A SERMON PREACHED BEFOR£ QYEENE ELIZABETH,AT Saint lA M E.s's, On VVednekfay, being the XXX. of March,Au.'Dom. MDx c·ttt. • I, MARKE C/_lap.XIV. Verf.IV. V. Vl. -· Erant aute_n1 quidam indigne ferentes intra femet,ipfcis, & dicentes;V t quid perdHio iil:a unguenti..facta eft~&c. Th~reforefome difdeignedamonzthemfelves, andfaidz~~ha~ end is thuwafte of ointment 7 For, itmight have beehe foldfor more than th,ree hundred pence; andbeenegi')len to thepoorc; tU!ndtheygrudgf~ again~~~r; 'But I E sus foid: Let her alone ' why trouble j ·e·her l Shihath rvrought agoodworf<t on Mee. ' ''. ' ~:i. "'' - 1-.j ' · ·'' I Sacrion.ofwafit,_(which by[Ome is brought ~ and,by C " R r s T our S " v t ou R ,ttav.erfeclj wasagainfi a wdman(faith Saint Marke,theverfe before:) which woman .(as Sainrlonnhath.ir, .l ·X I. Ver[.2.) was Mary Magdalen; now a Saint in heaven, fometime, agrievous upon ean~. . Saint LA'ttguftine noteth; O.f·a.U thofe rhat foughtro Ca.R i .s ·r,Shewa~theonelyjinner, that for linne·only, and for-no bodily gtiefe or mala:dy atall, fue'dand fought eo Him.Ofwhom being received to grace, and obtaining aqteietu.s . . eft. for her many finnes {a benefitinelHmah:ilc; Et quodnemoft11, nifi amperit,whi~:hthey onely know, and none but they, that havere• 'eived . •