Preach_ed in L E N 'i', } than rllefe: yea, farre :ill we cari fpeake, or rhinkc : bur ~bar tleil) and bl.o~cl conceiverh but what it feelerh, and mufi be fpoken to, as lt may underHand. And it is a ground; that, in tcrmes (here and dfe-where) propor:1onea to <;mr conceit, tor. 111 mts are uttered farre beyond all concett: whtch,labounng to avo1d; wemay 3 but labouring ro exprelfe, we fi1all never doe Jt• , yet· tohdpe them fome~;vhat, we lhall the more deepely apprehend rhem, ifwe doe but ~ompare them: as wee may; and never goe.out of the confines of our owne verfe, . · lid . ·. h. h H' . · · h r , r · WithRecepifli, li1'1l:. To con 1 ert 1s: t at 1srormcntts mt epmenrrente, ~, Crrtciaru: Hisgood,.all paft andgone,. Rcccpijlz; Marke (fatth Samt Augllfline) of His pleafurc, omnM dtctt depr,etertto ;Dwes er•t, vefl:ebatur; Eptelaba111,, Recepifli: Henwrtch, dtdgoe,dtdfare, hadrecetved: rv.u, dtd, and J,ad; all paf!, andvanilhed away; all (likethecounterpane of a Leafe) expired; and our Abraham !ikeneth it to wages, received and fpent before-hand. , Secondly, lf welay cogetherhistotments,andbo:i4 tuaii1 vita. For, weelhall :ji find,they are ofadiverfe fcantling. The one had an end with his life; and o qNamJtehito! The other, when it beginneth once, tball never have an end. That life is not liktthis. No: if:tllrhelives ofall, (!fay not, men, women and c!iildren, btir of all) and every of thecreatures, that everlivcd upon the earth, or lhalllive to the worlds end, were all added, one to another, and all fpunne into one life, this one ex. ceederh them all. This then (I makeno que!lion) will make another degree,to think> quaddele8abM fuit momentanmm, quodcmciat eff £ternum. Thirdly, ifwe march invithLazanu autem; that is; with the light ofothers it1 f thatejlate, whence he IS e:;cluded: atJd mthem, With farrow to confider, what him; felfe might have had and lu.rh loft for ever.· Therejhall be (faith CH a xs T of Chap.IJ.:ili: tlus point)weeping, andgnajhmg of teeth, to fee Abraham, ~(aa,·, andlacob, andallthe · Pro,lms, intbe Ktngdome of Go v; and your[elves thmH 011t of doeres. Not onely, weepmg, forgrieferhat themfelves.have loft ir; bur, gnafhing of teethalfo, fer very indtgr~ation, that others have obtained lt. And, ofoth~,.not fome other; but, that LazarJM if/e, oncofthefc poore people, whom we lhunm the way, and dnve our coaches apace ro efcape from: that, ofthem, it may fall, we may fee fomein blilfe, when theyjiMII lye inhell.likejlllepe ( faith thePfa!mift) chat walked on earth !tkeLi- rfJ!, 4 8 .If. ons, Will nor this brareathird~ But beyond all rhefe,Ifwe counrerpoife it with the word .. ~4&'"""'· u comforted; 4 wirh which Abrahamhath fet it in .oppolition: Torment oppof~d ro comfort; Cthat is) torment comforrlcffe,wherein, no manner hope ofany kindeofcomfort; Neither of the comfort ofmitigation; for (in theverf~next before) all hope of>.i/.1.-.J-,V•releefe,is vcrCc , 4 ; demed, even toadrop of water: Neitherof thccomforrofdelivery at bfi; for (in rhe V ··f< 6 vcrf~ncxt followiug) he is 1villed to know, tlur, by reafonofrhcgreatpartition,rheir '·'' -' cafe IS fuch, ut nVYJ polfunt thatthey cannot prefemly, or for ever, looke for anypaffagc from thence, but mufhhere tarry iu rormems evcrlallingiy. So,neither comfort of re!cefe, nor ofdelivery: norrhe poore comfort, which, in all n1iferies (here)dorh not leave us, - ·-dabit Det~.< huquoqt~cfinem ; 1 Anend Will come: Nay, no end will never come, Which [never] is never deepe– ly enougl! unpnnted, nor fcr.oufiy enough con/idered, 1hat this [noJV] lhall be 1h\lnotV; and never have anend :and this<ruciarishecmciarir for ever and never de– clined into a prcter cenfe, as Recepif/i was. This is an exaltationofrhis crof!e, above alle\fe: None lhall ever comedowne from it: nonelhall ever begour bady, to lay it in '"' [<ptdchre. . Fifthly, Ifwelay it to Reeordare, For, may I nor addeto ~Il thefe; that, being 5. m;htscafe, he heareth Becordare, and is willed to remember, when his remembring 'hvt[<ldocbnu no good: but though herem~mber it in ~'orroJV and in the bitternejfe of u oule. l l h' r ' ' J' ' . . '·fi l. l . · yea, t10ug 1 IS 10rrow be avove mea{ure {orroJVfrdl u w1ll pro r 11m no- } llnlf I fay, Griefe both utterly comfo~tlelfe, and altogether ,;nprofttaGle., . hefe five make bun that feeles 1t (here) w1fh, that non~ ofthofe, hec Wlfi1E e erh