• { . The fourth S E R M o N 1 Dcur.; ; . 7 • ?evenfeverall tim~s weare ca_lled upon to doe it : 1 Meniento dier11m antiquormn: ,Efor+6·9· ([a!thMofes:) • RecordamzmpmruSect~h,(E{ay :) l State [11per vzas antiqu.u (I' !I~b :.·t" ~emie :) 4 Invefligapatrum memoriam(lob:) 5 Exemplt~_m fumite Proplm;u,(la~e/j $ hmcs 5 _, 0 • Rememorammidzesprifcos,(Pat~l :) 7 Remember Lots Wife,C a RI s T,here ;that is .6 Hcb.,o,l'· To lay our achons rorhofe,we finderhcre, and ofhke domgs, to looke for like end' So readc frori~s pafr,as we make not ~ur felvesmatter for ftory to come. s. It _ Now, ofandartwngthe'? all,ou·r S• v r o u a._ C a RI s T after a fpeciallman: or rhis of T>otr ncr commendcth unto us,th1s ofLotsWife. 0 f wluchthus much we may fay,That it w;f•: is the onely one ftory, which, ofall the ftories ofche Old Teframenr, Heemakeca His choice of, to pur in His Memento ; which He would have them, which havefor• gotten,to remember,and thofe that remember,never to forget. Oft to repaire to th~ .ftory, and to ferchfalt from this PiOar: that they lofe not thatthey have done,andfo peri01 in therecidivationofLotsWife. Then to defcend into the particulars: I finde, inJlories, two forts of <.MemtNtli J, Memento & fac,remembertofollo,v: z. Memento &ft~ge, Remember toJlierhei~e. Mary <.Magdltlensointment, an example ofone; Lots Wwes Salt-Hone, an exampleof the other. Or(to keepe us, to this ftory) Lot lookednot backe,till he came fafeto z 041 : memento & fac. Lots Wifedid,and died for it: memento &fuge. ' Theverfe before iliewerh,whyCH RI s Thid themementoupon her. M•i<Jl.:;,.• M,;;.;,, 1,--!bw, that we iliould not rurne or rerurne backe, as fl1e did: chat we iliouldno; follow her, but, when wee come at this Pi/tar, turne at it and take anotherway. That is, wee iliouldremember Lots Wife, but follow Lot; remember her, bur follow him. · Now, in eitherofbothmemento's, to foUow, or to flie, we alway enquire ofrwo poinrs(and fo,here) 1 qttidfecit, • qttidpajfa eft: what they did: whofe frorywe reade; and,hoJV they jped : TheFail and the E./fell. The Fail, Vtceor Verttte .- TheEIJic1· :Rewardor 1'11nijhment. · ' Both which, concerning this unfortunate woman, we linde fer downe in oneverfe Gcn,r9.~6; (in theXIX. ofGenefis) what Sheedid; that She drew backt, or lookedbacke: this was her Sinne. Theejfeil, that She was t11rnedinto aSalt-Hone.- this washerpunifo– ment. And thefe rwo, are the twoMemorandtlm'sconcerning her, to bem1mnbrtd. Firfr, of her f4ult, . · I. Hct{aulr. The Angel!had given charge to Lot and his company (in thefev~nteenthofthat Chapter) Sc.pe for thy life: Stay not in the Plaine : Looke not once behinde thee lejl theN perifb. Seape for thy life.- She trifled for all that, as ifno perill were. Stay not i»th6 Plaine, yet frayed !hebehinde. Looke not backe left thou die; ilie would,and didlooke backe, to die for it. So that, ilie did all that f11e was forbid, and regarded none ofthe Angelswords, but dejpifedthe counfe/1of Go n again.ft her ownefonle. This was her fin, the [!Jl ofdifobedience ; but confifreth offundrydegrees by which ilie fell : l\ted; full, all, to be remembred. I The firfr was : That iliedid not Severe et~Holire mandatum Dei, frriclly keepe her to the Angels charge, but, ·dallied with it, and regarded it by halves; that is,fay whathewould,iliemighr ufe the matter as 01e would; goe, or fray andlookeabout as ilie Ji(l. Such light regard is like enough to have growne ofa w·andringdiflr#J; le(l: haply, ilie had left Sodomeinvaine, and the Angel!feared them, with that whJCh never iliould be- TheSun rofe focleere, and it was fo goodly amorning,therepented, ilie came away. Reckoningher Sons in Lawmore wife in fraying frill,thanLotand her. felfe,in [ounwifely departing, Which is the fin oftmbel~efe, the bane both ofCl~· Hancy andPerfever4nce. Confrancy, in the p<irpofe of our minde; and Perfeverance 10 the teno11r of 011r life. 2. From this grew the [ccond, That iliee began to fire, anddra.v behir;d;, and kept not pace '!ith L o :r_ and the .Angels. An evil! figne~ ·For(ever)faint!ng!l~:;