Preached in L E N T. l B vord to pofteritie,and as many as paffed by· For until! CH A r s T s time anda[I y-\his monument was frill extam, and remained unde£1ced fo many hundred an a c~rfephtu( aWriter ofgood account,which lived aftcrthis)fairh <;f,,.....,]WJ,,- 71 y:a~~~;;"+''"" I my felfehavc feene and beholden it, for it fiands robe feene to this ~i" Areedfhewas, a Pillar fhe IS; whJCh lhce fc~med eo be, but was nor. Shewas Y1 •. ter. She 1· scon"'ealed tofait. Thus have wc,both herfarelt andpunijhment: me ttng wa · "' · 1 1· h Let us rememberborh: To fi1Lm thdaulr, rhatthepena ry 1g tnor on_us. Now,this pillar was ereCted, and rhis verdure given itJor our f.1kes' For,among Ill. the any wayesrhatthe wifdomc of Go 'l uferh tod1fpofeofthefinofman, and OucLeffdr. out ~f evil! to draw good,this is one,and a chiefe one,that Hefuffcreth not rheJrevJ!'""b". to vani!h as a lhadow, but maketh them eo Hand as Ptl/11rs for Ages to ' with theHeathen mans infcriprion, 'E,sfA'Ti<&f.v";.,,,,;,;,..,, Looke on me, and me, to ferve G o o better. . · . anhiah benefit it is for us, thatHenGt onely cmbalmeth the memory ofthe i;:itation ; but al!o powdreth and maketh brine of the Evil!, for our ad– : that, as aSent,fromMary Magda!ens ointment; So, arelijb,from Lots wives remaioo to all pofterity. perfons, in their perifi1ing, G o n could dalh to peeces, and roote out re 1 ;ncJno:r·a uLc from olfrhc earth. He doth nor, but fuftereth their f!.Jj_arters(as it beJet up in fiories, Vtp«n~ Impii fit emditio I"ffi, that their purli!limemm~y .. advertifement. Powrethnorom rhw· bloud, norc~fisJtaway, burf.wesJt, !a'IJet Illfftw peduinfanguinepeccatort., thaHhe Righteotwm:Jywaf/itheir Pfal.;; the blo11dofthe ungodly : that all (even themine ofthe wicked) may eoofthem thatfeare Go o, This woman,in her inconfiancy, could Rom, B.iB. into the earth, or blowen up as falt-pctre, that no reruembrance ibcluld have: rema.i·r1edof her :Hee dorh not ; but,for us, and for our f.1kes, He erecteth , And nota Pillaronely, to point and gaze at; but a Pillarorrocktof{~t!t, wee may and muf! fetch, ·wherewith to feafon whatfoevcr is unfavoury in And this, this, is the life and foule ofmemory : this iswifedome, e.~trae!ingfalt, out of thewicked ; Tri.tele, out ofvipers ; our owne hapout of alima}ericula : and to make thofe that were unprofitable to them: profitable to us. For(fure)thoughLots Wife wereevill, her fait isgo~tJ. us{eethen, howtomakehereviU, our good; fee, ifwe candraw any favoury thing from this example. . r That which we fi10uld draw out, is perfeverance, c..MuriavirtuttmJ (as Gregory , per[I1Jmnee, callcthit)thePreferver'ofvenues, \Vithout which (as Summer fruits)they will perilh and putrifie: TheSalt oftbe Covenant ; without which, the fldh ofour Sacrifice will takewinde and corrupt. But Saint Augufline (better)Regina virtut11m,rheQ[ceene of venues; for that, how evenhe ref! runne and firive, and doe.mafieries, yet, PerfeverantiaJo!acoronatur, Perfeverancc is the ondycrownedvertue. 2 Now Perfeverance we fi1allattaine, ifwe can poffeffe our foules witk the due • c,,.; care, and rid them offec11rity. 0 f Lots Wives fecuriry, as of water,was thisSalt here · made. And,lfemrity (as water) doe but touch it, it melts away prefenrly. But Care Will ma~eus fi~ our eye,and garhet up our feet,and,forgetting that which is behinde; l'hil.p }; tenderemantertora,_eo follow hard toward the prize ofour hi<>h calling. . . ·fi d A~d, to avmd S'"'rity, and to breed in us due care, Sai~t Bcrndrd f.1ith, Feare 3 Fcart. ~~ ?elt: Vr< tn ttmorefecurmelfe? fect~ritatem time; The onelywayto be (ewre in Jli .care, IS to feare fecurity. Saint Part! had given the fame counfcll before; that, to pre- Rom 1 , . ., erveStptrma ,r, · b ·d · h r. · ···- . •terr<,no ettcra VJce, t anNo!ia!trtm 1 apere, (edtime. r ~~ 0 "k'' from her Story, thefe confiderations are yeclded each o~e asan handfull of Confiderarion• J a 'to eepeus, and to make us ktepe. ' out ofheda.d~ Flrfi, that we fee; asof CH a is T s twef.,e, which He had forced and feleCted D d 3 from