.SERMON A PREACHED I N TH E c 0 V RT A. T R I c H M ci N 01 On Tuefday, being theV; ofMarch, -·· Alino Vomini MDx c v 1, LVk E Chap. XVI. Ver. XX'( Fili, recordare, &c. Sonne, remember that thou, in thj life time, receivedjl thy pleafure (or, good thi~gs; ) and likttr~ife L A z A R ~ s painer: ~therefore u bee comforted, and thou art tor~ mmted. s Stripture hath rhe name given it in thevery iirll: words, Retordare Fili, Sonneremember: It iS a Remembrance. There bee many Sermons ofremembrance here on earth : this, is one from heavert, from the mouth ofv1braharn. Not now on earth, but in heaven, and from thence beholding(not in aglajfe r Cor.r p;; ordarkeJPeech, but) intuitive, that which hee tel- Iolu"l>·H· lethus: andHethat faw it bare witmjfo, andHio witneffi t5 true. Which may fomewhat move ~ttention: Or,if that willnot,let meaddc further, That it is fuch a . . remem~r4nce,, that it touchcrh ourefl:.:itc ineverlarrr,n~ hfe; That is,the well or ev!ll.hearing ofthis Recordare,is as much as our erernall _ e 1~ wonh.For,we finde both m1t. That our Comfort orTorment erernall(Comfort, 10 Ahahamsbo(orrte ; Torment, in the fire ofhell) depend upon it : and therefore, as muc as we regard them, weare to regard it. t The R~membrancc isdireC!ed to a·Sonne of Abrahams; not fo much for him, as for herefr. hr,Jt IS tO be feared,that both the fonncs ofAbrabam,and rhe daughters of SllrAh