied of all round about it. So, the landgrewprong,and the Pi/tarsfajl; a.nd . DAvJd,