Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in LE NT. mending rhcm,He fheweth plainly, He w!II be content with fuch as it is. For,albeit He were the very patterneoftrue frugalme,and an en_emte_ to all excdfe,yet this fer. vice (chargeable as it was) Hee well alloweth of. Shevtmg us tlus: that asHee is 38 _. chrifttu Patru., anoinud by Go o Hts Father (quem unxtt Dommtu, <.Afl. 1 o.) fo alfo Hee will bee chrijftu nofler (and that, paffively) ammntedby us (~em 1 mxit .Maria, zohn I r.) Thar,as here hecommendethNary Magdalen, forthe fupf>ly of it: So (inLuke 7 .; HegivethStmon an Item (oleocapllt meum non tmxijft} for bemg defe- John,,,; ttive in this dutie. , '· Luk·7·4 6 •. 1would gladly askc this queflion : Iftheointment may befold(as lu~as faith)ant! bau"htlawfully; and they that buy,may lawfully ufe; tfthcy may ufe tt,why may not(: HR I , r ~ 'l{f.•mfuli;Jltdtisapes meUificant, doeBeesm~kehoney,and Nardtt< beareointmmt for wickedmen only ~ May any that payes for'lt,and may not chrifli'. IsHeonly,of all other uncapable or unworthy~ If it be becaufc iris more than needs : Let that bea reafon of all. Let thclaw hold us,as ~ell as Him. But, ifnoman,but allowes himfelfe a more liberall diet and proportion of porr,than in fhitltermes is needfull, for all thepoore; ~hy fhould we binde CHill s-r aloneto that rule~ Except we meanetagoefurrherwtrh Htm; and not only excepttoMaries ointment, but even toSimons feaft alfo: Vf quidunguentum hoc? then, rt qt~id convivimn hoc, too ~ feeing, a fmaller repaft might ferve, and the refi begivenrothepoore. So that, His allowance fhall be juft as much, and no more than willferve to hold life and foule together. Bur, as He,wtthout any barre or rt quid, allowethus, not on! y ind11mentafor nakednelfe, bu: ornAmmta for comlinelf~; not onlyaliment4for emp.rmelfe,but obleflamentafor damtmelfe: So,good reafonltts, we thinke nor much of Hts Nardtu, and rye H1m only to thofe rulcs,from which our [elves plead exemption. , . I demand againe, ifointment might be !pent on<.Aarons head, under the Law; feeing a greater th<n o./.aron is here, why not on His too~ I finde, that neither un– dertheLa.v,He liked oftheir motion,what fhould the Tempie doe withCedar? nei– ther, under the Go!fdl, of theirs, what fhould CH R I s T s headdoe With 'lf..ardtu.? But that, to his praife he is recorded in the Old Tefiament, that faid; Shall I dwell in ~ C~o~:'7·•< my fee!ed hou(e, and the Arke of Go o remaine under Gqats-skinnes ? And fi1e,in the New, that thoughtnorherbeftointmenttoogoodforC Ha r s -r shead. Surely, they,in !Egypt, had their ferviceof Go o, it maybe in a barne, or in fomeconier of anhoufe. Yet whenMofes moved a cofilyTaberttACle, no man was found that once fatd, Our Fathers ferved Goo well enough,without one,rt qt1idperditio h,ec? Aftet th~t,many Iridges,and Prophets, and righteous menwere well, when they might worfhtp b_eforethe Arke:yer,when Salomon moved a ftarelyTemp/e, never any was found that would grudge and fay,Why the Arke is enough; I pray Goo, wee fcrve Go o no worfethan they,that knew nothing but aTent; Vt quidperditioh,ec?Only, .in the dayes of the GoJJell(which,of all othcr,leaft fhould) there ftepsup IuddJ',and darerh to fay that again(! CH Rxs -r schurch that no man dura ever,eirher againfl Mofes Tent or fialomons Temple. .' And, if CH R r s -r had taken it well, or palfed it in filencc, or faid Sinile il. lt~m, !ufier Iudas motion to take place; wee might have had fame filC\v. But feeing Hefauh Molej!tueft, toJudas; Siniteillam, fuffer Marieto goe forward; and not that r\y? but BOnti/IJ optu, too : why fi10uld any, after lt1das, be tpought WOrthy the :UI·" wenng ~ . Surely, as the Goj}e/l(inthis dutie) hath, andfo ought eo exceed theLaw : So,' J,JheGs.fPe/1, wee here and our Counrrey above all other. I will but fay withChrj– a:i;;e,.v.t~pende ch~iftum 8ko~o: doe butconflrue thcfc two words(Inc..Me] h h t · Pmze and pnzeWho1t IS; Et fr•lfmt. It is CH RI s -r lE sus: Who f( at notfpared to anoint us with His owne blo11d. and our foulcs with all rhe corn– darts and graces of His Holy Spirit. If, toward ~s neither blat;d norlife were too iseareH,on Hbis part; fhall,oa ours,anyNard111 be too deare or any cofl: too much, that on tm eO:owed ~ ' Perha pi