Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in LE N 't. as Salom~/J faith, FortiG 'ifiwt mors; dare throw death ~is gauntlet. MaJorem hoc ne- Cam.S.n. 'ind (faith CH R 1 s T4 Greater love hath no man, than thts, to bejl01• hu life. 4 . And !oh.• s.•I· · deed we fee many can be content tobejlow frankly; but at no hand, to bee bejlorv1d he~felves ; Yeal that they may not be bejlowcd, care nor,what theybejlow. For, ~elfe-love crierh to us, {par~ our li11_ing; but in anywife,Propitim eflo tibi,to {pare our M>uh. t 6. .,. rfe. skin for S!tin is nothmgbuttmpmdere netmpendamllr ;tofpend all we have, to lob •+ fpare ourfelves. Bur,hirher al~o, will Sr. Pa11l come f!om """"'"'"''to O¥,without any refervationat all of htmfelfc: To doe or full-er ;tofpendortobejjent; Howro 6e.Jfmtf will he dte~Yeamdeed: Whar,pr~fently hereacCmnthl No; for at this rime, and long afte~he was and yet he [aid truly Impendar for all that; For as before wee fatd,fofay wemthts: If there beno way to beebejlow– rd but by dying out of hand : rhey that, infield, receivethebt~Uet; ortheythat, ac th~.f/ake, have the fire fet eo them; they and they only may be faid to be bejlowed• .That, is a way indeed, but not the only way : but, other wayes there bee befide them too. As that is faid to bee bejlowed, not onely that, is defrayd at one entire payment; but, that, which by feverall fummes, is paidin; ~fpecially, if it bee, when it was not due ; nor could not bee called for. Thts I meane : The Patriarch Lot, or the Prophet Ieremie, that dwelling where finne abounded, andfeeing and hearingvexedth~irrightwufot~les with the daily tranfgreffions ofthe i Pet.• 7• 8. People,andfor their unkindnelle too;and thereby prevented their rermc and paid Narures debt, yer their dayc~e, hejlowedrhemfelves (fayI) though, nor at once. (For, hearts griefe and heavinelfe doe more thanheftow, for they even confwmand wa(l:e a mans life;) AndTitMthee, that by giving attendance to reading,meditation, and fiudie;grew into an b·•{i• andofteninfirmities~ and thereby fl1orrened his timeby much, • Tim.4: •f: · /;ejii!Wedhimfelje(fay1) though not at onemjl.ant, He that knewJt barewtrnelfe, that S·'I' thatcourfe oflife is awearying, yea,and awearingof it coo; and fpends anotherman- . nerfubO:ancerhan the fweat of the browes. This then,forrhe prefent, was Sr. P~uls Eccler......: itJJptndu:Byintentivemediwion {for,hisBooksand Parchments took fomewhar'from , Cor.••· zo. his Summe;)Byforrow andgriifeof heart; for ~iJ[candali:tatur, & ego nonuror? • Cor.• S·l'· and that hefaid(and faid truly) fl!!,otidil: morior,He bejlowedhimfe!fe by inch-meale; and might avow his impendarbefore Godor man. And fo far;it is the cafe ofall them, ~hat be in thi.s cafe: Saltem•, as CHRIST termeth them; which So~lt, by giving feaI>bnh.f.rl: fon,me!tethLtfelfeaway, and ceafethin lhort time to be that it was. Lt<x mtmdi,the '"' light oftheworl~, Aliii1!'i~iftrandu, feipfos confumendo, Lighti'!gothers,and t~~afting themfelves: that ts, abndgmg thetr naturall courfe, and drawma on their untimely difeafesand death 1 before their race be halfe run. " · But, to make it a perfect impm1ar .andtogiv.eithisSuper; afterallrhis,hee xCor , . tame t.o t~at other too. For fo hee dtd: m that pomr, hke the poore labouringaxe 9 (~o ~h1ch_,mrh~IX. Chatter of the former Epiflle, he refemblerh his flare) fpending his ttmc;, ~n earmg the ground for corne, in inning the corne, in treadingout the cqme; hts 7'\.!cke yoked, and hismOIIthmt~zzled; and,intheend whenallisdone, offeredon the vfltarto~,and made aSa,·rijice of. It was his cafe,and thither he came at laft : and thereforemboth cafes, hemightttuly fay Impendar, and St~per-impendar both. d~ut1 to ele~ateityet a point higher, weefity, that as either of thefeare much; 3 anhi d ~thexceedmg much : yet above both thefe is that, which (though we handle Am" 1 1 ," 1 '",#; t r tt) !\ d h fi..ll. h d . , vm . ,.,, ,,. [; .'»c ban et "''tea verbeLtbentijftm<. Trueitis whichinDivmttrewec ,.I. ay h) : Go o,the vfdverbe uAbove the rerbe; and the Inwardajfiflton(where– ~~n ,.~ .0~e the outwardaflionor Paffion of lmpendamor Impendar, either. With the '~ ts ?too: When adifpleafureis doneus,Say we not we weigh not fo much it hm(drteht felfe, as themalicious mmde of him that d 1 d ~ffer it ~ Arid,if in evt!t 0 'w ynotmgoodmuchmore ~ Not fo much!mpendar,thething which; as Ff :Liben.