Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

'Jbe third S E R M 0 N fts ?) Yet, the more fufticiently to doeit, Hecwaves both, andjoyne;iffueupon the very point itfelfe; admitting, all hadbeenefimply and hone!Uy bothfaidand meant. · · Wherein,He keepeth this order: Firft,propoundeth, that,what was done, it was flifferable,and fhe not to be troubled for it: Siniteillam, &c. Second!y, it was agood worke: and thereforefhe not only to be excufed,b_ur to becommendedJorit.Thirdly, thercafon~ndwarrant ofborh, (In Me)forrhat,tt wasdoncnpo" Htm: On whom nothing that is bell:owed can be faid to be loft, but mutl: and ought to be faid, to be~ well beftowed. So that, there is a full anfwer to every point of Iud,u bill ; Vt quid for Vt qt~id: Yt quidmolejliah£c? for Vt q11idperditio? Potuit vmdi,is anfwered with Sillitt,let alone: Perditio,with bonmn optu: aadPat~peribus with In Me, who is ofmore value thanmany poore; after whom it may well become thepoore to be fervcd, ·; To begin then, with thefirtl:. Siniteillam([airh CH a·x s T.) Not,asrheyholt i• fuffo 4 bte' ped,jijlite illam, Stay her,indeed it is but awajle worke fhe is about: bur, Sinite iUam, ~initeillam. let her alone,the worke icgood, [uffer herro proceed. His meaning is: Such aets as this was are to be lctalone,andi:hey, that fo difpofed, nor to be troubled. Sure, He fore. faw: many would bemedling; manyVtquid's would beframed,_andmany Potnil't devifed, and mpch bufineiTe be made, about 01-fary MAgdalens Omtment, and about workes of that nature : That every other while, fome Motions, Petitions Plots would bee framed about the altering of ir. Tothisdayrheywillnorler lrer~lone ·but difquiet her fiill. He hath therefore left in his Gofpell rhefe words, as a fir an; fwer, to fray their h~ndsand fiop their mouthes, for ever : Sinite illarn, let them bee; fuffer them to remame : Vt qutdmoleflta h£c? ameet reply toVt quidperditio h.c? to the worlds end. · And this requcft (to my. poore conceit) is very reafonable: (If in this kindc,any thing may be allowed for reafon<jble.) It is nor, Imitamini illam; or, adjuvateiUam: Doe yee the like, contribute to hercharge; furrherandhelpeher, whatyoumay 1 (which yet, Hewouldhaveus:) That, wouldiud,uneverbee got to: If CH Rr s r hadwifhed himJO like,toft, whatadoe then would there have beene ~ Bur rhis: doe 6ut let her ,dQm : lf you will nor further, yet hinder her not; trouble her not. That; lhe hath fpent,ofher abilirie fhe harh done it : fhe bath nor had ofyou,one penny roe wardher three hundred;nor fhe as!..eth you none. Seeing you are at nocoft,why fi1ould it grieve you~ If you like not to follow her,yet let her alone. And, may not the fame in like rea[on be [aid and entreated, at this day~ That; what our Fathers and Elders in the Chrifiian F'aith bounreoufly imployed on CH K r s -r ; what they (I fay) have that way dedicate, if we will nor adde to it and imitate them,yet we will let it alone,and nottrouble them; and at Ieaft benor with /11d.u,ifwelikenor or litl: not to be withMary MAgdalen. (On Chrift,iris,I dare boldly fay; and if! fay it, I fhall have all the ancient Fathers on my fide: and if I fayir,Sr. Aa.,.4; Paul will warraht me; who (in I Cor. n.xz.)exprefly calltth the ChurchChrifls Bodie: And he mighr well doe it: the firtl: fpeech, CH KIs T ever fpake to him, Him– felfe calleth the Church,Me(theword He here uferh.) 0 nChri{J,it is fpent,any parr of CHRIST, bee His glory more than other; and, on that Office and calling ofthe tCor.s. 'l· Church,which Sr. Paul(whobeftknew thcdignirieof it) calleth theglory ofChrijl.) This (I fay) under correCl:ion,is, as me rhinketh,not unreafonable ;that fceing,whar fuperftition hath defi!ed,is removed and gone; touching rhatwhich is remaining,ir be faid, Siniteillam. : From this firft degreeo(Sinite, our Saviour CIJYijl afc~ndethto ahigher: and lefu I• ;;,_comme,.. we lhould mill:ake,as ifHe hare with her ~ood mind and mcaning;rather rhana~loiV~ ••,.1/.. cd the wotk; He tells us,the veryworke1t lelfe IS good.·and {o pleads and Jufhfies.Jr,oor, lftr•u't,J1. asflifftrable only,butas ,·ommendable.For,thatis the meaningof,bom1mopmo;erawJI· Wheretn