Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

The fourth S E R M o N And(rhankcsbe t<i Go n) we have not hitherto wanted this falt, bur remembrel Lots Wife well. So that, this exhortation, becaufe we have prevented and donethat which it calleth for,changcrh his nature and becommeth acommendation,as all others doe•. Acommendation ~I fay:) yet not fomuch ofrhe people (whofe onelyfeti, my IS to ferve and be fub)ecr to one that is conll:am ; for orherw1fe, we know how wavering a thing the multitude is) as of the Prince, whofe con:ibnt !landing givetb fircngth to many aweakc knee oth~Iwife. And Blejfedhe'Go nandthe Fatherofour Loa o I • , us CH a I s r, that we fiandm the prefence offhlcha Prmce : who hath ever acc6unted ofPerfeverancc, n6t one!y as ofRcgina virtutum, the O!!_ecncof venues; bur, as ofvirtiH Reginamm, the venue ofa fl!!,eene. Who (hke ·Zorob 4 bel) firll,by Princelymagnanimity, laid theCorner-Jfone, in a rroublefometime: andlince: ·byHeroical!conflancic, thrpugh many both alluring proffers and threatning dancrers' harhbrought forth theHeAd-Honealfo 1 witht_he Prophets accla~ation, Grace,giact: untott: Grace, for {o happy a hegmnmg; and Grace, for fothrlce happy an ending, No terrours, no enticement; no care of her fafery bath removed her from her fled. fallneffe: bur, with a fixed eye, with O:raighr fieps, with a refolute minde,hath entred her felfe, and brou<>ht us intoZoar. It if alittle one, buttherein our {oult}hallli~e· and we are in fafety~ all the Cities of t~c Plaine being in combuflien roundabout us: 0 f whom it !hall be remembred, eo her htgh pralfe,not one!y that ofthe Hearheh u,. quevirgo ·viri; but,that ofDavid,thar,all her da)les ihc fervcd Go o,with acovenJnc. ofSa/t,and with her Jfrael,from the firfi day unrlll now. Andofthts be we perfwa, d~d,that He which began thisgood worke in her, wilt performeittintotheday Df I • svs CH a Is r, to hereverlafiing praife, comfort and joy; and, in her, to the comfon ' joy and happineffe ofus all. . . · ' Yer it is not needleffe,but right rcquilite,that we wh1ch are the Loa n s Remem: hranccrs put you in minde, that as Per{everance is the O!!._eene ofvertues,quia t4folaco– ronatttr ; fo is it alfo, quia Satanauifoli infidiatttr, forrhat, all Satans malice, and all his pracricesare again!l: it: Themorecarefullrteed we to be, to carry inoureyethis example. ~hich Go n grant _wemay,and that o_ur heam may ferioully regard,and our memones carefully keepe It, Vt hac cDlnmna fulctat nos, & hzc fat CDndiat no 1, that this Pillar mayproppe our weakeneffe, and thisfait fea{on our facrifice 1 that it may be remembred, and accepted, and relvarded in the day of the L o a o. Which, &c. C*~"J A SER; J