Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

2.78 'TheJecond SERMoN ~~------------------~------------------~---------- Ecclc(t.>. Lalt df all. All this reducing and right leading, and gentle leading, mu!l; end in anend;they mult not goc and goe !till in infinitnm ; that, is ~0 leading but tyring out-right; It mult eeJimt oves, whom the good Shepherd (m the three and twen– tieth ifdlmr) leadcthto aplace,and to a place meet for them, where there isgreene p 4• jf11reby thewmrsofcomfort. So was it in this people here. They were ledour of ./Egypt to [acrificero Go o, ~nd to learne His Law in theMou~t of Go o,Sinai 1 and ti"om thence al[o toSion lt felfe, H1s owne relt, and holy hab1tatwn. And even fo our people are lfdfrom the wandringsof this world, unto the folds of G o n's church, where(as the Prophet faith in the 73· Pfalme) firft Go o will a while guide them wit/, Hi; cotmfell, andafter willreceive them into His glory. And th~s is the end ofall leading. To bring us all from the vaine proffers ofthe world, wh1ch wcfl1all all finde(as Salomon found it) vanittt; vanitatum & omniavanit~U,tO the found com. fort ofHis Word in this Booke, which is indeed.veritMveritatum& omnia veritM: in the knowledge and praCtice whereof when they fhall have fulfilled their courfe here, Go o will bring them to His owne reft, to His hea•;enly Ierufalem, where is and ever fhall bcfilicitMfilicitatum & 1mniafelicitM. But in this life here, \Ve come no further than theborders ofH u SanEiuary, (as He telleth us in the next Pfalme) in the way whew~f if Go I> lead us conftanttr, con– ftant!y,not after our wanton manner, out a~d 10 when we hft, all the other mferiour leadings (hall accompanythts one. For, th1s itAdmgleadeth them all. He fhall ff4J our Cotm(ellours, that they fhall advife the counfels ofHis owne heart: He fhallltad our Judges, that they (hall pronounce the judgementsof His ownemouth : Hedha\l lead ourforces intoEdom, the ftrong Cities and holds of the enemie: Hee fhalllead our Navic in the Sea, by unknownepaths, to the place it would goe; and I can fay no more. Thorow all tbe dreads and dangers ofthe world,thorow the perils ofthe Red-fea, thorow the perils of the Defart, thorow ~he malice of all our enemies He fhall fafely leadus, and furely bringus to His promifed Ki,ngdome, where wee fuall fee thcg.adnelfe of the L o 11 D intheLandofthe living. And this isthebewift,and thus much for rhat parr. "ht, rhird P'"· The value o'f whichbenift we fhall the better eneeme, if we confider the llare l'opulum •••m· of the Parries, on whom·it is beftowed, fet downe inthefe words Populum tuum: .J'opulum. which is the third part. That all this good is forrhqeople, worthy not fo much as Dcu<·l'· 6 • thelea!r part of it. For, what is thepeople? Let Mofos fpeakc <for, he knew them) Exod.p.u. Siccine)'opulejlulte& injipiens? And.Aarontoo (for, he had occafion to triethem) :,~~:~3;: Thispeopte u evenfot on mi{chicfe. And (ifyou will) D~t'<lidalfo, Inter Be!lutt< pop.. il+ forum. And to conclude, Go o Himfelfe, Populmifleduruerviciiijl. Thisisrhe people. We may briefely take a view ofall thefe. Will you feethe folly and giddine!fe ofthis multitude -: yee may, AEl. rg.there; they be at the TBwne-houfe, (ome &rJing one thing,fome another;_~~~~~ the more part kne,, not '""Y they wm come together. Therefore c..Mofes trucly iatd,tt was 11 fondandgii·. die-headedpeople. Will yee feethe brurifhne!fe of thepeople? In the :1.2. AEis; you fhall fee them taking up a crie, upon aword fpoken by Saint Paul, and •4fling~ff thrir clothes and throwing duff iwto the aire, as ifthey were quite decayed ofrea[on; th~t Davidtrmy might fay, inter beUu,upopulorum. N11111b.16, "'· Will yee fee the fpighr and malice ofthe people. In the fixteenth of Num~m; for Coreh'sdeath they chall~ge M~fes andAaron,7t haveper[e&utedand lci!leJ~hepeo. pleof the L o 11 o. Yet n-etther dtd r.Mo(es once couch them,but Go o H1mfelfc from heaven, by vifible judgement, fhewed them to be as they were. Neither were Corehandhiscrewthepeople of GoD, but thefonnes of IJtliat. Butrhatistheir manner, in defpighr ofc..Mofes, iffor ought they like him not, prefently to canonize Coreh and his complices, and make them theSttints ofGo D. That Aaron[aidcruly ofthem, Thiipeo;le-iuvm[et DP mifchitft. ·