.. The Jixth s E R M o N 3 6 ~----~~~~~--~----~~~~~--~~~~~-------Libemifirne, the goodheart, wherewith it is bell:owed. And, will you feethe mindf wherewith Saint Pat1l will doe both thefe ~ By this adverbe nJ';<•> you may looke into his very heart. Beflow he will, and be bejlowedtoo; and that, not Vtcrmque, in any fort, be contented to come to it ~·butwillingly: wil_lingly, Nay readily; lteadi. ly, n~y gladly (and thedegree is fomewhat, >iJ'I<«) moftgladly, inthe very highell of all, in the[uperlative degm. ToJPmd, and [pending to make no more reckoningofit, than of chafFe : Nay (it is more) to be gladof our lo!fe; more glad, than others would be oftheir gaine. To beJPent,and in being fpenr,not to hold our life precibus: Lu~. 17. 1+, .1s,&c. Nor fo,but to rejoyce init,and as if death were advantage; In hoc eft charitM, cedain. ly. Death (of it felfe)is bitter,and loffe is not fweet: Then,fo, to altcrtheirnarures~s to find fweetnejfe in lojfe, whereatallrepihe; andgl•dnejfe indeath, which makethall to mourne; verily,hereinis love: Or,ifnot here,where~ Nay,here iris indeed;and before now, we had it not. For,inllattermes,heavoweth (in the X//1, chapterbe– fore,ofhis former Epif/le)if we feverthis from the other two : One maypart wi!h,g hi<goods tofeedthepsore, andyet have no love: Onemaytiyehis b1dy.to !fe b11rnt, andyn have no love : And then,_ though he doeimpendere,_ bej~ow all he bath; and~hough he doe impendi,be bejloovedhlm[elte,mhzl ejl,he IS nochmg,1fhe want th1s affcthon,which is love indeed,the very foule oflove, and ~heot~er but •.,.,ja,,but theskin andbone~ and indeed nought elfe but thecarc•Jfe, Without lt. Therefore,tt was, char St. Paulfee this in thefir£1: place before the othenwo, becaufc the othertwo be.bm ciphers,and afterthis (the figure) fer, they be tens and hrmdreds, andhavetheirvaluation:buc without ir,of themfelvestheybe but ciphers, juil: nothing. Thus much St. Paulhath Iaid,in fayiogthcfe three words, •lmpmdam, ~ lmpendar, 3 Libentijilf/?~Thus·much they amount to. _,. l •. J And no\v mult wepaui~a little, to fee, what will become of all ·chis,andwhat thefe three will worke in the Corinthians. ; We marvel! atthe Love : we Otall moremarvell,whet~ we fee, what manner of men,on ,yhom iris beltow~d. What his proofesa~e,we have heard; how largeand how lovmg; and thlls fans he come, onely towmfwour and like mmuallloveat their hands,withou~eyetoany other thing in the world. NoVef/ra :(no )bur Voson– ly. This is all. And, not this; not fo much; Nay not fo little,as this,will come. Which if it did come, what lingular thing were it~ lince the very Pztblicansdoethl like ;love him, that lweththem, Which we gather by his Etji. Wherein (as he may) inno lowd and bitter manner he cornplaineth, but complaineth though ; that, feekin~· their love, and nothing elfe,fo hard was his hap,he found it not : Not,in agrcater,o~ asgreat a meafure, as his; but, minusfor magi<, and fo he a great lofer by it. The more, the higher, the neerer, his; the le!fe, the lower,the further off,theirs: fothar, little likelihood of ever meeting. This is St. Pattls cafe, to meet with unkindnelfe :and not only his, but CHusr met with nine for one, too. Indeed,itis common,and notto be noted, but forcom· monr~effe. De ingratrs etiam ingrati qt~mmtttr, They that are zmkinderhemfelv~sin• velgh agair~il: the rmlcindnejfc of others. And, as it was laid ofthem that made Ct· f ar away l oderunt tyraJ<rlllm, non tyrannidern, fo may it truly here : 1h: Perfons (that are ,unkinde) they hate, rather than the vice it fdfe. Yet, even to know this, cloth no hurt, what Saint Pa11l met with in theCorinthians;and this too,thatall ·unkinde perfons dwell not at Corinth. And, as he to be pitied, fo they to bee blamed. All other commodities rcturnewell fromCorinth ; onelyLove is no trafficke. Saint Pard cannotmakehU swne againe, but mufi·be agre:ttlofer, withall. We can· not but pitie the t.Ap'!flle in this <.Mimls of his. Saint t.Augzefline faith well : 'Z{gU4 dJ major adarnoremprovocatio, quampr£venire~tm~tndo : 1'{imu enimdrmu eft animm, quiamoremetfi nolef7at impendere, nolit tamm rependert, No more kindlyattrac1ive1{ love, than it~ loving toprevent: For, exceeding il:ony is that heart, which, though it like not to Love firft, will not Loveagaine neither; neirhcrfirfi, nor fecond. 1 Yet fo hard were theirs thacneitheroncwaynorother, rem, norrql'rKe, w?uld enhe-: