Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

} 301 -~{----:-----;:-:--:-;-;-~~~~:=-:::-:::--~· ----:– ( b 4Jfe and thence to lcgges ofimi, a_nd !all: tofiet ofclay:· The wavering andamaze 0 f 'ther~ that ll:andin the Plaine (with Lots Wife) lookmg about, and cannottdl, 0 0 h . eforward to little Zoar, or backe agame to r)le eafe ofSodome; lhew ih~\ e:ht~ Z~ts wife is forgotten, and this is a needfull Mernento,Remember Lots ',"if<. • P am Y. b a"d fo neerely concerne us, let us fee, qtwttum valent h,. qtttnqtte Ifrhen It eours, " syHab«. 1 Fir~,C HR 1 , i: fending our memory to all:oty pall:; ofrhe uCeofremembring Th:tviji'on; Jlories in general!. 1 . • b 11 2 Secondly, Of this particular of Lots Wife, :tnd the Pomts to ee remcmbre~ · , in ir. Thirdly, How ro apply rhofe points, that(as Saint r...A~tgt~Hine faith) Condidni Ill~ 3 .1.. salStatu.ejit nBhis condiment11m vit&, that theSalt ofth1s Ptllar may be theSea. nos,vfonof our lives. Prophet' Efaycloth call us, that ll:andin this place, theL oR Ds Remembran• I. : As to GoD; for the People, by the office ofPrayer; So from Go o, to the The"fio{sto• the office ofPreaching. In which officeofPreaching, we are implayed as ~?'"i'~era/1. Recognofce,as about cognoftc; as much in calling to their minds rhc things 'Y .'· • have forgot, as in teaching them the things the):' know not,, or never thin"'S are manyl we have Commdlion to put menm mmde of. Sumc rhemfelves: For, it is,many times, too true, which the Philofophcrfaith: tam longe abejl a nobi6 qtli:mipjinos, Nothing isfo farrefrom our mindes,as we [elves. For, naturally (as faith the Aportl~) wedoe ""'-pv«v, leake, and mnneortt; Hcbr. u. whenwehavelookedintheglaffe, w.cfita~ght {orze:our fafluonagatne. There- Iune, '·'S· we haveinchargero put men mmmde ofmanythmgs, and to call upon them with divers Memmto's. Memento qr•iajicut lutum t11, Remember the bafendfe ofonr Iob to.~. mould what it is: Mementoq11ia vita venttu,Remember the fraileneffe ofout life how {hortit is. Memento tenebrojitemporu, Remember, thedayes ofdarkenejfeare corn- Iobf.7· rning, and they be many• . All which we knoww.eU enough, and yet need to be put in ccclcr.r •. s. rninde of them. . But, the.ftore-hottfe, and the very life ofmemory, is the Hi.ltory oftime; and afpe– tiall charge have we,all along the Scriptures,to call upon men to looke to that. For, all our wifdome conlill:ing either inExperience or Memory ; Experienceofottr owne,or Memoryofothers; Ourdayes are fo Olort,that our Experie»cecanbe but ilender,TantJ.mhefferni(niiJt«([aith Iob;)andour o'Yn time cannot afford us obfervations enough, lob 8 . 9 ; ~orfomany cafes,as we need duechon m. Needs mufl: we then(as he here advifetb) wter.rogaregenerationemprijlinam,asketbeformer Age,what they did inlike cafe:fcarch the Records offormertim~s; wherein,omcafes welhall be able tomatch, and to pat– !ernethemall.Salomon faith excellemly,~deft qttodfuit? f2.!!,odfmttmm eft; What Ecdef.r , 9 ; Is that that hathheen? That that jhall be: and backe againe,What is that rhatjha//be? · Th~t t~at hathbeen: Et nihil nBvum ejlfub Sole, and there is nothin"' underrhe Sun of 8. wh1c? ~tmay be ~aid,it t5 new,but it hath been already in the forme~ generations. So that,lt IS but turmngth~ wheele, and fetting before us Comecafe ofA13tiquity, which ~a~ lample ours,and etther remembring tofollow it, ifit fell our well; .or to efchew it,if ~.e ucce!feweretherafter.Forex:tmple,ByAbimelech's A:ory Kin" Davidreproveth rts CdptaJOes, forpurfr•ing the enemy too neerethe wall,feeingAbimdech mifcarried by • Sam.u. " · \ea ve~ture ;and fomaketh ufe 0 fremembring Abimelech. And by Davids exam- ~ ~(that, dn wam ofall other bread, refufed not theShtw-bread) C H R x s TourS A- M>rk ! ·, r, V ~ 0 u R .~fendeth His Di[ciples in like difl:reffe and iheweth that upon fuch extre– I,Illty;Nec<!J,rt.udothevenlegem Legi dime, give~ Law,even ~o rh~ Law felfe. D d Seveo