Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

The fifth SE R M o N Sarah forger this point overmuch; anchnany ofthem (with this party here,towhotn it is fpoken)nevcr remembem, n!l1t be too late. To A • J( "'a li. Msfonnes then, alland every one; But fpecially, fuch ofhis fonnes,as prefently aremthe fia;e, that th1s So·nne (here) fomet1me was, ofwhom it is filld: He hadreceiVedgoodthtngst»hulife. By venue whereof, I finde, thi'sRe, cordare will reach home to us; forthat, we are within tlie compaffe ofthis Retefijli For truly, thefumme ofour Receipt hath been great ; No Nations fogrcat: And~ our RecordA~f, little ;J will not fay;how little,but (furc) too little for that,'Viehav~ received. ~:, ,. " y _ • ~ , v Nmv, ':ilbceit it be all oht cafe (for( we all havenct"ivedyy'et~hotall o·urcafe alik:. but offomc more than other. For, fome have received in farre more P.lemifullman~ ner than other fome ; and they therefore more deepdyintereffed in ir. And looke who among us haveteceivedmofi, them it moll concerneth : and they (ofall otheri mo!l:ncedro lookeroit. If you aske, why they more th:u1 others ~ For that (bdides the duty) to whom a great Recepifli is given, of t,hem a great Rccordare will be req11ired. The danger alfo he!pes them forward. For, lo it of~ hapl?eneth unhappily: that,where. as Recepifii is made (and fomay well be) a mor~ve, t?r us to remember '. focroffei; our namrc, none is fo great an enemy to Recordare a~ It: Our great recezving is oft occalion ofou'r litde rememhring. And, as a full d1etm thevejfe!s of011r hodie. {o a plenteousreceipt breedsftoppings in theminde,andmemory, and the vitall parts of o~r foule. Wehave liereofi1ively example before our eyes: And fuch an one,as ifitmove us not, I know not what will. A reccipt,for memories thatfujferobffmBions. Our SA v I ouR CH 1\ Is -i: uhl~ckcth hell gates to let us fee it. In difcovering what fighes and what fuffcnngs are mthe other world, bee lheweth us outlying in them,to whomAhrahamobjctkth, that this frankcreceivinghad marred his memory. And, as helheweth us his fault, fo (withall) what came to him for ir, in thatllran,Q{! · andfearefull confequent : ' therefore thoH trt torl!!ented. Thisexampleisrold by our SAVIOUR (in the XIIII. verfe) tootherricli men, and troubled with the fame- lethargic. Who, when he put them inmind~, lr would not beeamiffe, while they were here, to make them friends of that they hd received, that, when this failed them (as, failethem it mull) that might receivethu• into everlaffing tabernacles : forgate themfelves fo farre, as theyderidedHis counfell; nor, in words, but per myc1erifmum. Which maketh Him fall from Parables, toa plaine fiory(for,fo it is holden by the belt Imerpreters,both old and later: )and,from everlafJing tabernacles, to everlaffing tormmts : T~at, howfoever they regarded nor His Rccordare on eanh, they had bell give better eare to A a n A H A M s, from heaven. Iris His intent, in reporting ofit, that our remembringofitlhot~)dkeepeusfrom it. Non vnlt mortem,& minat11r mortem, ne mittat in mortem, (faithChryfoffome: )He would not have us in that place s yet He t~lleth us ofthat place; to the end wenever come in that place. Yea,it is Abrahamsdelire too,we lhnuld not be overtaken, butthinke ofit intime; and prevent it,before it prevent us. Andtherefore, he lifrerh up his voice,and crieth out ofheaven, Recordare lili. . . . And,not ondyAbraham, but he th<tt was inthe placeit fclfe,and bell knew rherer· rour, becau[e he felt it ;felt that,in it, as he heartily wilheth and inllamly fueth, that they,whorn heloveth or any way wi01eth well to, may fome way take warning,:~{! & ipji veniant, That they alfocome notintothatplaceoftorments. , Thisufe, CH 1t Is Ton earth, <.Abrah.<mfrornheaven, andheoutofhell, wtlh we may have ofit. And we(I trufi) will wilh our[elves; noworfe than they: and therefore looke to our Recordare,carry it in minde,and(inRecordare, there is Cor, roo).. take it !Oheart; and by both, in tiro; take order; Ne & ipji veniamtls. The