Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

A SERMON PREACHED IN THE COVRT AT GREEN... VVIcu, On Sunday, being the I V. ofdpril~ A11. 'Doru. M o x c v 1. ------------------------~ 11 Co R. Chap.XII. Verf. XV. Ego autemlibentiffim~ impet~dam, & fuper~i:npendarfpfe · pro animabus veftns: etfi Jtcet plus vos dthgens, m.mus diligar. e/fnd I wiUmoflglad{y beflow, and wiUbee beflowed[or your Joules; though, the more I /o11eyou, the lejfe I am lrlJJed. . HE words be'Saint Pauls;and to the Corinthians, And,ifwe neitherknewwhofeth~ywere,nor to whom; yet this we might know by the words themlelves, that it is Love that fpeakes, and un– kind,.ejfe, that is fpoken to. Impendam; St~perimpendar; libmtijftme: this muli needs be love; and that,.unkindndfe, that requiteth fuch love, with fuch an Etji, Etji mimu diligar, Tho~<gh, the more I love, the lelfe I i1c loved. Many wayes it may be manifell, that Sainc t Pa~<l loved the Church of Corinth more than • Cor.; ••i. many other (loved ~hem, for he laboured more ~~f.:8;~.·· for them.) By the nme hec fpent with them, . "yeare andahalfefull: Scarce with any fo much. By.~ svifiting them three feverall times: Not any fo oft. By two of his largell: Epzsiles fem to them: Not, to any the like, And in the one of them we fee here, how franke and how kinde a profellion he maketh,in q11A omne verbtem charitatis ig_ne vaporat•r, wherem, every wordcarrierha fweet fent of Loves perfume: (It •S Same Gregory.) Thefe, each ofthefe; but all thefe together, may prove his magudtltgam; the abundance of Hts lovetoCorinth. Now there !houldbe,in /n,c,th~ vertu~ ofthe Load-jlone,the vertuedttratiive,td :a draw