zNowj,.,belf &eft munts •f Jl.. ding. \ The fourthS ER M d N fruit ofall this, anddoe and fuffer fo many things all in vaine: This is the firft . R · memherit; · (. The fecond is no whit inferiour : That, at that inll:am iliee wcfully periared when Go o sfpwall favour was proferd to preferve het : and that, when, ofall 0 ' therrimes, (he had mcanes and caule to ll:and ; then, ofall otherrimes,fl1efell away~ Manywerethemerciesfl1eefoundandfeltat Go os hands, bythtsveryritle, tha; !hee wasLotSWife. For, by it, ilieewas incorporated into the Houfe and Family and made partaker of the bkf!ings of the fatthfr•ll A • I( A H A". It was arnercy' to be delivered from theerrours ofVf; a mercy, to be kept fafe in .£gjpt ; amercy' tobepreferved from theJinne ofSodome; a mercy,to l>e delivered from the Captiviti; ~ftheJive Kings; and thtsrhelafbndgreatell: mercy, that iliee was fought to be de. hv~red from theperifhing ofthefive Cities.This(no doubt)dothmightily aggravate the offence, thar, fo many wayes beforer~membredby Go o introuble,fl1ee focoldiy remcmbred Him : and that now prefently, being offered grace, ilieknoweth not the day of het vijitation : But being brought our of Sodome, and warned of the danoer that mighr enfue; having the t.Angelstogoe before her, Lottobeare her compa:;y,. her daughters to anend her, and being now at the entrance ofZoar, the havenof her refi; this very time, place and prefcnc<;, iliee ~aketh choice of, to peri(h in,aod to call: away that, which Go o would havefaved; 10 refpeCl: ofher [elfe,drf}erately ; of the Angels, &9ntemptuoujly; ofher husband anddaughtcrs,fcandalottjly ;. ofG 0 oand His favours, nnthanl:{ully ; forfakmg her owne mercy, and penlhmg m theliooeof wilfull defection. .. Remember L o 't s W:ife, and thefe Two,' That iliee looked Gacl:c, after fol•ng ttme, and fo many fuffermgs: z That ilie looked ha,·ke, after fo many, l:fo merciful! and fo mightyprotellions. And remember this withall, That iliee lool:t b4cl:condy andwent net backe : Would, it may be, burrhatit was all onlire. But, whetherih~ would or no, or whether we doe or no, this fore-thinking our {elves, we beoon~our this faint proceeding, this fraying in the plaine, thisconvulfion ofthe nccke band wri: thing the eyes backe; this irrefolute wavering whether we ili<;mld choofe, ~irher bo• dilypleaft~rti in periiliingSodome,or thefafety ofourJoules in littleZoar,was her linne; Andth1s t5thefinne offomanyasjlandas ilie fiood, and lool:e as ilielooked ~houoh they goe not backe: but; if they goe backetoo,they iliall jull:ifie her, and h>~e up~n i:hemfelves a more heavy condemnation. So much for the fin, which we iliouldre· member, to avoid. · 'J.'I!erpuni[b· Now for her puniilimcnt, which we mull: rememGer, to efc.tpe. mtnl. This relapfe in this.manner, thacrhe worldmighr know it to be a finne highlydifplcafing his Majell:y, G o o hath not onely marked it for aJin,burfalted it too, thatit might never be forgotten . '7Jw~. The wages and punifhment ofthis linne ofhers, was ir, which is the wages ofallfin, Rom.'·' j. that is, Death. Death,in her(fure)wonhily, rhat ref~rfed life with fo eatle conditions, as the holding ofher head frill, and would needs lookebacke and dye. The found ofdeath is fearefull, what death foever : yet it is made more fearcfull fourewayes; which all be in this of hers. • sudden. I Wedeliretodiewith refpite ;andfudden death, we feare and pray againfl. Hee death was fudden, backe ilie looked, and neverlooked forward more. Itwashel !all: looke. · >Int&tatl•f 2 Wedefireto have temorfe offin ere we be taken away ;and death, in the very Jim. act offin, is moll dangerous. Her death was fo, Shee died in the very convuljion; She died, wieh herface to Sodomc. 3 vo~f""U· 3 We would die thecommondeath ofmankinde, and be vifired After the vifitatisn ofother men: and an un-ufuallll:range death is full of terrour. Hers was fo. GoDs owne hand from heaven, by a ll:range and fearefull vifitation. ·4 witho•: b•· 4 Our wiili is, to die, and to bl! buried, and not remainea fpcccacle above ground ri4/1. which Natureabhori:eth: Sltce fo died,as ilicremaiaedafpectacle of G o os wrath and