-~ :Theptr{on• that fpeakc. Sornto{,btrJI. !t~!·l4··6~ !tanh.au. The third S t iu.t o .N where need is. Le!fewafte we mull have, ifwe will have moregood worlw. It is tru. lycalledperditio : It is the loffe and deflmc1ion of ali our good deeds; and I pray a 0 b, it be not alfo, ofourrervardforthem. ' rt quidperditio, is afault: But, ut quid.perditio h«c, is a greater. For[h.ec] wan. teth not his emphajis;but is, as ifhe fhould fay :1fthe fumme had beenelirrle,onhe yaluelmall, it might havebeencborne: if twenty or th:rtypen<e, tt mtght have beene winked at: Bur, ifitcomconce into the hrmdreds ; fo great afumme,fo much iveri· ly,it may not·, it ought liot to befuffered; . Thus much for Perditi~, the l'dlewa.fte,the abufe. Now followcth Itcdas plot,the ufe he wilheth it pur tellFor firft,he maketh a perfecc valuation and cltimate ofwhat it would rife to; (and it may feemc ftrange how heihould bcfo ski!full an Auditout ofthe price of rich ointments; j3ut, he bit it well; for, fo(faithPliny) the belt Nar. d110 was fo worth:) And that is amateriall point. For, thegreaterrhe fumme, the more colour ofcomplaint; Vt quidperditio ulla; but fpecially ,11tquidperditio h.ec :m– guenti, of fo rich an ointment~ Then, from his audit, he commethto his Metion, Potuit vendi, &c. Sale to be made, the money robedivided, andthepoore to be rdee– ved. This is his Supplication : and, rhis fecond is bertenhan the fonner. Indeed, ut quidperditio, may be the fpcech ofaNiggdrd: Bur this fecond that followcth, can. hot but proceed from a liberall minde, l'otuit vendi, &c. In that He fpeaketh ~or, ro have it fpared;but to have tt converted robetter ufes: And,this IS a blelfed conjunC\i– on, when honell:, (paring and charitablerelieving; whenft~<galitie and libera!itit goe together. Such is this Motion: whereto no ,man can rake exception. Naturally, our bowels yerne, and we have an inward compaffion,at themifery ofour brethren: and, Go o', Lawwillerh not to hide our felves from ourowne flefh, bur, when we have ferved our need, ro give to rhe poore. The motion rhen, is both frugalland charitable : and befides, ifwelooke more narrowly it}to it, thereappeareth great zeale in it. All wafte things, he wilheth, the poore had. Yea, lt feemerb, he reckonerb it wafte, rhatthe poore is not the better for: thar, to be mif.fpenr, that might be better fpmt,and is nor.And very exaccly driveth to this point: That our goods may goe, not, rofDme end; norro fomegoudend; bur, to the verybeft endof all, Th~re!iefe of thepoore. , Sure, when l confider thefobrie. tie, bountie,zealeofthe fpeech,l rhinke,manywife heads could nor in fo few words, have contrived aberrer or more pithy motion : That that which is otherwife lavi– lhed upon one, may be imployed to rhe benefit ofmany: that rhefe fo manybun– dreds may be beftowed rather in nourifoment, than inointment; rather on neceffary reliefe, than upon needleffe delight: rarber on a cominuall good,than on a rranfitory [mell: rather, that many hungry belliesji/led,rhantbat oneheadanl'lointed. Sure,how· foever it'was meant, or applyed,rhe fprech (initfelfeconiidered) is to very good purpofe: even Itcd.u fpeech, without Itcdas application. . V! ebe nowto enquire, of'theper[on, bywhom ; and afrer,ofrhe intent, where; With tt was fpoken. . We are naturally carried, of agoodfpecch to enquire theauthor: partly, in an hone(! inclination (as Salomon faith) to kijfe the lips of him that anfwmth upright words: Part!~, becaufe it is am:merofimporrance, not only to weigh quiddicatttr, bur alfo qt~ts dzcat, TeP@' •·~ a..~.,;;,,,,.,.@-,·,>o"l'®-: many times, we be more per– fwaded with the mindeofthefleake~, than with the body ofrhe Jleech; and their l'o.{l· tions move hot fo much, as doe thetr Dif}ojitiom. It is verymateriall,in all (and fo, 10 · this)ro aske, qui; hie loquitur f For, who can choofe, but fpeake all good of the fpeech ~ Surely, if wee had nor beenerold othcrwife, Zelot,e vocem, wee muft needs have thought ir,to have beeneSimen Zelotes. Zelot,e vocemput.u, I[cariot<t eft: One would imagine; it was Simon the Ze/oHO: It is [)Qt fo, it was I"das the Coveto~tt. Stme ofthmJ (faithSaint0'larke:) ofHu;piftiples (faithSaintMnukew:) and · , namelY,