Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Pmtchedin LE NT• ame ly It~dta (f.1ithSr,jvlm) who firft llood up,and tooke this exce_ption. and afrer n . . d d b h' r {j b , ' !oh t> 1· him/~m~others. So that, 1t was It< d5; an , y. 1s pcnwa 10n, Some elides: For,if he had not fiirred, they '~oul·d have takemt well enough zSuch IS the danger of fini: . fierfpeeches. Let us begmWith It~d.u. . . . And here firfi webegm fomewhat tofufpecr, ~hat1tcommerh from Iud.u.Ired&; . ·c · ell knowne what hee 'yas. Atthatverymlbnt,thatthlsVtquzdwasinhis 1 15u~ his fino-ers were inchrijls coffers;and one might have faiditto him, Pt q~<id; &~. And for"all he fpake again(bvajle, he wafted and mad~ havocke .of his Malters ds . And alittle after, he m1ght have beene charged, wnh aworfematter: And goo . h h h . ) ·t· , ·et,heprefenesmotiol'ls. CHRisT rellech us;w at . ewas (lo .n I7_.12. Ftttuper- ~iiiom5 ,. and this termemarrethall; that thechtlde of perdllton ihould findefaulc withperdition. The cafe is like,when they,that have wafted many pounds,complaine of that penny wafl:e which is done on CH R r 51'S body,the Chr:rch. C?r,when chey, that in their whole dealmgs (all the world fees)arc un-reformed,fenoufly con[ulr, how to reforme thechurch. When they, that doe no good with their owne, deviCe what good m1y be done with Mory ~agdalens: they, that havefpenr and fold and confumedthemfelves,and never m theuwhole hves f11ewed any regard ofthe poore when theytalkeof charicableufes, odo/or! (CaithAt~grUlitu) ~ tulerit? (faith the Poet.) rt quid p~rditio? doth bur evil! fit thm mourhes. God helpe us,whenl~<dd mull: reforme Mary Magdalen. This, is a griefe: would, this alone. Buc,a greater grie~e it is to fee, how he is matched in this complaint: Thar,in this murmuring, fome other ; divers well difpo– fed and of the better.fort of C n R I s T s Difciplesjoyne vvith him, and taRe part againll: ~tary r..Magdat:n. Who, rather earned With the_ff'ecch; than heedingt~e Speaker, were drawen mto the foc1et1e of the fame rep1nmg. And tlus (fure) 1s Scandl.lum magnum, whenevill com1fell meeceth with eafie bdeefe,and fubtiltie fin– deth credulitie. When the P!Jarifees can perfwade Iohns Difciples ro mufl:er with them, :md fay, Why doe wet andJohns Difciples f41 ? whom you cannot buc fay; ar~ Marke z. ,ii. good men, whatfoever. you thinkeof us, Wheni11dtacan fay: Whydoel, and C H R t s T s owne Difciples reprove this~ So is it with us; Nor, to fee homi~ nes perdit~s tpteri de perditiine, them fpeake of wafl:e, that have wafted themielves; (for, that might bee digefl:~d: ) but;to feegraveand good men erre the fame errour, and draw in the fame liriewith them. But (no doubt) that which carried thefe here, leadeththem too,Prettnces : that,which was able to deceive CH R I s T s Difciples; peceiveth them coo. And, this is the difference : That the Di(ciples, in a good meaning, went with him, becaufe they faw; hec faidwell• Butittd.u;uponagreedie covetous minde, to have his owne turne ferved • For, cui bono? if it had come to the poore, who ihould have had the difl:ribution ~ It was ~is office : fo that it may be, he fpake for himfelfe. Which did plainly appeare by the iffi1e. For, upon better information given byChrifl, the Difciples were anfwered, and remained comenq l~ut Ittd.u grew enraged, and fell from evill to worfe; from covetife, to malice; from facrilegc, torreafon :Even to this dangerous refolution,Pendere nardum, oc 1 (1fnot) Pendere chrijlmn; and· ~ofu)werc him, that he might not [poile. Forall the world as Come in ourtimc, chat fought helpeof auchoritie,while they l1ad hope,that ~v:tyto preva!le: but,when chat came nor;lince,begin ro hold,they willand niay doe 1t, withour fray for aurhoritie; andfeeke to fubvert the State, they cannot forme to thetr phanfie. My hope js, and fo is myprayer; That thofe which have hitherco beene. carried witht~eirplots ~ndpretences, now they be cnformed and fee the r 1 ruth1s,may doe~as the Dif£iples) leaveIt~dM in hismr~rm11ring,and let Mnry Magdaenbe qu1et. . . dr That whkh we !earne of this part, is: i.. From Ittd.u; that agoodfpeec~may i oppe.out of an ev1ll111outh. As (fi1re)femng afidethatthe hands bee E[a11 s, the Gen,a 7 ..,;: vGomml~htbecome lacob well enough. This infl:rucrion we havefrom Iqdan It was · · odsllh · · "'"b' A d Wl , t at even bee f!Jould preach andwe learnc fome good leuons . Yh1m, n > tll!Sweemaylearne: 1'hat,Now#eistobemade :Alidif welearne•t, even . Cc he