Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

A SERMON PREACHED AT THE COVRTON THE XXV. of ~arch,d. V. Mn xcvrr. being Go o o-F R J.D AY. ZACH. Chap. XII. Ver.X. Refpicientin M E, quem transfixerunt. rUfndthey.fhalllookfupon ~ee, whom they halJe pierced. · great and honourable Perfon the Eu~ nuch fitting in his Chariot, and reading a like place of-the Prophet Efay, asketh Sr. AE/s g. 34 ; Philip.Ipray t1Jee,Of1PhomJPeaketh the 'Pro. phet tbu ~ of himfelfo,or fome othe;~ Aque. !lion verie material!, and to great good purpofe; and to be asked byus, in all ProplJecies. For, knowing who the Party is 1 we fhall not wander in theProphets meaning. . . . Now, if the EunuclJ had beene rea~ dmg this of Zacharie (as then he was, thatof Ejay) and had aked the fame que!lion of Saint Philip, hee would have made the fame anfwer. And as he, out of thofe words tooke occafion; fo may we,out of thele, takethe hke, topreach Ie{su, unto them. For neither ·of himfelfe, nor of any.other, but ofle[m, fpeaketh the Prophet this :and the tejlimonie oflefmru the Spm.t ~f thuPropl1ecie. . " Af"c. i?.I<>. ,That fo lt1s, the Holy Ghoft is our Warrant; who, inS. Iolm's (jofpell Gg 2 reporting,