Preached in LE N T. Wherein, fir!l:, Hee anfwererh the principall rcafon, Perditio efl: you may (efl, (fairh!ted.u) itis but walle '.You alone~ (fa1th CHR IST)It 1s Bonumopm. So that;as His former (of Stmte) cro!fed tne Motton ;So, tlus (of6on11m opm) over– rhrowerh the Reafon,perdttio. In which our S A v xo u R CH R r s T loofeth the knot, and reacheth us a point : to enquire tirll~ Ecqrlidperditio, wh~r~er it bee aWajlc ?. before wee come to Vtqttirl, Towhatendu It? If 1t ~eeWajle, 1t1s well and truly f.11d :bur, th1s ( Hee pleadeth) is not any : unleffe (wluch G o o forb1d) g_ood workcs beewajle, w:rh u~. And therefore )oyneth 1ffue upon the wordh"c: that 1s,that IS done upon H1m, IS nowajle, at all, as Ittd.u termeth it; bllt (as hechri!l:eneth it by a new name) Bonum oPm. Therefore, his reproofe is nothing, tanquam cadcns inmateriam indebitam, as lighting uponanunmeermatter, which defcrveth no reproofe, butrarhercommen. dation. Indeed if Iredta, fometime before,had faid it to <.Mary <.Magda!en, in the dayes of herformer vanitie, when/he wailed rhus much and (peradventure) many a penny more on her ryot and wamonneffe; then (indeed) VI quidperditio h£c? had hit right. Bur, now it was not on her felfe, but on CH RI sr s head, it is out of feafon. As, if our age (now) would apply to 'l(abals riotous feajls; to the v1Jfyrians fuperfluous f 11 its; to E(a11's fupcrfluous retinue; to the endleffe building, Ieremie linderh fault with; to our manifoldidleexceffes, many wayes; to every and each ofthefc,anrt qt~idptrditio? ~h.ere now, it were right: r~ere indeed werethe true place of Vt quid perditio?.But,thiS IS (among many) a llrong 11lulion ofthefed~yes: that,whereas ther~ are :;broadin the world, fo many truewajles; fo much, inointments,andperfumes,up· on our [elves; (o many hundredder;.tr# (indeed, no man can tell, what)daily lavi· Jhed; we can neither fee (our [elves) nor patiently heare of others, 111 quidperditiones h£?Here,all is well.all is well bellowed. Neither rt qt~id,norpotllit dari pa11perihm 3 thepoore, neve~ comes in ourhead. No where~but in CHu sr, ought is amiffe. On. ly,in thatthat!S meant to H1m,and fpent on htm, there comes out our rtqmd, there comesrhepoore into our minde. No way,toprovide for them, bur by fa leofchrifls ointment. That, is the Wajle : and, none but that: and, none but that is malig. ned. Wee are perfect auditours, wee can exactly reckon, how many htmdreds CuR r s r Wa.fleth : but who keepeth any account of hisowne ~ To our (elves, too much is toolittle: To Him, too little is too much. And three htmtbedpence, thac way bellowed, is a greatec eye-fore than three hundred pounds (I dare be boldto fay)tonot fo good u[es. Thus iris: and,itistobelamented, thatthusitis. But, CH RI s r teacheth us better, if wee will learne of Him, and let Iudta goe, that wee may better be– ftowour rt quidany where, rhanuponhim. And wee 0Jal!lindcit true : The day will come,when that only,thar goerh to him,!hall be found to be noperditio 1 and all el[eperditio indeed, wharfoever, or upon whatfoever. To be loftindeed,and no fruit to come of it. That,which is[owen in thcjlefb, to be lo!l: in corruption ;that,whichm Gll.~.~; thehefty,!" ~~.Jp,!,,; that,which on the backe,inragges; that, which on building, in rubbijb ; that, which to our heires,inprodigality, rior,and exceffe: And that,which is In Me,thal! prove noperditio,wajle,loffe,orlavi!h,but honum opm,agooddeed; robe rew~rded wuh a blcffed remembrance on earth, and with a crowne ofglory, in the Kmgdome everlafring. Thus (youCee)lr<dta is anfwered, and rhework quit from the name ofperditio.· So far fromPerditio, tlut it is BommJ opm. Agood1vork,indeed; as,proceeding from a goodmmd, porfeffed with the vertue of verrues,thankfulneffe.For,rm:rcy,beftowed . ~ntH•ny•ho. Dnly i!good,and goodneffe it felfe: who here allowerh it forggoJ; caufe:h 80~ .b' regiflred ~~ Hts GofPe!s,forgogd; mthe day ofludgemenr,fhall pronou~ce 1t, gh · Rdewardetl11t forgood,m tl.1ts world,with agood name ·in that to come,With •11 t e"OO f h" K. ' "" 0 ts ~~dome,where no good is wanting.