Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in L E N T ~ } {c r Over which fecond cnemic having a fecond conqudl alfo, a:nd rnumphing orme w' 1 ·ch hisEtiJ. he l!Jewerh, his love robe a love ofprobfe, to haveall the por: ovcm, ~·, 11 h. h · h" «" f h. < fecrionsandfignaruresofLove: a w 1{ are Wit mcompaue o r IS verfe. Amor (as in schooles we reckon them) 1 Impenjivm; '. Expenjivtu ;-l ll<ten.ftvmand -1 Exten. ji mThe two former mtherwo verbs; • A&we,Impendam;and 1 Plffive,Impendar; ~~o~ing, or [pending~ Eejlowed,_o:· fp~nt it felfe, Th_e two latter, in theAdverb and theConjtmEfiilrJ: l Intmjive, fir:umng,tn felfeto chelughefi def!,ree,moftgladly.: and +Extenjive, llrerchmg1r felfeto thofe that are f~rthirlt from Lov~,and Icafi def~w~ it Etji rninm diligar. • To fPend; >To fpend and heJPent; l To fpend and be fpenc moll willingly. Ifrhefull point were there, it were enou~h. +·But, noc only libentijJime; ( •. Bur, tibentifime, Etji; moft gladly, yea, though the more he,the leffi they, that 1s all ~ill . ih But then, !ell: we mifiake ourterme.oflove (as, eafily we may, and confoundit wirh l"ff) we mufi looke to our Pro, in the fecond parr. It is, Prl) animabm ; (oule: love, he meanerh all the while. Love,thejhlit ofthe Spirit; Not luft,theweed ofthe Gt-s...: jiep,, Not, of this fldhfifler to wo~mes, anddaughte~ t~ rottennef[e; but, of theSpirit !0p,;~;~:: allied tothe Angels, andpartaker, mhope, of the Dtvtne 114tureJt fclfe. And, not of onton\y; butanimabm, of Sor•les: more than love ofone foule; many foules, mahy· thoufands offoules, ofa whole State or Countrey. Them to love, and to them thus coprov~ourlove, is it, which Saint Pate! would reach; and it, which wee need to !came. Thefe beche two pms. Whereof, &c. · To enter the treatie ofthdirfiparr. We begin at the fourepoinrs, I Impell~ r: . da11J,' Irnpendar, l Libentifime, and 4 Etji. IfLovebe an Enjigne (as,Can.6.) The Lovt;· 1 theColo11rs; Ifit beaBand(as,Hof.rr.)the twijls; Ifa ScAle (as,Chry(oftume) ~:;('·6·1.- thea(cmts;IfanArt, (asBernard) the Brdes ofir. Indeed, they talke much ofan Art ·"+ ofLove,_and Bookesof verfes have beene written ofit :but, above all verfes, is Car– menhocamort!. This verfe hath more art than theyall: and ofthis it may befaid; Me legat, &ieE!ocarmine doc1t<r erit: Learne it,and fay you learnedLove. To take them as they lye, and with the firfi, firrt. Ego vero impendam. ~ .... I There was aworld, when one fa id, da mihi cor 11111m, & (t1ficit: Befio\v your r heart on me, and I require no funher bejlowing; and thebejlowingof Love, though Amorimp,.fl· nothing but love, was (omcthing worth. 11114'1mpendt~!11~ z Such a world there was: Bur, chat world is worne our. All goerhn01vbjl Impendam: Loveand all is put out to inrerefi. The other empty-handed Love,is long fince banifhedthc Court, the Cirieand theCoumrey. For, long fince it is; that KingSad faw ir,aod faid it,to his Courriers,that htwdJ nvt regarded,but becau[e hegave themjields,andvine-yards, and offices over hrmdreds ,zndtho 11 (ands. Nor 1 Sam.u.7; yer Dtanain the Citicof Ephefru, magnified there by the Crafrf-men, but, ~ecaufe Altst 9 .•-l· byher Sdvershrmes, they h,zd thezradvant.1ge. Nay, nor CH R r s T Hrmfdfe nerther, mthe Coumrey, but becaule they ate ofthe leaves And!Vere filled. For, many Iohn.6.~_6; mrracles had they feene much greater than that, yet never profeffed they fomuch,Si- "'1 tttncexatttrati, as when He bellowed a good meale on them• .3 Such1s now the worlds love, but fpecially at Corinth, where they doe caupo~ narza':'oremindeed; feclove to hire,andlove to fate; and at fo high a rate, as* fame were IOrced to . I a . f, l I d both toodtare, grveovcr, e paymg or ove, ney might buy repentance toe!; an wh ~. Thereis"n?tcmedy then: Saint Paul mull: apply himfelfe • td time and pbcej e cm Cas all thmgs clfe, fo) love depends upon Impendam, r eddingandPaying. , 5 Now,