Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in L E N T. LatHy: if yee will fee thei: head-ll:rongneffe, looke upon them in thuighthof th ji if of Samuel where havmg phanfied to themfelves an alterauon of ell:are • s,on,B.•1·•o· he ~1 they were fue 1 yed plainly bySamuel, the fundrie inconveniences ofthe o-0~ t ou:;Pnt they foaffccted, they anfwer him wlth, No ( forrhat is their Logicke~to ;,ern the c:ndrifion) htll we ••ilrbe likeother countries ahOtlt m, andhe guided,u we think• g:~.~~~ ownefelves. That (ofall other) Go o' s (tying is moft true, It i; afliJfi· neckedandhead.Jir~ng generatton. . And yet for all thefe wants, fowdl weemng of themfelvcs, as they need no lea• 'ding, they, e~ery one among them is meet tohe Rltader, r? prefcribe Mo(esand con– troll Aam• in their proceedmgs. So that, where Go o fetteth the fentence thus, Thou !eddeflthy peoplelike jheepe ~y the handsof tMofes andAaro~; tmght they have their wils, they would rake the fenrence by the end, a.nd rurne 1t thus, Tlm1leddef! Mofes and Aaron like f/mpe hy the hRnds of thy pe~ple. And rhisis the people, Popui~H. An~ furely, no evl!i ~an bcfaid too much of r••,.. thiswordpe6ple, ifyee take it apart bytt felfe, Popr•ltuwithoutTu~H, Thepeople, and not Thy people. But then, here is amends foralltheevillbelore, in this word Tr1m; Which qualifieth the former, and maketh them capable of any blelling or benefit. . A common thinginScriptttre it is, thus to delay one word with another. Si pec- MatduS.I1. ·~averit in tefiatertr~m : PefcAverit ll:irres our choler firaight; but then;-Yratermakes us hold our hand againc. 'l'ollejeflucam ex ocr~lo: Feffqcam, amote?' our zeale is kind- I.ukc 5 ·4'·4 ' · led prefemly to remove it: but thenEx octelo, thetenderneffe of the part tempers us, :.nd teacheth us to deale with it in great difcrerion. And fo it is here: Popu!ta [ 0 unTUiy a rout, as Mofes and daronwould difdaine once to touch them; but wh~n 'l't1us isadded, it will makeany ofthem, not only to touch them; but to take them by the hand. F9r, it is much thatlyeth uponthis pronouncTrtm; indeed, alllyeth uponit: and put meTutu out oftheverfe, and neither Goo refpectcth them,norvouchf:tfetlt them eitherMofestogoverne, or Aaronto teach, or any heavenly benefit dfe. For, Populeu is unworthy ofthemall: But, forTt~m, nothing is too good. Forthereis, in Tum, Not only that they be men, andnot bealls; Free-men, and not Yillaines;Ath.enians or Englijhmen(that is,a civil!) not abarhamupeople(the three confiderations 0f the heathenRt~ler : ) bur,that they be Gods ownepeopleand flocke; and that is all in all. Hu pe6ple,becau[eHe made them ;and fo,thelotofhi; inheritance. PC.! •eo J• Hu peopleagaine,bccaufe Heredeemedthem from&.gypt with hu mighty 4rme ; and fo Vcrfc 1 f· Bupeculiar people. Hupeople the thtrd time, becaufe He redeemed theirJiules by His fufferings; and fo, apeople purchafed moll: dearely, purchafed evenwtth the invaluable htgh ptice of His wo.ft pretrotu hlot~d. This is that, that fetstheprice on them_. 1 ~·~···~· !or,overfuch a flocke,fo highly prized, fodeardy beloved, and fo dearely boughr, tt.may well befeeme'any, to be a Gt~tde. M~jes, with all his learning; A~ron, with all bts eloquence; yea, even King~ to be theirfofler-Fat her~; and J2!!.eenes tohetheir Nrlt· 'EC•H?·•;. fes. No leadm~, No leaderroogood forrhem. Iconclude (wtth St. LAttgr<J!ine upont~efe ~ords) ,fZNando minimi;iftuftciftu.fatrihtu meu,fe,·ifii; &mihi: Ar~du mimm~; (fatth he) & contemnis, Thou hearellthey be thehafepeople, the minims of rh.:: world, and thou fecrell: thy foot on them; ufudi & .fatrihr«, Tak;this with thee too,.rhatthcybe CH R l s T's ·brethren,thoukadell:: Etmihicrede, nonejlminimtt glortahomm minimommfa!m,And truft me, nopoorc prai(e to protect this poore llocke, but a htghfemce1t1s, and !hall be htghly rewarded. CH R 1 , Twill take and reward it, as done ro Himfdfe in perfon. · Sicfut Oves !landeth do,ubtf~ll in the rerre. andmay be referred either ra the man- Sicu; ouu. ner o [MJ· h h rr: 1 '' ' l lk 'fb zng, t us; 'T ou leadeff like.1oeepe: Or, totheper(onsled,rhus;'T!.ypeo. 1' e, rfel eepe. Therewnoucheditbefore, inDuxiffi, in every of the foure inanmrso eadrn"- andh k · · · · h h 1 1 · l fc ' "'' . erenowweta ettlnagatne, wu t epeop e, tow1omttmay Javere crence. Andindecd,thcreis noterrne, rhatthe HoLY GHosT more B b ~ often