Preached in L E N n ft . forfaking . andSeqt~ebatur a longe, a preparative to agiving cleane over; occaJi ::qrl&rit (fai~h Salomon) q11i v~tlt difcedere ab amieo, He that hath no lilhofollow, Prov. tB. r.' will picke fome quarrel! or other to be cajl behmde. . . 3 This tiring had 1t ~rowoe ofweaknelfe, or weannelfe, or want ofb_reath, 3 Lroking bact i ht have been borne wtth; but, tt came ofanother caufe, wh1Cl11s the thud de- . m. g It was( faith the text)at leafi to laoke backe,and to call: her eye to the place,her r~~!; ionged after. Which fheweth~ that the love of s 0 D 0 M • fiicketh ~n her . frill : that though her feet were come from thence, her heart fia:yed there behmde : and that, in Jooke and thought lhee returned f1urher, whuher m body lhee mtght not; but (pollibly) \vouldmbody coo, tf, as N r N r v • .dtd, fo So o o M • hadfltll remained. . . r · h 1· fh 4 Looking backe m1ght proce~d ofdtvers cautes; So ~tg t t us o ers, but that 4 Preferring .. C H R 1 ST's application directs us. Th~verleb~fore faith, Somewhat m the houfe, so«onnozoar. fomethiilg left behinde affected her : Ofwh1ch He gtves us warnmg. She grew weary ofcrouble, and offhifting fo oft: From rr toHaran; rhence,roCanaan ~rhe~ce,tp ./Egypt· thence to Canaan ag·ame; then toSodo"'e; and now toZoar; and that, mher old dayes, when lhe would fainefr ~ave been~ at relt Therefore,;n this w~arifo;ne conceit of new trouble now to begm ; and wtrhall remembnng the convementfear, lhehadinS•dome,fhe even delired todie by herflef/,·pots, and to be buried in thegraves eflufl : wi{hed them at Zoar, that would, and her felfe at Sodome againe :deliring rather eo end her life with eafe in that Stately Citie, rhan to remove, and be fafe perhaps not,inchede{ol•te mountaines. And this was the linne dfrellinelfe offoule,which affected her eyes and knees,andwas the caufe ofall the former. Whenmen weary of a good courfe,which long they have ~olden; ~or a littlecafe or wealth,or(I wore not what)otlier fecular tefpect,fall awaym the end: fo lofing rh~ pra1fe and fruit oftheir former perfeverai)ce,and rclapling into the danger and dellru&ion,from which they had fo neere efcaped. · Behold thefewerethelinnes of l; o T 's Wife; Awaveringofminde: Slow fieppes : th; convulfion of her necke : all thefe caufed her wearinelfe and frare of new trouble, lhee preferred So i> o., 's cafebefore Z o A R 's (afety. Remember Lots Wife. Tbis washerfinne: and this her finne was,in her, made much more heinous by Tho Aggr:>n~ adouble circumllance,well worth the remembring: as (everhveighry circumllances uon.olhorfd: are matter offpeciall regard, in ajlory fpecially. 1 One,that fhefeU,after fhe hadjlood . long.' Theother,rhar fhefell,even then, when GoD, by all meanes offered her faferie,and foforfookc her owne mercy. , Touching the firll. Thefe a wintet .brookes (as lob termech flitting defultory 1 Afttr fo loilt Chnll1ans) tftheydr:e; thefe b S~tmmerfrr.,ts (as A M os) tfrheypr~trijie: rhefe ftanding. 'morni11g clor1ds (as Ho suA) if they {~atter; thefe d jhallow rooted corne, ifthey#li- : ~~0~·~~;,,; therand come to nothmg tt IS the lelfe gnefe• • No man looked for other. c Pharao , Hofca 6. 4 • with hisjiis ;that at ev.ery plague fent uponhim, isgodlyonafudden, andopraj dM''J·;l·'Q,' for mee noJV ; and when it is gone, as prophane as ever hewas ; beginning nine eEx~ '.: tunes, and nine rimes breaking offagaine ; he moves not much. To go further: Saul, that for two yeares; Iuda<, that.for three; 'N..Jro, that for five kept well, and theri fell away, though it be much; yet may it be borne. Bur, this woman had continued now thirty yeare· (for, lo they reckon from A • RA H Jt M' s goino- out ofvr,to thede{huction ofSodome: ) This, this is the griefe, that !he fhouldperfift all thisrime, and after all this rime fall away. The rather, if wee conlider yet further, that not on~y fuee conttnued many yeares, but (r•I1ainedmany things in her continuance, as bemg. comp:mi~n of vf_braham and L•t, in their exile, thcirrravell, and all rheiL flf!hctlon. Th1s 1s .rhegnefe, chat after all rhefe llormes in rhe broad sea well pll!:, . le fhould 1n thts pmfull manner, be wrackedin thehaven. And when fhee'had beene 1,n~&7t,andnot poifoned wi rh thefuperflitions of .!Egypt; when lived inSodome,and not e ledwtth thefinnes ofSodome; Not fallen away forrhe famine ofCanadn, nor taken harme by the fulnej[e ofthe Citie ofthe P{'ai~~e >after all this il1cc 010uld lofe rhe D d 2_ fruit