Preached in L E N t. ef Religion to many :It was fo to In;'"': and, G on gram, the like be not found in Jfrad. h" . ·r n · Now thou<>h this be the rrue, yet t 1s.m no wue mua come IntO ,;,,,.7«, and bee oi<..rtti {j oken. If lull. tad dealt plainly, he fhould thus have framed his fpeech : f/t quid p~rditio r potuit vmdi &mttlt mcmmmam meam: but,that had beene too harfh; for, that had beene plame facnlege: And, of Samlrge, Sr. Paul fecmcs to fay,(Rom.2 , 2 2.) it is (ifnot lvorfc, yet) as bad as Idolatry : Thou thatpull eft downc Idots 1 commztteft 1\om.:.u, thot< facri!ege? As ifhe held,as good afalfe reltgton,as ajjotlmg reltgton. Therefore, that mull be kept o. ;.,.~ and not come mto>i,,?,,.butlt mull be lhrowded; as mdced; the Heathen man faid, M!mJ';;,.. <JfJ~•"~'• "mrf•, Bad attempts need onely an handfome pretence: for, with the reil they cand1fpenc~ :. wtrh God, and Hls.Word, and feare and confcience and all :and,fo apretence had,tt IS all they delire. Now,no pretence more fit (to make them perfect Maskers)than St. Paids vizor 1';1,.~, ••,,,;,; and St. Peters cloke llnv.J.J.v"''"; the vizorofgodlintjfe, and theclokeof 'Tim ;. f· Religion. And,fuch was Iuda< here; a charirable,carefull provifion forthe releefe of the poore. Whom thou&h (theHoly Ghoft faith exprefly) ~ecartdn~t.(or one jor, yet Iohn ,.,6. maketh he them h1s !blkmg-horfe ;and Pattpertbuns the pomt: thar,ts tt, hce feekcth for,and (God knoweth) nothing elfe. • This his facrilegious wicked humour he covereth under zeale of thepoore :And fo, to hide one fault,committeth two. Firft,Sacrilege; then, hypomjie. And, it id no ntw thing under theStm(as Salomon relis us) ro "ildapot-jheard 1 vith Pwv.:G.s;. gsld..foile (that is) to oyer-lay a fa!fehurt, with :ualozu lip;. Ab{alom; vowwas rhe , s,m·•r. 7 • . maske for his confpiracie again{~ Davi~. Iezabe/; fajl,her vizor,for the opprefling of 1 Kwg.••g. ~both. And here, we havean Inve~hveagatnft w4Jle,a fupphcatton for thepoore,in Pcov., 6 ., 1 • Ir.d.umouth,and yet fcvm ab~mtnattms tn hu heart. , - · · Is it not heavine!l'e unto death, toconfider this~ Well faid theWife-man: 6wicked .homitwion, fl)hmce art thou come to cover the tarth with deceit! But more need had we to beware, than complaine. And indeed, all we le4rne from this point,is Novijft &odijfe, to know and avoid. To know, fuch there be, as cover fa<rilege wirhzeale;and with good ufes,cover no good Intents.To knmvthem and to avoid them. And, the·betteno doe that; to marketll_, end of him,that here ufed it, and fee,what became of him: How,from this fin,by Gods jufi judgem~nt, htl fell roproditio; and from it(after)tomakearvay him(elfe. To whom,in dmcafe, tru– ly might have beene faid,f/1 q11idperditio,indeed~ But,this was his end in this life,and in the other, he bath bidportion with hypocrites, and they,with him, in the lake of fire M1tth. >4. i r. 4ndbrimjlone. So much for the' Speech it felfe ; 'for the Speaker; and,in him,both his per– on, 3 and his inten;_. . Now, as Iu!Hcewould, let Us hearealteramparttm. Thefe are lhrewd prefump; I r ~lons:yetletusnotrefolve,butfiay, rill CHars T havefaid; And if he miflike CHRISTS 1t too, Sell it and fpare not. -"t•'or."· But I • sus, &r.. There was (faith Saint Gregory). no errour ofthe Difciples, pr4{ent:Magtffro, while CH RI s T was prefem with them, but it was Salutariur– r~, qutatotim Mtmdifi.J!ulittrrorem, a wholefome and profitable errour, for it rid ~ eworldofanerrour.foreverafter. Wemaywellapplyittdthis. We fhould avebecneof Iud"' mmde; and; that that carried the Difciple; have gdne for cur. ?ft, ~ad not our S A v I o u R CH R I s T over-ruled the ~afe, and flayed the f,a e 0 Mary Magdalemomtment; and in flaying it,faid enouah tollop their mouthes ore~r,:har make thelike mo~ions. b 1 d. hlch todoetbcmorefirmely, albeit <:;HR Is-; mighnvellhaveexcepted to 11 "'petfon, as unfit: (what, the {onm ofperdition talke of perdition~) Or laid open his mtenr, as Wlckedand execrable(Yt quidhoc facriltgiuin? Yt tjlltd hA-c hypocri. C c ~ Jis?)