Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Preached in L E N T . Government, that his very enemies could no way exc.ept to, ~n his old dayes was re- ·red withFac nobi4 Regem ;only upon a humour ofmnovatton. What then~Grew , sam.s.r. ~:difcoment~ No: 'l{gn o6pante,forall theiringratitude(Good man) this he profeffeth: Goo forbid(Caith he) I jhouldfin muajingtopray for yo"; yea, Iwelljhewyou the ..... 1 : oodandright WAJ ofthe Lo~d, for allthat. That mar fcrve, to match thts, out of the bld Telbmenr. For,here mhkefort, wehavePaul s Mtmudtltgar,beforeour eyes; and we fee he is at his Libentifime, Etfi, for all that. You learnc then; as,that Minus diligar may cof!le; fo, in cafe it doe come, what :o doe; even to conf~mmateyour Love with a mumphovewnkmdnejfe. Learne thts, and allts learned . Learne dus, and the wholeArt is had. . . . . And we have, in this verfe,andmthe very firft word oftt, that, wtll enter us tnto this Lelfon. Firll:, fromEgovero: from hisandfr?rn our O>~neperfons, we may beginneto 1 raife this duty. When wee were deepe mourMmus dtl,gar, and fmallyreg~rded CH RI s T; Nay, Ctnninimici effemm(to ~ake as we lhould) when we wese hts ene- Rom.p!: mies, of His over.abundant kindnelfe it pleafed him to call us f:om theblindne;feof emr, to the knowledge ~f Hu tmth: and from a deepe confumpnon of ourfoules by lin to the flare of health'and grace. And, if St. Paul were loved,whenhce raged,and Ails 9 ,, : hr:aehedbla.ffhemie againfl CH " I s T and Hu 1'{.ame,is it much,if for C H R r s T s - · fake hee fwallow fome unkindnelfe at theCorintiJians hands ~ Is it much, if wee let fall~ duty upon them, upon whom Goo the Father droppeth His raine, and G o o the Son dropps,yea lhedds His bloud, ~ <?:!-t'~",; """t''' uponevil/andrmthalfkefull Lok.f.lf, menl · Surely,ifLove,or well doing,or any good mull: pe~il11 C whieh is the fecond Mo: ;~: tive)and_beloft throug.h fome bodtes default(wheretthg~tcth~muc.hbetter !t is,that it perilh in theCorinthia11s hands,thanm~auls ;. by thcm,m thetr ev1ll recelV!ng,than by him in his not beftowing; through thetr tmkmdneffe, than through our ahruptnef!e. For,fo:the fin !hallbe theirs,and we and ourfoules innocent before Goo. lmpend~t~ Iterper nos: Pereatper illos. Bur, peri!h it !hall not(whichis the third point) though, forthem it may. For howfoever,of them it may be truly faid; ThemoreweJove,the leffe, they: Ofchrijl, it never can, nor ever !hallbe [aid. For, St. Paul,forrhe littlelovc at their hands, found the.greater at His. Though themore he loved, theleffe they loved him; yet tht lej[ethey loved, themore chrift lovedhim. Of whom to beloved,even in theleaft de– gree, is worth~u thelove ofCorinth,andall A(haia too. So that, here we find (that we miffed all this while)atamen for our Etji: Thoughnot they, yet Chrift. Which ta.· menmaketh amends for all. Et vigilanti verho tljm efl Apoflolm ; that Sr. Paulfpoke not at adventure,but was well advifed when he ufed the word Impendam. For, it is Ir._pendam indeed,not Perdam; Not loft,l;mt laydout; Not (aft a1vay, but imployed,on Htm,forwhofe love,none ever hath or !hall heJ1owoughr,but he !hall receive afuper– zmpendar of an hundred-fold. And indeed, all other loves, of the fle!h,or world, or whatfoever dfe,lhall perilh and come to nothing; andof this,and this only,we may fay Imfendam, truly. . So that (to make an end) thoughtrueit be, that St. Bernardfaith, Perfe8m 4mor vms non fumit dejje, Perfect love receives no manner ftrength from hope; yet, for that our Love is not without his imperfections,all under one viewl wemay with one e~e behold Chrifl~ Magi; diligam,when we were fcarce in our M;,.us,nay fcarce loved himat all :and wtth the other,look upontmendam;that,what we doe herein,though ~t ~ens hands we finde no returne, at Chri swe !hall,and it !hall be the be~bcflowfd ervtce,that ever we bell:owed, that we be ow in this kind. fow,wouldGod, the fameSpirit,which here wrote this verfe would write it in 0 ffi edrtthatthofcrhings are thus;That fuch aRependam there th~Il be,and 1ve well ~.ur1 ° tt,M&ms converterem11rinamorem, that we might becrransformed into ~ tschovijle. Wluchbleffing, Almighty Goo beftowontharwhichhath.beene fayd, •or n ;,&c. Printedhy R I c H A R n BAo o E R.