'The third S E R M 0 N .As dmivtrs, ytt true : Or, (witbMary Magdalen) M waflm, yet weli.doers. Aflbti;;' c;>Urfelvu, that it iswell done ;an~ ~1all be both commended on earth,and rewarde~ 1n he~ven. On earth: For, pofiermelhall.~ctter hke of rh~jhtddmg, rhan ofthe{•le ofthJs Otntment. In heaven: forrhe day wtll come,qmmale;]ttdtcata reJudtcahit,when all·perverfe judgements lhall have judgement againll them,and M ary M agdalm fhall looke cheerefully on him,on whom lhe bellowed it; andIt~dtU rufully behold Him fromwhomhefoldit. ' T~is is Mary Magdal~ns parr, as Caar s't telleth :that howfoever Mary Magda. /en be,mStmons houfe or ma corner,found fault w,Jtb,amends iliall be made her; :md as wide as the world is,and as far as the Goj}eP foal/ foilnd,jhejhall beewellJlokmof, Yea, when the great and glorious a~s of many Monarchs lhall be buried in lilence this poore box of Nt~rdur fklll be matter ofpraife, and never die. And contrary: howfoever Iuda<motion may finde favour and applaufe inthe prefenr,yet Pofieritie lhall di!like and difcommend it :·and he be no le!feinfamous and hatefull,thanMary famous and well fpoken of, in all ages to the end of the world. This,is her portion from C H R r s T : her foule refrelhed with rhef weet joycs · of Heaven; and her name,as T{J.rdsu through.out all generations.This is his lot from the Loa o : Aname odious,and lorhfome to all that heare it; and hisportion 01ith hypocritu, in the.t.lce offire11nd .brimftone, From which, &c. T0 which,&c. (*~*) ASER..