Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

3 Thcrta{oii: JnMt. Luk.U.J, MI.J.J. Vcrfc7. Markc u.4t., The third S E R M o N The third remaineth [Vpon Me] wherein(proper!y) is meant Hi5 nat11rallbody of i!dh,which !hould not a!way be with us. But they,ofwhom we have learned to in– terpret ;he Scriptures _(in amanner, all) extend it to his MJ.fticall hody w·o : and (as they thmke) by goC1d confequence. That feemg Hee gave Htsnatttrall hody to bee bought and fold, rent and tome, crucified and flaine for his hody myfticall; His body myfticall is (certainly) clearer to him, and better Heloveth it: And then, if He will accept that, is done to the leffe, and make iJ; Bonrmt opm ; He will much more, that which is done to the more beloved; and it !hall never goe forleffe !Never did I a~ fi1re. The Scriptures record (as agoodworke) that that wa~ laid downeat the Apojlt 11 ftet,no leffe than this that\vas bid uponCH R 1 s 'r sowne head: And,in thcm,An4• nia• aChttrch-robber,and Iuda<aCH R1 s T-robber,both,in one cafe. Satan is faid to havefilled both their heart< in thataCl:: And like evillepd came toboth: And both are good remembrances for them,that feeke and l:~y,as they did. Yea,which would not be content to detaine a part (Anania< andittda<went no further:) but w.ould feazeof all gladly, if a GraciousLadydidnotfay, Sinite. To conclude: It is St. At<guftine (and,fo fay all the reft:) Ttlinteflige &de Eccl<– jiJ, f},p)aquialiqttid de Ecclejtapr,edatur Iud,eperditocomparatttr: VnderO:and this of theCbt~rch, and fpare not: For,hethat taketh any thmg (I fay, any thmg) fromit,is in!ttda<cafe: For the fin,certainly; for the puni!hment,as it pleafeth God. _ Now, we know what is meanr,by In Me: jtis nowafte Word. Wewill confi– derit (fidl) as a reafonof the two former: and then, as a fpeciall anfwerto that, of thepoorc. It anfwerethVt quid,. To what end~ Why,InMe, toMe,andformy fake. Itanfwereth ierditis: In Me, why iris fpent onCHRI ST,o~<~ Me, on whom no: thing that is fpent, is mif-fpent. · It yeeldeth a reafonofSinite,. Spare lm; if not her,yet [pare Me,troubleMe nor: Yee cannot fcrape offtheoyntment,but with My trouble. Anda reafonof Bonum opu; eft: For,His [In Me] is warrant fufficient, why the worke is tobereckonedgood. Yea, in faying,it is not on!ygooddone, but done to Him, He giveth it a dignitie, and lifteth up this worke above. But efpecially, it anfwereth the weight ofiuda<reafon(PauperibtU, thePoort.) Our StWi9ur C H R 1 s 'r plainly !heweth, that Iuda<is miftaken, that drawethadia– meter,andmaketh oppofition betweenedevotion roward CHR rs T, and Almes to the poore. Tabithawasgood to thepoore: Mary Magdalen,to CHRI s'r. Mull: we put Ma– ry Magdalen to death,to raifeTabith.t againe ~and is there no other way~Yes indeed: Sinitc illam (faithCHR 1 n,in this verfe) let this ftand :and yet, doethofegoodtoo, Date eleemofynam (in thenext.) There be other meanes to provide forthepoore, than by fale of ehrifts ointment: Andwe are not,in pretence of them, to omit this or any office or dutie unto ehrift. . Pauperihm, is not the onlygoodworke: this,is alfo. And,ofrhe two,if any tobe preferred,it islnMe:He(certainly)to befervedfirft. To which work,not only thofe ofwealth (Mary Magdalmwith her three hmtdredpence;)but,even poore and all (the poore Widowwith her mites) isbound,as we fee :Even,to adde fo mething even torhe offerings of Goo: And,if not, withNardu1, yet withoileto anoint his head,asHim· felfe requireth. This,I.fay: ifboth could not ll:and. But,thankes be toCod,there be wayes,they may both ftand ;and not bne fall,that the other may rife. Malaehi rellerh us awayl and it is a fpeciall one: to doe as this verruous woman here, Inferte i?J.Apo– theca< mea<,bring into mine(that is,My Churchu) treaJttres,and I will breake thewin– dowes of heavenand fend you fuch plentic, as you and the ~oorc (both) lhall ear and have enough,and yet leave in abundance. So that (we fee) the next and kindlieft way, to have I11dMcomplaint redreffcd, is, to fpeake and labour, that U'llary <.Magdatens example may be followed. . Sccondly,by In Me, itplainelyappeareth,how CH R' s 'r flandethaffeCleaco ~vorkes of this kinde. For,pei;mitiing them; ll:anding forthem; defending and com• mcndtng