Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in L .E N T. Da·vid, for hisfafting, in favour with GoD and man•. ~oD,who~ he~praifld, gra~ cioufly afli(l;in<> him; and men, whom he preferved,w1lhngly ferv1ng hun. The L 0 ; Dwho hathfenr forth thelikeftrengthfor ourLalld,pablifb the good thiria which Hee hath wrought in us. The LoRD fofafrenthe Pillars ofour earth that theyneverbefoakm. The LoRD mightilyu,;holdthe rphg/Jerof them, • longandmany yearcs :That wemay goe forth rejoycing,i11 hu flrength, andmakeillr6oafl of Hispraife, atlo11rlife long. Whiclt ourgracious Go D, &c. c*.''J A SER.;