Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in L E 'N 1-. } belt is, AbrahiJmhath more(onnes than this fon; and they may take good by it, and have u(e of that, whereofhe had none. W tth tillS fonnc 1t 1s too late;,. 'Yith fome h · 1 is not· Nor with us : we are yet upon the llagc: 0 ur r.xm vero 1s not yet 01 ere, 1 And:.o·r· us is this Infcription fer up, and for our f~kcs, both CaR x ; 1' corn • '' ' 'd d I . d. orred .and Saint L11ke recor e t us Gecor are. rep Ify~u aske, What good is that.~ What is thego_od ofexemplar)' Iullice ~What; ood is it,to .fee amalefaetou_r pumfhed,or to readem .a paper the cnme wherefore~ . ~har,butonely thatby readmg what brought htm th(ther,we may re~nember what will keepe us from thence. Thenegleer of Recordarersthe caufe, hers tb.ere: why th n Recordareji!i, and keepethee from thence. So, With one v1ew ofthis Infcnptio:,'we reade both hismineandour owneremdu. . . . . This is the righrufe of tlus t1tle : Go o forbrd, wdhould have noufe oftr, trll we come where hee is. Bur, !fus therefore fer over Ius head mrhat !Jfe, th~t wee rnay readeitinthis : readc it, and remember it : remember 1rand never have urlefet over ours. It willbe good then,fometimes to keepe fame day holy to the exaltationofthi~ Cro(fe, and to [etthisritle before our eyes: to approch it and reade ir over: Yea, not once,but often to recorcl this Recordare. Iudeed, ,it is thar, Saint Gregvry faith: Re– cordatiom magiugetver(m ifle q11am < Indeed, it mdre needs a diffojitioli to remtmber it, than an expofiti6nro underlland it. We are yet : how long wefhall, we know not, (lOt how foone vita tu£ will be • ' gone nor, how quickly this l•m vero will come in place. This we know :betweene his fi~te and ours,rherc is only a puffe ofbreath in our nollrils. That this life(ihort though it be, and in amanner, amoment; yet) h•c ejl moment,.m, unde pendet £tenJita: Onir, nolelfe matter dependeth than our er_ermty: or bltffe or bane, comfort or torment. That \n that place, without all hope .either ofrdeefe, efcape or end: and that from rhence,ne•therour profeftonoftruth, norrhe grearneffe-of our receivtng !halldeliver,but only this Recordare. It ftandeth us then in hand, to take perfecc ilJlprdlion of this Recvrdare :and (as Saint t1nguftine faith) ob!ivifci quid Jimm ,attmderequidfieturijimm, ro forget, what we now be; to confider, what we !hall be with~ out all quellion yer long, but we know not how foone: bur; oft it falleth, the ihorter and fooner, the leffe we rhinke of it. Three things then I with, for conclufion: ' that we may remember : • remember f in time: l remember ejfellually. That we mayremember thejre, the thirjl, and the torments; and know what theymeane, bymemory, rather than by {en(e. .tdbraham; from heaven cals to us to that end: The party in hell cryerh, Ne veniant & ipji. That.we doeirintime: that we be not in rhiscafe,never lift tp o1er eyes,rill we be ~ in hell; norremember that may doe us good, till it be too late. . That we doe it effillually froin rhe heart: For, there is a heart in Recordan: 3 And that, this being our greatell bufineffe, we make it not our leall: care. Our Remembringwill beeffeetuall, ifwe pray to Go o daily,we may fo reQeive, ~s we may be remved.And ourremembring'lhall be effeetuall,ifit have the effecc,rhat ts, make us remember Laz.,m. ~otidie Lazartu : You may finde Lazarm, ifyou feeke hrm, every day: Nay, you lhall finde him,though you feeke him nor. Our prefent ell:are, by prefem oc7afion of thedearth. now upon us, makes the memory more frefh, than~t umes it wouldbe. Remember then om· being remembred there, lyerh on thts thm remembrance here; and,up?n their receiving, our recipiej, or rather rwpmu. And reiiJember that day, wheremwhat rve have received(hall be forgotten; and what He hath receivedofus lhall be remembred·and nothing elfe n,all b6 ili~embrcd, bur quodnni ex miwim~. The atta!ningevertafling taber?acles!theavoi- 10 . 4 ., {i ~ everlafhng torments lye upon it. That whrch we remember now mLazarm boome; ihallbe remembred to us againe in Abrahamsbofome. To which, &c. A SER..'