Ezek.t8,2..f, Mattb.r6.J.:., lohn.~t.10. Luke9.:••: { The fourth S E R M o N } from the reil, one mifcaried; Et illmr; gregem non timttit luptu intrare,and that th Wolfe feared not to feaze, no, not upon that Flocke : and as of N o A H' s eight tha~ were fave~ from the Floud, one fell away too; So, that ofL o r s foure, here, and but fourem all,all came not to Zuar, one came lhorr. So that;oftwtlve,ofdght of form; yea,a little after (verfe.35.) oftwo,one isrefi;(ed: that we may remember ~IV there be thatfcape from Sodome in the <..Angelscompany ; and ofthofe (fewth~u h they be)all are not fafe neither: Who would not feare, ifone may perilh in the eo~. pany ofAngels, , Secondly, that as one mifcarr;eth ; fo, not every one, Butotiethat had continued fo long;and fuffered fo many things, and after all this continuance, and all thefcfulfe. rings, £1llsfrom herefiate; and turnes all out and in ; and, by the inconfiancy ofone houre, m.aketh void the perfeverance offo many yeares, and (as E:ukiet faith) in the day, they ttsrne away to iniqr;ity, all theformerrighteo,ifnejfe they have done,jhaflnot!e remembred. _ · Thirdly that, asfhee perifheth; So, at the fame time, that Sodome: Shee, by it: and it, by her. That, one end commeth tothe finner without repentAnce, and toth; jult without per[everance. One end, to the abomination ofSodome,and to the recidi: vation of Lot's Wife ; Et non egredientes, & egredientes reJPicientes : They thatgoe n" e 11 tofher, perifh; andtheythatgoeoutofher, penOHoo, tftheylookebacke. ll. cm <..AJPha!tites, is a momttnenr Ofthe one; Lots WivesfaltJlone, amemorial! ofthe · orher. Lafily,that as one perifheth,and thatfl•chan one; So, that 01e perifheth at tlieg 4111 ' even hard at the.entry ofZoar : which ofall other, is moll: fearefull ; So neerehe: fafety, fo hard anhe gates ofher deliverance. Remember, that neere to Zo.rgatu; there !lands a falt fionc. · Thefe very thoughts,what her cafewas,thef~foure ~vayes;and what ours maybe (who are no betterthan fhe was)w1ll fearch us hkcfah,and teach us, that as ifwere· member,what we have been,we may(faith Saint Bernard)erube{cm; fo,if w~ remem· berwhat wemay be, we may c~ntremi{cere : that, we fee our beginnings, burfeenot our ending: we fee our Stadium,not our dolichum. And rhat,as we have great need to pray (with theProphet) Thsu hajltattght mefrom myyo~th ttp, untillnow, forfake mtnll inmine oldage,nsw when I am gray headed; So, we had need fiirre up our care ofcm·_ tirllling, feeing we fee, it is nothing to begin, except we continue; nor tocontinue, ex: cept we doe itto the end. · Remember, we make not light account1 ofthe Angel'sServa animamt1eam: bleffing our[elves in our heam, and faying, N011 Jiet tibih1c; we fhall come fafe, goe we never. fo [oft: Zoar will not run away. , Remember, we be not weary to goe whith~r G o o would have us i' nowi r Zoar, though a little Dne, if our[oule may there live :. and never buy the eafeofour body, with the hazard of our foule, or a few dayes of vanity with thelo!l'cof eternity• , Remember, we. llacke not our pace, nor {land jlill on the Plaine. For, ifwe ftand tlill, by frill fianding, we are meet to be made aPillar, even to fiand ilill, and never to remove. Remember, we looke not backe, either with hcr,onthevaine delights ofSoa'omelefci or withPeteron Saint John bchinde us, to fay, Domine, f<!!jd ifle? both,will makeus forget ourfo!l~wing. None thatcaffeth hiuye th'other way,is ;~;m,meerc as helhould be,nieeteforthe Kingd011ieo[G o o. . But fpecially remember we le4ve not our heart behinde m, but that we take that W!th us, when we goe out of Sodome : for if that flay, it will fray thefeet, andwnth the eye, and neitherthe one nor the other will doe their duty. _Remember, that out heart wander not, that our heah long not. ThisCare, ifit be fervent, will bringus PerfeverAnce. Out ofher R•· Now, that w~ may the better iearne fomewh~t out ofherp11nijhmmt too : Let us llifbmm. - ' remtfl1<.