A SERMON PREA'~ CHED BEFORE Q_VEENE EL I Z A BE T H, · t.!IT GREENVVICH~ 0.7(_ THE ~~ XXIIII. of February, A. 'D. M D x c<being "~· ' 5'. MATTHIA'S Day. p SALME LXXVII. Ver.XX. Thou diddeft leadthy People lil(: Sheepe, IJy the hand of C!9kfo::: jes and d aron.. . either prefent or imminent danger, andthat no fmaU one had more than ufuallydiflrelfed the Prophet at the wri– ting of this Pfalme : wherewith his fpirit,for a while,bGi9g tofled to and fro in great anguifh (as may appea're by thofe three great billowes,in the ],8,9.verfes)yet at !ail he com– meth to an vfnchor (in the tenthverfe) upon' tller~memGrance of theright handof the moft High. W,-tiich~ight ha~, · mone even cenour,throughout all Ages, not on!y to that of Davids, but even to this of ours,hath ever !hewed it (elfe a · pre-emmence and power, in the twopoimsin the latter parr of the ' . . fpecified, the efpeciall matter of his and all om· comfort. I. The finall Confulionof his eriemies, though for a while cxalted(untill thisveife.J 2. The fi- •' t nail_deliverance of his people, though for awhile diflreffed (in this verfi.) Which twame, <lfmany Pfalmes are the [ubfl:ance,and of this now before us; and'indeed,all the whole flory in a manner is nothing el[e but aCalend•r ofthefetwo: That the Lo!dof Hojls,the GoD ofIfrael,is El 1X$kamoth, a Godof .Vengeanceagain[! His enem,es; and but a letter changed, is El '1X$tha11Joth, aGodof comfortuntaHis people.' That Hts Cherreb1ms hold a flaming Jword to rep.reffethe one andhave·their wings fptead to·fhadow and fi1ccour the other. That His creatures; thecloud.from abovC~,is :omijl of darkmejfe to confound the !Egyptians; and the fame cloud ap~llarof light ., d conduct theIfrae!,tes. That the water from beneath, to the!Egyptian1s a j?;ulf.e to E•od·!H.'.• ~uourc them,but to the Ifraehte, awall of defence on their right handamJon tfmr left, t eh~eednotto feeke far; in thePfalme next before and aoainc in the Pfalme nextafert . 1hs,you Oull find thefe two coupled ; as (indeed) for ~he moll part they goe fiill toget er. · _, And