Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in L E N i. Andin this·leading there be rhefe foure points.Forth'lt it be a lwling,it mull be orderly without firaying,skilfully Without ernng,gently Wlthourforcmg,and•ertainly without milling oui'Journeyes end. Fufi,orderly,wJthouc flraymg: /edand nor wan– tkr. Second, skilfrtlly Without ernng :ledand nor miffed. Tlurd,gently Without for. t:ing: ted,and nor drawen. ~ounh,certaznly Without milling: led, and not led abo~tt, evergoing, bur never commmg ;o our place ofrepofe. .. . . In the firf! whereof, we a~;e but let fee, the wandnng and.fiaylerfe efiare we were 1 in, till G 0 0 vo11<;hf.1fed to fend us this g~aciousconducr :Jimtoves, like Ezekiels Ezek.J..r,6, ftray-JheqJl,jlritglingupon every Vat;ey and~<pon every flt!l. The very cafc,\hefe people E,od.t.••· here werein,-when Go p 1nmer~y fenr the~ thefe two Gmdes, fcattered Jlioverche Land rofeekejlti_bble• . Wluch efbte of theirS,_ IS the exprerfc panerne of the world, wandring in vanlllc, p!Ckmg upjltawu;and t)ungs that lhall norprofirthem, feekzng s'P·•-••: ; dwhin theerro~tr of thm life, nil Go n lookememfully upon them;a11d from rhJ.S wilde ;vandring, reduce them into the right way. . . . . . . Which right way is the fecond pqmr; For elfe, Itls not Dttxz_Ffz; but Sedt~xijh; z and as good no leading ar all,asmif-leading. Now thisrzgbt way ,1fwe aske;~here It lyeth, the Prophet will tell us, Thy way 0 Go n "znthe_Smc1t~ary: (that IS ) lt!S the Vcrf, ' 1 ; Word of Go n which is the LQad-Jlarre, when Go o IS the Leadfman. Szcttt oves it mufl be,and this is the voice ofrhe true Shepherd,to be lifiened to ofall his flock, that will not roveand runne head-long into the Wolfes den. This is the Ptllarofthe Exod.•4. ·tlot1din reuard ofrhis people here,to be kept in view ofsll thofe that will nor periih in thewilderne!fe, wherein is no path. Indeed it is both: 'rhe Pillar ofthe cloudbc– fore,direCling us in the.way; • and the voice ofthe Shepherd beh}nd us(as Efay fJith) Efay ;o.ii; telling us when wemtffe, and crymg, effvta, am~ulate m ea., Thu u the way, the · rightway,•valkeinit. : . . . . . Andinrhis way,ourgmdmg mull be rmlde and gentle: Elfe It IS nor Dttxz,'fi,but traxifli · drawinu and driving,and no leading.LeniJliritu,non dttr~ mame,rather by an inward fweet inftueneeto be ld, than by an ou~ward extreme violence to be forced forward. So did Go n leadchis people here. Not the greatefi pace (I wis) forrhey were ayeare marching that,they might have pofiedeleven dayes (as Mo(esfaith.) No 0 ·_ nor yet theneerel! way neither,as MDfes tc!leth us. For, He fetched acompaffi divers E;~~-~-;·,8; limes; 'as all wife Govemours by His eleample mufi doe, that dellre rather fafely to lead, thanhaflilyto drivcforw~rd.The Spirit ofGo o leadeth thu people(faith Efay) Efay 61 ,~. a anhorfe u rzddendowne the ht!lmto avaDey; which mufi nqt be agallop, left horfe and ruler both come downe one overanother; bur warily and c2lily. Andjicttt oves fiill giverh us light, feeing the Text cqmpareth it toaftmp-gate; Touching which kinde ofcartell to very goodpurpo[e,Iac~b(a skilfull 01epherd) anfwerethEfa~< (who G ' · :- -, would have had lacob and his flockes have kept company with him in his htmting cn.JJ. ' 1 ' ' pace.)Nay not fo Sir (faid Iacob)it is a tendercattell,that is hanps,and mu!t befoftlydriven, as they may endure ;ifone lhouldover.drlve tltem b11t one day,they ,would all dy,,_or be la1d upfor many daye~ after. !~deed, Rehobpa11~ left ten pJrrs of •Re ;, 0 , {' h1s flockc belund, only fongnorance ofth1s very pomun Dt~xiftz. For, when in boig · --· llerous manner he chafed them before him, telling them what yokes he would make forrhem (a farre unmect occupation for a Prince to be a yoke-maker)they alllhrunke from him prefemly, and fallified his prophecie cleane. For whereas he told them fa:d. ly, Hu little fingerjhottldhe,,. big"' hidfathers whole hody,iffcll out clcane contrary; for,h,swhole hody proved_not fo big as his fathers little jin~er. A gentle lwling i~ m~flbc; and mthe begmmng,fuch wasthe courfe. Therefore yee have the Kings of Cana•n10 Genejis,forrhemoll; parr called by the nameof<.Abimelech (that is) Pate/' .Rex, aKing in place, aFather inaifecrion. Such was Mofes ourleader here, ameeke Num&.u- ·, ja~ above allthe men on theearth. s~ch was Davidhimfelfe, who full bitterly corn. ' 1· P ~n~h, Ah thefe {onnes of Zervia are too hard, too full ofexwttion for me. And (to •sim.J. 19 • enw tlls POiflt) rh~sdefcribeth he his good Prince (in the 72. Pfalme) HejhaU come l'Cal, 7 ,, 6 , ~0 )' /!.' (~ot li~e h;ule-fiones on ahou!e top, but) like the dew into ajleeceifwop//(chat ., - IS ; weetYandm•ldly, withOut any noife or violence at all. ~ ~ La!J