Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

322 r The jixth SE R M o N } ___________1~·------------------------------------------ Ch•p.u.6. tCo[.t~.l,, Ch<lp,~::r:.~:t. drJw like.loveto it againe. Therdhould be : but was not. For, theirlittlelon ap. peared, by thctr many unlov•ng excepnons wluch they tooke to hun. To lus O.lfite,. That, he was but anApOjile ofthe fecond head, and nowaye~ to be matched with theChiefe dpo.ftles, rerj:u. To his Ptrfon: That he was one ofno prefencc: Some– what good at anEpijfie; but his Peifm<or pre{ence) nothingworth(• .ro.)To hispreacliing,. tlut he was but i!>w'"" ,r,&_y~, not fo eloquent by much~as dlVer[e of them were; nor his Sermonsex opere Cortnthtaco,oftheCmnthian fafluon. Indeed, Iknow not how, but he could not lut on thm veme. This cold inf[,Gon of {o fJint regard on their pd.tts, might have quenched his love. It did, Apollo's, for Apollo was once at Corinth, but found them fo diverfc to pleafe,as he waxed weary and got !urnaway; and when he was moved to returnc to them ""'' ,..,, r,.J<~•'"~"'' his minde was not at all to come there againe as yet, faith Saint Paul ( r Cor. r6.) l t_made Apollos give over. So mightit Saint Paul too.Bur,hitn it did not: Charit,u quA ,edtjicabat, the love wherewith he built,was like lime, flaked not, but rather kindled with water. For, nOtwith!l:anding all thefe, fuel{ was his zeale, and heT,mtm ulator anim•rrem, tharwe fee his affechon, and we hearc his re– folution whJt it is: unkinde they might be, but no unkindneffe of theirs, or verditl nevn fo hard,or cenfure never fo !harpe; nominu. diligar fi10uld move him,ot make him love their{ouiu a whit theleffe. Wherein, left they might be jealous, he fought toCoriuthfo oft,for theoreofir.' becaufe the foile was rich, there wa~ good to be done (as men are ever that way quick-eyed:) he appealed to all IllS former courfewtth them, that he hadfoughtno– thing hitherto. Nothing he had fought, nor nothihg he wouldfeeke: And (to come to this our vcrfe) not only !eeke nothmg; 1 Bnt he wouldhtjlow: 'Befiow, and be heffswedhimfclfe: 3 and that, moff willingly ( indeed it is higher, .Id\,~, moJIgladly) 4 and J!l this (to ule Chry{oJiomes words) not, \4"o/'!hli ~"~'7w,, forrho(e that had not begun to love him firfr, but \4'1",hl'' b1•~"!'1"'' forrhofe that b.eing loved firfr did not love him againe. sAnd that, not ,.r· ''""m equall meafure (that, is·not his com– plaint) but fuch, as the more (it is fuller, in the Greeke, *'"'""I"'' the more almndantly) they were loved, loved him the lejfe for it. The degrees are many :and'looke how ma· ny degrees, fo many feverall pomtsofelevation. · All which when I conlidcr,I cannotchoofe but marvel! at his love;which truly is right admirable: And more, at their minus, than his magis: But, at his heroicall fpirit, moll: ofall, whom fuch and fo great unkindneffe could not over-come. The rather, when Ilay it to, and compare it with ours in thefe times: in which,a kindeof love we have ( fuch as it is) but fuch as will not endure Saint Pa11ls affay; Or, if in fome degrees it doe , ifit be notrefpecred !l:raight (not as it difervetb, for fo haply it is, but as it {uppo[eth it felfe to defcrve) ifit be croffed with any unkindneffe,ir grow· cth abrupt. Everyminm diligdr makes it abate; and farre we are from this Chri· fiian magnanimitie, to refolve with him (in the rr. Chap.) q11odfacio, hoc 6,~ faciam, whati doe, that I will doe frill: Or, here: Love I wilt frill ;though, the mm I love, the le/fe I be loved. The thing loved, is theCorinthiansJoules. And (asCorinth it fe!fe was liruate in anarrow land, betweenetwo Seas) fo arethey, in the verfe: having, on'theone!ide, the Seaof{elfe-love (in the former parr: ) and, on the other, the Gulfe ofttnkindntlf~ (in the latter.) Through either ofwhich, Saint P~rd makerh a fir!l: and fecond navi· gation, ifhaply he may foadire Corinthnm, gaine their foulcs to CH R r s ·r, more precious to him, than Corinth it felfc and all the wealth in it. 'l'b•l'Jivifi•H. In the Love two things are offered. For~ in ~he former moitie of the vcrfe, he is I. encountredwith{elfe-love, ' which be!l:oweth nothing; • but, lean ofall, his life: · l Or ifit doe, .it is not moJfgladly; nay, not gladly at all. Thefe three he beareth downe: the firft, with Impendam ;the fecond, with Impcndar : the third, wirhiiben~ ti.jiml:. Thus havingvanquifl1ed the love of himfclfe in the former; in thcl.ttrer moity, rnkindnejfe rifeth up. Vnkindneffe, in them, for whom he had done allrhe former•