Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

The ficond ,SE R M o N And as they goe frill together, fo flill they end in the fafeguard of the Church, ~fallprophecies, of all judgements,ofall miracles, pafr or prefent, new or old,rhat IS the key and conclulion. The la!l: verfe (if I may fo fay) of the Delr<ge was the /l.ambow ; of the JEgypttan bdndar,e was the fea!l: of Paffiover; and even here in this P{alme, after it hath, in thefoure verfesnext before, rayned and powred downe, and lightened and thundered,and heaven and earth gone together,there cloth in this verfe enfue acalmc to GoDs people. This is the bleffed period,\hatihutteth up thePfalm: Them that,hated thy people, or dealt unkindfy with thy fervants, them thot~ drorvnedjf and d~.ftroyedjf. But Thy people thou lwieff like flmpe by the hands of tMofes •nd t.Aaron. And in thefe i:wo, may all Kingrkmes and Countries reade their owne de!l:inies what they are to hopefor, or tofeare, at the hands of Go D. Ifthey beLo-mnmi: not,His people,they may looke back, what.they finde in theverfes before, and that is .ftorme and tempejl. If they beHis (andwe itru!l:areHis; andmoreandmoreHis, He daily make us)thisverfe is for us,that is, fafe and quiet conduCt: Thoudiddeflle4d thy,&c. TbeSHI1fmt, In which verfethereismentionofthrecperfons : z. Go D• "·GoDs hand, 3· GoDs people. 4· And ofableffing or benefit iffuing from the firft (that is) God: cmveighedby the fecond (that is) Gods hands, Mofes andAaron: and receivedby the third (that is) G•ds people: And it is the benefit of gom) guiding or governmenr, Thisis the fumme of theverfe. Tbe'Divifio 11 ; A~ for order~ I will ot~er, than ~s the Holy Ghofl hath ma_rlhalled the words mthe Text It felfe. of It fdfe IS nght exaCt: every word, mthebodic of it, containing matter worth the pauling on. · , Fir!l:,in the foremofr word. Tu, God,who vouchfafed this benefir. 2 And fecondly,inDnxi.fti: Thebenefir it felfe ofgtliding from Him d€rived. 3 And thirdly, derived to His people the parties that receive ir. 4 And fourthly, derived to His people byHiJ hands, whichhands are tMofes,and t1Jtfir J1 pm. 7bpu. .Aam;, the meanes that conveigh it. I. Thouleadeflthypeople, &c. TO begin with Con; who beginneth theverfe, bywhom andro whom we ltad, and are led,and in whom all right leadingboth beginneth and endeth. ·It is Thou (faith thePfalmijl)that !eJdelt Thy people,and (in rhenext Pfalme)ir is He that carried Hu people in the wildernejfe like ajlocke,who is that He, orth1s Thou? It is God,faith theProphet in the fixteenth verfe• .That is ·: whofoever be thehands,GoD is the Perfon,He is theT:t.Whofcnamtt foever we heare;whofehands foever we feele; whofe countenance focver we behold; we mufryetlookeuphigher, and fee GoD in every Government. To Him weemuft make our Apoflrophe, and fay, Thou leade.ft,&c. For Heit is le-dethproperly: and, in firiet propriety of fpeech,Mofes and Aaronleadnot; but God, by thehands of Mofes and t.Aaron; And that thus it is, that GoD is the Perfon that leadeth,and all other but hands under Him and unto Him, the Prophet giveth us in this fame verfe,matter of three markes of diffetence,betwecneHim,and them. The 'fir!!: is in Duxi.fti. Thotl didde.ft lead([aith theProphet:) didde.ft anddotjl ' lead