{ .'The fifth S E k M o N tWo parts; 'abody, aad • afonle, herememh~ed the onefo much; as he quite left the ()ther our ofhis1iiementll. ·For, his Recipijli tawas his.hodj, arid rtothing elfe. Now reafon would, thebody lhould nor take up the whole.&uipt; buttbar the poorefoufe lhould be thought upon too. PtirpleandJilke, and Ede, bzhe, they are butthebodies part: But almes and workes ofmercy, they, they be the{oules. May not our foules h.e admitred fuitors,that we would remember them (that is)remember Lazarru? for that is rhe foules portiori : For, the other parr, he and we all remember fall: enough.' ~:. ·~ . 4 Thus,remembrmgnelther Goo hor Lazarfl4, nay, nor h1sownejoule, his .J rncmorie rhus failing him, Go n pro7ided, and fent fome, to put him in minde. .Sprc, as he.hJd received thofe former good thing's, fo alfo had he received M~fesand th~'Prophets, by his ovme.confeffion: And,in receiving them, he had received a great benefit, and (peradventure) greater in this than the other: And, Mo{es had told him Dcuq •·•9· ~s much-as Abr~hameels him now: Vtinam novifima providerent, WouldGo o (faith Mofcs) menwotd~rememberthefot~reNovifima; I. Thatthereisadeath; z. Ther~ Dcut.p.a. is a,It~dgemmt; 3• There is·aHeaven; 4· Theteis aHell: Bur,of all the foure, No. <vijfirnainfemi (in the fame chapter) the nethennoll:; Nuncigitur cruciari;, the place Icr.s.p. of torments. The Propl1ets fa1d as much: Ieremze, Evcrrhmke, that an end there will be, Et qutdjiet innovifimo,whar ihall become ofu~ inthat end~Who ninMgll4(faitb E!ay ll·' 4 ; E{a.y) C411 endt~re devourzngjire.? Who can dwell w1~h ~rdor~s {emptterm; ever!ailing Jlurnings ~ Thefe he had: and1fh,e had heardlhefe, 1t •s plamly affirmed, Audtamip– jos would have done it; they would havekepthim,for ever comming in that place. But, rhefe ~lfo living~e ll:rove to forger, and (as ingenderers ofmelancholy) to re· move dwm farr~ ;tway."Artd~ th~t he might the more eafily doe it, it was thought not arniil"e, to cal\sh~ir authomy m~ueihon, w~mher they were worth the hearing or no. It is (ineffcet) cohfelfed by h1m : that Ius jive brethren and he were of one opinion.; tha.t the hearing ofMo{es and the Prophets was a motivefarreunworrhyt() <;arry fu.ch m~n as they. An, A11gell from heaven, or imeftom the deadmight (per· haps<) ~ut, theBooke~ofMofes ~ould ~ev:rmovethem. It was not, for nothing; he.complamerh ofh1s tongue: Illalmgtta,. wuh that tongt~e,_ he had fcomed the Holy oracles: peradventure, that place, wherem he now lay, w1th that tongue which, in that place, feelerh the greatell: torment; and, from that place, the fmallell: comfort:, both which it had beforeprophanely derided. Thus then you fee his Scalam inferni, thebriefc of his faults, for which his Rt· ,eeipt cndeth in this bitter Re.:ipeof tormmts without end. ' Epicuriline: no life but this: Nogoodbut thefe here, Goodattire; good ~heere, , This \vas his reward: <.A· Mmh,6,~. men, dicevobu, rmpiffis. <Saint Chryfortome two.) •B.emembring neither Go o in heaven, nor Lazarfl4on earth; • but being aGurges; a Gulfe of all that he received, himfelfe: l No not his ownefoule; 4 nor (!ail ofall) this place oftorments, before he was in.it; and fcorning at Mofes for remem~ringhim ofit. This you fee: And, \.. in him, you fee who they be, over whom .ll.brahamlhall reade the like fentcnce: jzyl bah(t &;res, &e• tr. lhetit/tt R"•!dArtfili . Now then; wee have fetupbothfidesofthis Croffe, andfafretiedeachpartfo other with 'l{pw therefore: Let us atlix the Infcription, and fo an end. That, is Rt. cordareJili: The want of which brought him thither; The fupply of it {hall keepe us thence. · _ . Fili recordare: optime dif1t~m, (ell{er'o, Excellently wdl faid, but too !ate(faith SaimBernard.) For,alas! commeth Ahrahamin now, ·withRecordare? Dothhe nowaffixthetitle~ why; itistoolare. True, itisfo: But, rill now, he would not {uffer any to fet it up. Before, while it was rime, and when it might have done him good, then he would not endureit : Now he is faine (when it is out oftime)rokno~, what in time might have done h1mgood: andmay doe others, if(inrime)they look to it. , Indeed,to him now, it is of no ufein the world; buronely to let him fee, by what lullice he is where he is; and what he futfereth, hefutfererh defervedly. ~~