Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Ofthe PASS ION. Sermon r ; • i Now,fPecially: In the ObjeEI,two thirtgs offer themfelves: I ThePaf. TheObje£1 fion, or fuffering itfelfe; which was, to bepierced. z And thePerfons, by r~~:~~~ffl- whom. For, if the Propl,et had not intended, thePerfons fhould have o•it lelfe had their refpeCl: too: he might have faid ~JPicicnt in Eum qui transfixt~r _G!!!_d. eft, (which Pajlivewould have carried theP4[lion it,felfe full enough:) buc,fo,he yvould not; but rather chofe to fay,quem transfixerunt; which doth neceffarily imply thePiercers themfelves too.So,that we mufi need~ have an .eye in the handling, both to thefoB, and to theper{ons, 1 quid, and z qutbm, both what, and Q[ whom. I TheDe• In the Paflion, we firfi confider the degree: for, transfixerunt, is a gmthereof: Word ofgradation: more than (ixeru11t, orfuffixerunt, or confixerunt,ei. '{;,,:~~xther. Expreiling unto us the piercing, norwith ~~>hips andfcourges ; nor of the 1zailes and thornes; but,of theJPeare-point. Not,thell>hips andfcour. ges,wherewirh His skin and lle01 werepierced;nor the nailes and thonzu, wherewith His feet,hands and head werepierced; but, the Speare-point, which pierced and went through His very heart it felfe: for, of that wound, of thewound in His heart, is this fpoken (Io.I9·34·)Therefore trans, is here a tran(cendent; through and through : through skinne and flefh; through hands and feet, through fide and heart and all: the dead· lielhnd deepefi wound,and ofhighefigradation~ · · i The E~~ Secondly, as the Prepofition (Trmzs) bathHis gradation of divers de: tenr,<..Me. grees Jo, the Pronoune (Me) bath his generality of divers parts ; heR: ex– preffed in the Originalt. Vpon Me :not, upon my body and foule : Vpon Me, whofe Perfon,not whofeparts,either body without, orJoule wirhin: bur Vpon Me, whomwholly,body and foule,quickeand dead, they have pierced. · 1 His 'l3•d;. Of the bodies piercing, there can be no gudtion; fince, no part of ir was left unpierced. Our fenfescertifie us of that, what need we further wirneffe? 1 His So•le. . Of the. Soules too, it is as certaine; and there can be no doubt of ir neither : that we trulymay affirme, CH R 1sT, not in part, but wholly waspierced. For, we fhould do injury to the fuffcrings of ourSa1>ior1r,if we fhould conceive by this piercing,none other but that of the Speare. And may aJoule then bepierced ?Can any Speare .point goe through ic? Truly Simeon faith to the 'BlejJed Virgin, by way of prophecie, that the Lo~. 2 . 35• fivord jhould gotthroug;h!Jer Joule, at the time of His P.y!ion. Andasche fivord throuf;hher's, fo, Imake no queA:ion, buttheSpeare through His. And, if through her's, which was but anima cempatientis; through His, much more, whichwasanimapatientis; fince Compaflim, is bucP.ys'ionat rebormd. Howbeit,it is not af1Vord offteele, or aSpeare-head ofiron, char enrreth the foule, but ametall of another temper :·~he dint whereofno leffe goreth and ~o~nde~t ~he f?~Jle ~n p~;opo~~on, t~an ~~ofe d;~~