{ Pret~ched inL E N T. } rememberalfo, rhatasro her,, foro us, Go o may fend fomero•-ufua/1 vifitation, and take us fuddenly away, and mrhe act of~n too. . .llememberrhedanger and damage : I[Is no Jelfc matter; we are about, rlun perdet nirllam. Which if we doe, we tr~flrate and forfeit all the frmt ofour former well aontinuedcourfe;allwehavedone,I~vawe. Yea,allthat CH u I sT hathdonefor c . · ·ne· whofepainesandfuffcnngs we ought fpeC!allyto tender,knowmg,that ~~;~~~~~~~cmlaboremlablrirrita;, No labomrolofllabour; and CHI\IST thenhath tojlbislabor~rforus. · . . d. h jl·n. . .i1 ber the folly : that beginning inthe Spmt ween m t ,e <.i" : turmng our G,J.;.l: ·b kemetm zoar werurneourfaceroSodo!IJC: joyningtoa headof finegold, feet of aceso . , r .. fl 1 cla . and to aprecious roundatJon, a covenng o nat~ 1. . . • - !j{ membertheDifgrace: that we ihalllofe our credit and accompt, while we live, Luke rp 4 : andiliaJ1bearethatofCH RI s T,Hichomo;andthatothcr,.fl.!!jdexifliJindefertuttJ Matth.>t.7, videre r v1 reed jhakm with the wind. · RemembertheScandAil: That, falling 9ur [elves, we !hallbe a blocke for to make ·othersfall: afin no !igluer; norlelfe, norlighteqh_an a mi/{.flone. . . , . . Mmh.t8 .~ Remember the Infamie : That we !hall leave our memory remammg mflones, a– mongLot's Wife, and lob's Wife, Demtt<and Ecebolia;andthenumberofRelapfed, thereto fiand to be pointed at, no leffe rhanthisheapeofSalt. Rememberthe I11dgement that is upon rheni after theirrelapfe,though they live,that they doe even (with her here)obrigefcere, wax hard andnummc~and ferve others for acaveat,wholly unprofitable for themfelves. . Remember thedifjculty ofreclaiming togood: Sevenevilljfiritsentering inflead of one thattheir/.j/jlate uworfe than thefirjl. Mmh.u. 4 f And lallly, Remember that we/hal,l jul!ilieS~domeby_fo doing ; and herfrozenfin, ·· ' fuall condemne our mslting verftte. For, .theym the wllfulnelfe oftheir wickednelfe perlifled till fire from heaven confumcd them: And, they being thus obdurate in fin, ought notihe (and we mu~hmore) to be i::on!tant inv~rtue~ And, ifthe~runkard hold out, rill he have loll: h1s.eyes; the uncleane perfqn, ullhe have wafled Ius l9ytm; the contentious, till he have confumed his wealth, .ftg,upttdor quodinfelixpoprdru Dei nonhabet tantam in bonoperfeverantiara, qr.antara mali inrn<lo ! What flume is it, that G o o s unhappy people l110uld not be as conflant in verruc, as the[e mifcreants have heene,and be in vice! Each ofthefe by it felfe ; all thefe put together, will make afull Meraento : which iffhehadremembred,OJe had beena Pillar oflight in heaven,not offait in earth. It is too late,for her :we,in due time yet,may remember it. . . And, •when we have remembred thefe, Remember C H R I s T too, that gave the· <.Mrmmto: that He calleth Himfelfe Alphaand omega; not ondy Alphafor His happy Ap~. t.S.; begmmng; but Omega, for H1s thrice happy ending. Forthat he left us not, nor gaove overthe worke ofour redemption, till He hadbrought it to Conft~mmatllmeft: And ~hat,onour part,Sr<rama Religionu eft, imitari quem cvlu,The highefl ace ofReligion, 1s,forrhe Chriflian toeonforme himfelfe,not to Lot'.t Wife,burto CH R I s T,whofe Name he weareth. And-thoughYera; amor non[remit vires defPe, True love(indeed) rccetveth no manner flrength from hope,bur,though it hope for nothing,loveth nevertheleffe; yer, to qlllcken our love, wluch oft 1~ butfainr, and, for a ful:l Memento, Re- >nember thereiVartl. Remember, how C H l\ r s T w1ll remember us for 1t. which !hall ~~t b? t~e wages_ofan hireling, or (Le•fe-wi[e) for time, and terme ofyear~s, but "•~"""'" '' Etermry1t felfe, never to e11·p1re, end, or determine, but to lafl and endure ror ever and ever. · 1~utthisr.,vard (f:lithEzekiel)is forrhofe,·w!iofe foreheads are marked withTau, Ezck.j.): w~~h (as Omeg•in Greeke) is the !aft letter in theHebmv Alphabet and the mlrke of con; remm.at"'!' eft, among them: They onely 01all efcape thewrath to come. And this crollvnb 's latd up forthem,not of whom it may be faid, Crtrrehati4 bene, Yedid runne GaLs ·1: we ; u;, for thofethatcanfay(with Saint Paul)CurfrwJ conrummavi, I have jnijhed •Ti!ll-H; mycour.ewell. ,. Dd4