Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

'Jhe jixth S E R M 0 N (faith St. Bmwd) Thouhadll: greater, for thou bell:owedll: thy life forthy very; mies, And, tothislovcit is, that St. Paul afpireth; and neere it he commeth ·tha~ in fome fort, wee may likewife [aytohim, Tt~majoremhabuijliPaule,yes,thylove (PAul) wasgrearer: for,thou art ready to doethe like; not forthineenemies, but for thy 11nliinde friends, the next degree to profeifed enemies. ' To.fiend, • To!fendand heJPent : l ToJPendandbe JPent,Andthat moflgladly:"Nor onlymoflgl•dly 1 butmojl gladly, rea though. · · Thus you have now hisdoubleconquell:: OverrheLoveof himfe!fefirfl:; and now, over Minils diligar, an unkind rcpulfc coo. And,in figne of victory, he fetteth up his colours, even thefefoure : • Impendam, • Impendar, l Libmtifime,and ~ Etfi, ButEtjiisthechief~;iris CH a x s T s colour;and,tharno perfeCl:Love,thatwa~~. tethEtji. Il Thus we have leeneL01Je;n his higheft: afcendent,and heardLo-ve in his MagiJit; The 'ob;ll ol rittm, the hardell: and highefl:, and in?~ed the M4jler-point of thisArt•. Which f~. !tis Lout. teth us new on worke, to paife over mro.the fecond part, and to enqmre, wharthts ohjel1may be, foamiable, whereon Saint Paul h:;th fer his affection fo, that fotit, he will doe and fuffer all this; and that, fo willingly without any exception, fo con– fianrly, withour any giving over. All this, is nothing bur the zeale of foules, ZdtH ammarum f•ciet hoc : Ir is, for theirJoules, all this. For theirf~ttles; and let their 6odies goe. 1 Which (firll:) draweth thediamettrrhatmaketh the partition betweenethe tvia Pra ·ani,.bt~~, Lo""es : The love whichSt. Paul found; and the love which St. Paullefrat Co;iNth. forrourfo•les. For, he found that which isScelm corporum, thebodies unrulyA./feE1iM, and infeHion too otherwhile; (if ever in any place, there, it abounded: bur,he left Ze/& anim 4 • rttm,theSoules per{eE1ion. Indeed, it falleth our fometimes,thar,in carnalllove (or ra. ther lu.ft,than love) wemay patterne all the former ; and finde (as rheWi(eman fpea– keth) fome onede.ftitute of underjlanding, wafting his whole fubfl:ance, hazarding his life (andthat, morewillingiJ than wifely) perhapsto gaine nothing but a fcorne for his labour ;and yet perfill:ing in his folly ll:ill: and all this,in the paffion ofconcupi· fcence, toa vainecreature; pleafing his phanfieto the difpleafing of Gon,and to the piercing of his fouleoneday withdeeperemorfe for it : and except it doe, rorheut– ter ruineboth of body and foule. We have, here at Corinth, afirange example ofit, ~LAIS. . Of* one,--Adcujusjacuit Gr.eciatotafom,at whofedoores,fundryofall forts wai-. D<m•flb<nll, ted, fuing and feeking and (as one of them faid) buying repentanceat too dearc arate. But,what need we faile toCorinthlEven in our owne Age,we have enow fond cxa·m. ples .of it: of Lwe fer awry and fortedamiifc; diverredfromthefoule,whmit fuould be bell:owed,and lavifi~ed on the body,whereagreat deale leife would fcrve.Ir isSaint Artgujlines wilh: 0 fi excit11repoj[emm homi11es & cum iu pariter excit&ri, ut 14· lel4matores, &c! 0 that we would in thiskinde fiir up others, and our[elves (with them) be fiirred up,but even to bell:ow fuch love on the immortal!Joule, as we fee dai– ly call awayonthemruptiUebody! What, bur fo much ~andno more~Abjitutfie: fed utinam vel fie : Till it might be more, would Go n, it were but as much in the meane time. Yet, more, and much more it ihould be. Sedinfelix Pop11lru Dei nonh4· bet tantttmfervorem in bono, qt~antNm mali in malo, is St. Hierom'scomplaint. But the People of G o n (unhappie in that point) harh not that courage or conflancie in the loveof the Spirit, that the wicked world hath, in the luflpf thejlejh. That courage~ iCor..6.f; Nay, nothing like : lAd erubefeenti•m noflram dico, to our ihameitmull:beefpo– ken. Looke but to thefirft point, Impendom : cloth notthe body takeit wholly ll£ ~ And, ifwefaile in the lowell:,what fh•ll become oftherefl: ~Well: St. ~au/s lovets; and ours mull: be,ifit be right,proanimah114,Soule-love,which may ferve for thefirft point of the fequell:ration. · But,why Prq~nimavm,·what is there in thefouleCo lovely, that all this fhould ~e · fatd