'The third S E R M 0 N - Perhaps, our particular willmoremoveus. ItisC H!!. r s T, thatcreatedfor us Nard and all other delights whatfoever, either for ufe and nece!litic, wee have· or, for fruition and pleafure; 1veeenjoy. It is:Hee, that harh enriched us, that we~ bee able to beO:ow ir, by this long profp.eririe,plen:ieand pcace,as. no ~ther King. dome under Heaven: Is there any good mmdecan rhmke, that th1s1san md1gnitie~ that He is. not worthy,· hath nor deferved, and double deferved this, 'and ten times more at our hands ~ An extraordinary conceit is entted into the world (byanew foundgloJTe)rd make wharfoever we like not or liO: not to doe our felves, extraordinary : andfo fome deeme ofthis, as extraordinary,andwhereofno example is to be made. (No ancient Writer is of that minde; bur thar,for «< ir waswritten ;and that,rade 111 & foefimi!i. ter, may be written upon her box.) Bur, be it fo. Why may not I wilh on our pans Let us be extraordinary~ For, Gon hathnot dealt ordinarily with us of this Land~ He hath not beeneto us,a Wildernclfe ora barren Land: but hath (even our enemies being Iudges) beene extraordinary in his goodndfe toward us all. And fure,in us,or– dinary common thankfulnelfe is not enough. Shall I fer my felfe to recount Hisbe. nefits ~ An eafie matter to finde entrance ; but when then fhould I make an end ~ In one,I will abrid"e them all. vVe fpake ofointment : Verily,chriftbathanointedover us,and given us a"moO: GraciousSovtraigne, by whofe happie and blelfed reigne, we long ha.ve(and longer may we,He gran_r)enJoyed both themward and outward anoin. ring: the inward,rhe holy and heavenly comfort of Gons truth,and trueoyleofglod. nejfe;the outward,of earthlyplentieand delight, which Nardor any rich confeelion may affoord; and (in aword) wharfoever happinelfe can fall to any Nation ugder heaven. From the holy oile of whofe anointing (as thedew of Hermon onSion, and as o..fiarons ointment upon the Skirts of hil clothing) there daily droppeth upon this whole Realme, pureT{Jrd, or if any thing elfe bemore precious,whether,in rhefc earthly, -or in rhofe heavenly ble!lings. I fpeake no more than wee all fede. This,is that one,I fpake of; and in this one,is all,Even the Lords Anointed. Whom,(I make no quefiion, but) the Lordhath, andwill more and more blelfe,for that Her High· nelfe bath faid,as Himfelfe faid, Sinite iUam. At1d, blelfed be God, that bath put into Her heart,fo to fay; to like wdl ofrt quidperditio; but,to have it fo applyed. I doubt nor, but this Heroical! vcrtue, among many others, fhall make Her Scepterlong to flourifh ; l!~all makeHer remembrance to be in ble!ling to all poO:erity ; and fhall be (among other) Her rejoycing in the day of the L~rd, and an ever!ailing crowne ofglo– ry upon Her head. This is thatointment,Ifpake of; thatit felfe alone may make us all confeffe, we have received from CHRisT, extraordinary mercy, and are therefore to rerurnemore , than ordinary duty. Nont~liter fecit OIIJni; Nay, non taliterfecitttlli popt~lo: He hath not dealt {o with every,; Nay, notfo with any people, as with us: an'd therefore not any peo· ple,todeale fo thankfully with Him againe. This, if it were extraordinary. Howbeit, ifAntiquity may be admitted Iudge, this (as agood•vorke) is to be ordinary with us. Since, every thing done in this kinde ro CHarsT s Church, only upon a rhankfull regard,is (with them) reckoned a dram of Mary Uf4agdalens ointment. · Atleafi if we will not comeCo far as operatu.ft,we doe yet rhus far favour it,asro yeeld toSinitei!lam: Seeing, Mary Uf4agdalen that gaveir,paid for it; and it never came out of our purfe. And now, this queO:ion being rhus dilated,it is every mans duty (faithTheophy. lac"i) tofet downe,cujw partiljit,whofe part he will take, whofe minde he will be of. Whether,with Iuda<,Perditioeft; or,with CHar sT, Bonum opus eft: whether Potuit ~endi; or, Sinite i/lam. · But (I truO:) wee will !l:and to C Hx I s Ts Iudgemem; and ratherrake part with Him, for Uf4ary Uf4agdalen, than with I~tda<,againO: her :that we may be withUf4ary <.Magdalw, that are of henninde; which, atthc home of death,we all ihall defirc. The