28-4 The Jecond SE R M o N --~------------~--------------------------------~------- 1 Sam.s1.17· sTim.J.8. Iude ~- Debita legalia, duties ofParliament andcommon Larv, by his Debitamoralia, duties of con(cienceandDivinitie. And whatfoever actionMofes cloth imp,rifon, Aaronimpri– foncth all the thoughts any wayesacce!fary t:o the aetion. Which thoughts ifthey may run atlibertie, the a6tion will furely be bayled, or makeanefcape, and not be long kept in durance. And fo many wayes cloth .d.~ronfupportand makebothmorc eajie; and morejleadie, thehandsof Mo(es. . And Mo(es (for his part) is not behind; but amofijealor#preferver ofAaron's honour and right every where. Every wheremilde,j";tve in A47on's quarrel!, and with thofc onely, that murmured againfi AarDII, and l'aidhe tooke too much upon him. Take but his prayer for all ( becaufe I would end; ) his prayer made for Aaronby name (in the33· Deut.) and thefethree pointsiri it: Blelfe, o Lord, hio fubffance: therefore he would never have heard; Yt quidperditifl h.ec r that all is loft that is fpenr onAaron'shead. Then, Accept the worke of hio hands: therefore he would never eafily have excepted to, or with a hard conftruction skanned all the doings of Aaron. Lafi of all, Smite thororv theloynes ofthem that rife up againjl him: therefore he would never have !hengthenedthe hand ofhis c:vill willers, or faid (withSaul to Doeg) Ttfrne thoreandfall upon the Priejls. To conclude, MofesandAarsn (both) have enemies: as.AarmhathCoreltand Dathan, that repine at him; fo hathUWo[es (too) lannes and lambres, that would withfiand him. And he that at one nme d1fputes about the body of Aaron, may alfo hereafter (for he hath doneit heretofore) difpute about the b-odie ofUWofes. It is good therefore, they be refpective each to other: AaronhdpeUWofes in his lot. andMa{es,Aaron in hi.s; that they fiand in thegap one for another; that fo, their uni: tie may be /;and in hand, as theunitie~1brethren, firong and hard to breake, "' th1 6arres of 11 Palace. . . The L o R v, by whole Alm1ghne power all governments doe !~and· thofe cfpeciallywherein the people are ledin the way of Hio SanE111ary; as He hath'graci– ouily begun to leadus in that way, fo leave us not, till wee have finilhed our courfe with joy. Knit thehearrs ofMofes andAaron, that they may joyne lovingly : Teach their hands, and fingers oftheir hands, that they IMdskilfi•Uy : Touchthe·heotrts of thepeople, that they maybe ledwiHingly : that, bymeanes of this happie con– duct, furely without errour, and fafely without danger we may leAdand ' be led forward, till we come to the fruition of His promife, the eK:' pectation ofour ble!fed hope even the eternal! joyc:s of His celefiiall Kingdome, through I " s u ~ C H R r s T our L o R n, :roWhom,&•~ -- (*~*) lASER~