Pri:ached in E E NT. OF the tongue, the l'(almift faith; it is the heft member we have (Pfal. i o8. r.J and t; Saint lames (Chizp.3.6.) it istheworff, andthatlt marrethalltherelt The na- iuJ.uMDtinit; ture ofthetongue (thus being both goodandbad) maketh, that our fpeech is of the i The fp<et~: fame complexion, Goodand bizdlikewife. Whereofthis fpee~h, ~here) is a pregnant ~~J~dP<: example. Good infubfiance, as Ithall thewprefemly: Ev1ll, mc1rtumfrance(as we iJJa!l afterward fee) as neither well meant, nor well applied. . , In the !Jeech, I commend two good things .: • The Abufenoted, rt quid, &c•' • Ther(e fetdowJ;Je, Potuit, &c. Notonely the Defect; Notthuswajled: but, the Provilion how; Turnedinto money; iznddiflributedto thepoore. . , We begin with the firfr: Vt quidperditio,&eSure!y agood fpeech,arid ofgood ufe, and to be retained, .Religion and Rea[on (both)teach us, in all things, to regard both .QJ9d, and Vt quid: No ldfe towhat end, we doe, we doe: And both ofthemcenfure, Not only what is done to anevil/ end,wi~kedly; but, what is done . , to n9 end, vainly• .f2t<emfrutlum,Whatftuit (faith Saint Paul) Agood quelHon: and,, Rom.G.u~ ifit have none, Vt qt<idterram ocmpat, why troubleth it theground l (faith CHu sT.) Luke , 1.~. So that ReligioNalloweth not rMfle; cenfureth idlenelfe; and in all things calleth us to our Vtquidh.,_c? . . . . . • . And this, as mail thmgs (mwafle~( ttme,.waflewords, addle quelhons : ) foyet chielly,in that which we call Bont~m utt!e. The very goodneffe _of':l'hich things is,in rheirufe; and they, no longer gsod, than they have anufo, wh1ch 1f t~ey lofe, they ceafe to be good. So that mthem, hot onelytho!i: thmgs that are m1f-fpenr upon wicked ufes; but, even thofe alfo that are idlely fpent to no ufe, they are l<:>fr, lavifhed,and no good commeih of theni; And therefore in them, Vt tj11idperdlfio, in~ . deed~ is well faid. This they learned of CH a ' s T Himfelfe: who in thegathe- Io!in6;r~; ring ofthe hrol:mmeat, gavecharge,ut ne_quidpe~datur,that now,,Jfc lhould bem;tde. Indeed, n quidperdrtrouUa1 whereto, either this or anywafleatall ~ So that, Rdigionis an enemie to riot; and goodhtisb4ndry is goodDivinitie. · It is Go o's will, that, of our goods luflitill comilufit, ltifliie lliould bePur_; veyour;and they rightly gotten: Temperantia promm; t'emperance the StewArd; and they,not wafrefully fpent.Confequently,Neitherwa.fle,ighuying: but (as CHRIST) i ,.•, )(!..,_, ··-x.opJ,J; ( Not~••xpii.,, but ~.,'XI,.;.,; Not, whereof we may have ufo, bur, i:ohn ,3.,~; whereofwe haveneed, and cannot be without it.) ,, . Neitherwa.fle inJPending: ·o,.,,,~-'r., adiffm(ation,not a dillipation; alaying forth;' :& not ~"""'P""'-'l,, a calhng away; a wary fowwg, not a heedlelfe Ccatte,ring; and a fowmg xuri, ·,~"'"' handful5;not by basketfuls (as theHeathen man well faid.) . Neithwvaffeingiving; Not,making xaenus, "'P'J,, the Graces (which be Vir: j gms) not profriruring t{lem and making them common; but (astheAfoJI/es rule is) ,,,6bn >s i(p?ui:-x.•.Mneedjha/1require. So rhar, to all, to needleffe /;:ying out, to fuper- A~ s.+f; Jlu~ru expence,tounnmf!ary largtjfe,Vt quidperditio I niay befaid.The reafon whereof's well fer downe: That, if wee wafre it inneedlef!e expences, wee thall not have en~1ugh for nerejfary charges: Ifwelavith out lnwaf/zng, wethallleave but littlefor ;;. domg. _Whe~eof, ourtimes doe yeeld plenteous tefiimonie : In which, bals wajlqwh1ch bemg a fubject, makes afe4Jf ltke aKing; rhe Afyri4nt wafle, U:~m.•q6: erery m~aneperfon,_inappare/l, lzke t~ydung Prmce; E{amwa.fle, in carrymg a retinue Gen.H ' · , 0 fonre hnndredat h1s heeles; Shallsimt wajle, ininclofing bur folvis in Cedar,and lif- ler. ~·.!(, > ~':g ;J. 'i'late on high: (Once for all, Jprotefr, and defire it may be gracioully ree~v f. ' 1 oe no:, fo much as in thought, once ayme at the efrareof the Highefr, ;:' 0 eg 0.rvfJ wlfhtomarch,yea, tofurpalfe Salomoninall his royaltie: but) This , Jotous mt · pending, where no {\f[ed is, hath eaten up our chriffiAn bc:frowing, where