The Jecond S E R M o N --------~------------~------------------------------ that is in man. Heavenly and divine had thofe hands need be, which arc to be the tReg.ti·4• hands,and to worke theworkeof Go n. · z Againe, they be not only hands, but mamu per quam (that is) handsinaa 11 • Not to be wrapped up in foft furre, but by which an actuall dutie of leading is to b~ 1 performed. <.Mofes owne hand (in thefourth of Exodm) when he had lodged it in his wanne hofome, /,ecame leprom; but being firet<:hed out, recovered againe. Hands in atlu then they mufi be -: not loofely hanging downe, or folded together in idle– neffe ; but firetched out : not on!y to point others, but themfelves to be formoll in the execution ofevery good worke. ' 3 Thirdly, <.Manm per quam ducrmtur: That is, as not the leprom hand of <.Mofes, fo neither the withered hand of Ierohoam firetched it felfe out againlt Go n, by miC.leadingHis people, and making them to linne. Leadingbackeagaine into JEgypt (a thing exprelfely forbidden) either to the opprellion and bondage ofJEgypt; or to the ignorance and falfe worlhtp of lEgypt, from whence <.M0• {es had led them. For as they be nor emire bodies :of themfelves, bur hands. and that not their owne, but Go n's: fo, the People they led, are not theirowne' but His, and byHim, and to Him to bee led and directed. So much for G 0 n'; /,ands. , M•fisand This Honourable title (of the hand of Go n ) is hete given to two parries ' .Aru••· U11ofes and <../.faron, in regard of two di!hnct duties performed by them. y~ heard , how wee faid before, The people of G o n were like f/!tepe, in refpect of a double want: ' want ofJlrength by meanes of their fceblenejfe, • and want of skill by meanes of their fimplenejJe. for mis double want here commeth l dottble fupply, from the hand, ' ofjlrength, and • oflunning: For, boththde · are in the hand. · . 1 ![ is, of all members, the chiefe inmight; as appeareth by the diverlitic of Pfll.>o,6, ufes and Cervices, it is put to. In Potentati~m dextt£ (faith the Prophet.) z And fewndly, it is alfo the partofgreatell crmning; as appeareth by theVl· rrnJ 7 s. 7 •• rietie oftheworkes, which it yceldeth, by the pen, the penci/t, theneedle, and inflmI'Cll.•J7·5· ments gfmlljicke. Inintelte811 mammm (faith the Pjalmiff, intheendofthencxt Pfalme: and let my right handforget her cunning.) . This handof Go n then, byHisj/rength affordethproteBimto the feebte,elfo .ofthe flock: and againe by hisskill affordethdireaion to thefimplenejfeofthe flocke. And thefe are the two fubfiamiall parrs of all leading. 'fhefe twainc (as twoarmes)did Gon appoint in the wildernelfe,to /eadHispeo;' pie by. Afterward, over thefe twaine did He yet fet another, even the power and 'x s,m,>P7· aurhoritieRegall,inplace oftheHead(as Himfelfe termeth it;) and to it, asfupreme, united the regiment of both. The ·conlideration of which Puwer, I meddle not with (as being not within the compalfe ofthis verfe) but only with the hands ofre– giments EcclefiaJiicall and Civil!. Which (asthetwo chembims did the Arke) over- • Chron. 19.6. fpreadand preferve everyefiate. One (faith Iehofaphat) difpenling Res Je hov£, the · L oR n'sbufinejfe; the other dealing in negotio regzs,the affairesofEjlate. One (faidi • c hmn., 9.u. David) intending theworjhip ofthe Tribes; the other, theThrunes forjuflice. One ~~~~;:.:;~· <faith Pattl)beingfor us_in-nl <>e)<esav,things pertaining to Gon;the other in""''""".. ~ 1 Cor.q. 1 • matters ofth1s prefent hfe. The one Pro am, the other ProfoctJ, as the very Heathen acknowledge. · . , Thefetwo are thehands, necelfaryto the body, and necelfary each to other. Fitfi, they be(both) hands: and the hands (wee know) arepaires. Not c.Mofesthe hand, andA•ron the foot; but either, and each the hand. And as they be a payreof Ef•y ·~·] hands, fo be they alfo apayre ofbrethren. Not Mofes deprimu, and Aaron de mvifi– ,;.,populi; Not MofesrhNJead, <lnd Aaronthe tai!e : Not Mofes a~;. (as Saint Hierome fpcaketh, out ofthe two and twenneth ofEfay) and .daronaquafi qutt; bur, both ofone parentage, both one mans children. . · 2. Secondly, being (both) hands, neither of them is fuperfluous,; nomore to be