Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

, I 'The [econd S E RM o N . - often fenderh for (than this ofHisjloike) to expreffe His people by,for, inthe eilate of ajlockerhey may bell: fee themfelves. As_here iris added relpechvely to D*xij/i to lerrhcm fe~, both whatinrere!l: they have inir, and whaq~cd they have of it. i meane ofGovernment. Fir!l:, as a note o'f difference betwcenevfmmi andLo-ammi: ThyPeople, and the People : Go o.s People, andftrangechi~drtn: -Every People is not Sicttt Ovu; nor every one among the People. There IS aPeople (as the Pfalmift fpcakes) s;. CJII Equus & t.M"I"', like the unearned Horfe or Mule, JNwhom is no underftanding.: And among the people, there be roo many fuch. Surely, by nature we are all to: I•b u,u, wildc and unbroken, as the .Affi-colt (faith Job.) Which wildendfe of nature when they are untaught, and taught tofubmitthcmfelves ro government; robecom~gentlc and eafieto be led, Sicut Ovts, led to feeding, led tojhe41'ing, to feed rho(e that feed rhem ; ,rraCl:able of nature, and profitable of yceld : Ir is a good degree and a great worke is performed on the{II. For,by it, as by the firll fieppe, they become Go os people. For, His people popultu jimt oves, andthey that are not His, are poptdtu Jiwt f/irci, a people like Hce-Goats, in nature inrraCl:able, in ufe un– ferviceablc. -~ Now, beingHis people, they COI\le to have an intere!l: in Duxifli, rh~ 6entjr; For,pop 11 ltu Jicutovesmuft be led gently~ but populmjimt htmmull: bedr~venforcibly. Dttxifli 1s not for both:Jus:qmv1lege. Andtfthere be "?Y retame their wildc nature, or degenerate fromjheepc mtogoats (as dtvers doe dally:) for them, vfaronhath a rod to feverthem from the fold, bycen(ureof thechurch. And if ~hat will nor.ferve, Jno{es ~1ath a.nother, which he can turneinto a Serpentandjlin~ them : Yea, tfnced fa requtre, fimgthem to death, by the p6werfecular. For N<. chahisleading,and(thefound remaining) Nacah is fruiting; and a nece!faryufe of borh. Theone,forthy people, li~ejheepe, who will be led; the other fortheftr<nge children!tkc goats, who W!ll not fttrre a foot, further than they be forced. And this is rhe inter eft. , Bur now againe, when they be brought thus farre, to belikejheepe; they are but like (/mpc, though: that is, a1veake and IIIHI!i{e catte!l, farre-unable ro guide them– 'fe!ves. Which lheweth·them their needof good govemmem,_,and though theybe the people of Go o, yet that Mofesand Aaronbe not fuperlhfous. For, a feeble poorc bcaft (wee ail know) a jheepe is; of little or no fireogth for refi!l:ance in the world, and therefore in danger to be preyed on by every Wolfe. And, as of little flrength,[o of little reach. None fo ealilyfirayeth of itfelfe; None is foealily lea M''-'PJ,>i· awry by others. Every !l:range whi!l:le maketh thejheepr; Every .Eccehicmakeththe people ca£l up their peads, as iffome great matter werein hand. Thcfenvo defa<Js doe mainly enforce thenecellitie of 3. Leader•. For, they that w~nt fight (as blinde-men) and they that wanrftrength (as little children) fiirre not without great peril!, except they' have one to leadthem. And both thefe wants are inJlmpe, and in rhepeople too. Ifthen theybejiwt oves, likejheepe : What is both their wifdome l SuretQbe in the unitie ofa flocke; andwharistheirjlrcngth .i' Truly, to beimdeqhc conduct cfa Shepherd; In thefe two is their fafetie. For, if either they tingle themfelves and !l:ray from the fold; or if they be afold, and yet want ajl1epherd; none more mifcrablc than they. Andindeed, in the Ho L Y GHosT's phrafe,it is rhe ordi· Eroy !J.G. nary note of a private mans rnifery, ro be r ,mq11am ovi< erratica, as a flrayjlmpe ~hoth_ 9 3 6 • from the jlocke; and of the mifery of every Ell:ate polirike, to be TAnq11am grex 4bfq"e Paf/ore, as a flocke without a shepherd. Therefore,guiding they need: both Zoch,••·7· the Jlajfe o( tmitie .(Bands) to reduce them from firaying, and the flaffi oforder (Beautie) eo lead them fo reduced. And would Go o they would fee their owne feebleneffe and lhallownelfe, and learne to acknowledge the abfolute necellitieof TJuifti (iell.t · OviL DuffifomtM /icul OVtJ . . this bendit; in all dutie receiving it, in all humilirie praying for the continuance of it, that Go o bre;ikenot the fold, and fmite 001; tl}e Shepherd, forthejlockutt~ tb•nkefuln~f[e.