Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in L E N T; B t ,_h~nds 0 r Ju~rd and.<!arm.] This part of the verfe that is behinde and Th< founh J no ~ ~· . h h" b fi . ' !'arc · containerhtheMeanesbywhom Go.o convetghct t IS ene rroHtspeople;had p,," 111 .. 111 _ h d fe bur might well have beene left our, and the verfe ended atpopul"m tt<um, Mofis & if [~~thor alien.tpotenti.t perditjiwN] had beene ? o o'' rule. For, H: needed Aarorul. nome 4 nes, but immediately from Hunfdfe,fine mamh~t<, could haveconvetghe~ ir; ·rh ut any hands (fave thofe that made us; that 1s, H1s alm1ghty power 1 but) wuhWl 0 meor handorjl·efh; without Mofes or AAron, without menor Angeli, ·Bee out any ar 'l 1" d A d , . ..· fi ·Ji · '" · H d"d r ble ( Himfdfe) to havcle us: n a;mnctp10 mt tq ror a time, e 1 w; bf~imfelfc immediately, and o~ His ownc abfolutc fovera1gnty; held He court in the beginning and proceeded agamll: <.Adam, Eve, Cam, the~ld World; and there was none joy~ed In commiffiod with Him. He only was our King of old (faith the J'(almifl:) and for a [pace, the jilflice that .vmdone11n eArth,He dtdtt Htm(elfe. And Pf•LH.i>." as He held Court before all, fo will He alfo hold oneafr~r all. Venut, Vemetqutma1~ judi&ata rej11dicabit dies: There will come a ~ay, thereIS~ day commmg,whereut·· all evill judged cafes !hallbe Judged over agame•. To whtch all Appe4les lye, even from the dayes ofaf.flillion in this world (as fomeumes they be) ro the day ofJudge~ m~~~~iliroro~ . . This dhte ofguiding being wh_olly ~vened in Him, therehem~but one G do andone Guide, He would nor keepe 1t unto Htmfelfe alone, as He m1ghr,bum pleafed Him to fendMofes Hisfervant, and Aaron, whom He hadchofen, eo affociare them PfJ!.lop 6. to Hirrtfelfe,in theCommifio»of leading, and ro makehominem homini DetHn; One man aGuideandgodeo another. And thofe, whom Hee thUs honourerh, ' Firll:, the Prophet calleth Go o 's Ptr manum, hands, bywhomHe!eadeth us: • and fecondly tellcrh us, who they be ;Mo[es and I.Aaron. · Go n's hands they l:ie: For that; by them He reacheth unto us i>uxiJti,and in ir; Jl.eligion, andcounfell, and juJlice, andvitlory, and whatfoeve_r elfe IS good. He {endeth His Wordto Mofesftrft, andby hsm (as 1t werc;thorow hiS hand) Hi< jfatutes and Pf,l.loJ-1; ordinances unto all Ifrael. . . And not good things only;but (ifthey fo deferve) fometimes c•;iil alfo.For as, ifthey btvenuous (fuchasMo{es and Aaton) they bechegoodhandof Go o for our benelir,fuch as was uponEzra : [o, if.rhey be evill (fuch asCa!aat and Salaam) they be theheavie IMnd of Go D for our chafiifement, fuch as was upon lob. Burrhc handof Go I> they be both. And a cerraine refembbnce there is betweene rhis government and thehand: For, as we fee thehandit felfc parted into diversfingers, and thofe again~ into fundry joynts, for the more convenient and fpeedie fervicc thereof; fo is theell:ate ofgovernment, for cafe and expedition, branched into the middle0 flices, and they againdas fingers) into orhers u1,1der them. But the very meanefi ofthem all, is ajop:t offome finger ofthis handofGo D. Nazianzen (Ipea~ kmg ofRukrs, as ofthe Im•guofGoo)Compareth the Highefi,to piCtures drawne c~eane thorow, even to the feet: the middle fort; to halfe piCtures drawne but tothe ~·rdle : the m~anefi, to the lcffer forr of piCtures dtawne but to the nccke or !hou)~ dcrs. But all, mfamedegree, carry the Image of G o o, . . O.utof \Vhieh rerme (ofrbeh•nds of G o o) rhe people firll are taught their du-· tle ;foto efieemeofrhem, as of Goo'' owneha11ds: That as Goo rulerh rhem by theh.nds ofMofes and AArbn(that is) by their minijlery; !o c..Moj(s andvfaron rule • :hem~y the haNds ofG? ~ (that is) by His d11thoritie. It i~ His name, they weare; ltlsH1s feat, they fit ui ;it 1s the rodof Gb o, that is in Nofes ;md Aarons hands. If ~efall~o~ne before rhem, it is He rhar is hon9uied,ifwe rife up againll: them, it is h ethans tn)ured: and that Peitaviin CtElum, elf iniemull: be our confefilon, againjf L•~e •i.arc eav•n,andth,m; but firl~, againll: Heav€n and GaD Himfdfe wheri we commit . any contempt againll: Mofes or .Jaron.. . . . '. . th 1 H'. And theRN!ers have their. leffon too. Fit!f Tliat if tlicy be Go o's hi?rds, m ms·· · ' · "d . Plttt 1sto open and !hat rhem,firetch rhem our, anddrawthemm, wholly togw eand governe them l as the hand ofman is guided and governed by the Spirit B b j that