Ich.ll·fO· Luk.Jg.:r.:.. frov.t4.t5. 'the thirdS E R M 0 N he flull co.opcrate to ourgood. And,as from him we luvethis fpeech for our Otcon•. "'"; fo, from Caiaphas (as bad as he) we haveanorher full as good, for ourPolicie. That fpecch ( which St. :Bernardcanneverenoughcommend:) MeliuJeflt~tpere.1 ttmu quam rmitd<. Botli, evill meant (I gram: ) but,borh well fpoken,where their place IS~ So, it pleafeth Goo, rhat we lhould heare His wifedomqufltjied(nocon. ly our ofthe mouth of herowne children; but) even out of the mourhes of thechit. dren of folly. That he might condemne evill things,even by evil! men: and evill men, non ex orej uo,n.or from His ownc;but from their own mouthes ; and fo their condem. nation be jufr. .. From the Difciples too eafie beleefe, welearne Creditomni verGo, not to trua phrafes and oyled lpeeches too fafr : Never, by the !ill:, to concludeofthec!orh, Seeing, not onely Vafa elec1ionr5, but filii perditi~nr5, Gty well. Bur, 1f wee heare much adoe about n qmdperditio, to ll:ay and thinke; May nonhis bee Iud.uthar fpeaketh now, as once ir was~ And 1f it bee, to fufpecr, when he fpeakcs well. Of this all"uring our felves(what St. Pat~ltellerh us of f<dly;) thar, not only .Mar1 Magdalen !hall be reformed,and her Ointment maligned, and the poore oppofed,bur even CH R 1 n Himfelfepreached, o6tentu, rmderpretence~ Therefore,it ll:andech us in hand, rolookc to theDi{pofttion, as well as the Pojition .-and not to run head-long, to fay fl:raight Vt quid, as fall: as they. Somuch forthcSpeaker; 5 With the Per{on by whom, weepropoundtheaffi.:1ian; wherewith it isfp 0 ; The af!dlicn ken. For, as the Perfon is a prefumption .-So, if this can bee had, it makctha who•cwuh " full evidence; And that is,in thefe words, dl"'ixln"' 0. "'"r:..!; that he thot~ght tm~eh with WlJ fpoken. h . / ' ll'. IndigtU brtn~ zm t J l• . . . . tes,& intra[< The fpeech, for thepoort(lf 1t be kindly) doth naturally come from the com~ ""'"'"· paflion ofcharitie,alid not from thegmdgi21gofa greedie defire; as this is fa id to do. And fo fuould we have conceived of this ; that, from the careofthepoore(no doubt:) but that, the Spirit of Goo makctha window in his brell:, and lets us fee the fccrers of his heart, and rellech us, it was not the care of thko 0 re ;Non, quiapertine6at at! Iolin h.G, J 6 b fi b fc h ' ' d eumaepattperi tu, Jt, quia Hr erat, ecau e eoaret eoagge, an cooke order, it ihould never bee over heavie, but that heemightwell beare it ;and thought all coo much that \Vent befide it. · Which, is a point ofgrearufe to be underfiood. It isone ofthemyfleries ofini~ qt~itie, thar,ever there be two~ia'sbelonging to bad purpofes (as St. Markefaith : ), 1 On~, <1 iw]'Ou, within, in heart : • the other, ' '"'7", without,in fpeech. Another quia, they thinkc in their hearts; and another, theyJPeake in o11rrares; which is thenonquia. ·'The one,a true cat~fcinwardly intended: • The other,onlyacolo11r, outwardly pre– tended. As, in this : th~ rruequia(C.ta,]o")a wretched humour to provide for him– felfe :The pretenced qreia; (''"'1") acharitable affection to provide forrhepoort. All Iohn u , 9_ fins have fo. Mrendtu fequitur Eum,the true caufe (envieC.iw7o";) but, they toldano· John " ..• s. ther qr1ia; (A>!;pti(«) Venient Romani,the[aferyofthe Star~. Heredwould learne where 1'>4tdu.• 6 · 8 ·• hernightfindeCH R i • T; rhecaufe(indeed)tomurtherhtm;thecaufe (infuew), toworjhipHim. . · . '•:r•fi. It is no n~w thing but common and ufuall, in all exceptions to Religioo, the true caufe is d)<mlx1'"'' a thinking all too much; a thinking, all isperditio, all loft that coinmeth not to us, that we gaine not by. Wefee, it was the true reafon, the rnen of Sr.: hemmade among themfelves, why they would become of Iaco6s Rehgt• Gen.Jf.!i· on, and becircumcifed: 'l{gnneomma 1"4 hahent, noftraerunt? Shallnot allthey have bee ours .P It was the very reafon, whereby Haman went about to perfwadev.fha. ilner 3. 9• freerm to fupprdfe the !ewes Religion: Let it be done, and I willweigh [o many thotl• fands to the Kings coffers, And, in the New Teframenr, it was the very reafon, Ai\.> 9 .,$. Demttriru rhereufeth: 0, crieforDiana, 0l1agnijiehcr, ~iaindeno6iseritacqNifi· ti~, weeJhalibeaUgail'lmbl it, God knowes, this is'the true caufc, and the Analogic llf