Hcb.6.6. 2Thc'1'e,..; Jons,tiqui.. ;m, , Ofthe P A ss 1 b N. Sermon 1, ~~~~~--~~--------~------ To all which ifwe it adde,not only that horrible ingratitudeofthe~- there by Him feene ; bur ours alfo no leffe than theirs by Himforefeen~ at the fame time; (Whomake !o flendei: reckoningofthefe Hispiercings and (as they were a matter notiVortb the lookingo11)vouchfafe nut fo much as to fpend an hourc in the due regard and meditation ofthem: Nay,no't that only,but further, byunceffamfinning, and that without remorfe, doe mofl: unkindly requite thofe His bitter Paims, and as muth as in us lies even crucifie afrejh the SoN of Goo , making a mocke of Him and Hi; piercings. ) Thefe, I fay (for, thef"e all and every of them in that inllant were before His eyes) mull: of force enter into,and goe thorow and tho. row His Sou.le and Spirit; that, what with thole forme( forrowes,and what with rhele afi:er indignities, theProphet might truly fay of Him, and He of Himfdfe, I11Me, Vpon Me; not who[~body, or w hole Joule; but, whom entirely andTvhnlly, both in body and foule, alive and dead, tltey havepiercedandpaJSionedthis day on theCroffe. • Of thePerfons : which as it is neceffarily implied in the word,is ve; ry properly incident to the matter it lelfe. For, it is ufuall, when one is found flaine (as here) to make inquiry, by iVhom he came by his death. Which lo much the \athens to be done by us, becaule there is common. ly an error in the Wordj touching the Parties that were the caufes of CH R t s T's Death. Our manner is, either to lay it on rheSou/diers, that were the Infhuments 1 · Or if not upon them, upon •Pilate the Judge that gave fentence; Or if not upon him, upon the people that importuned the Iudge; Or lafHy, if not upon them, upon the Elders of tl>e!ewes that animated the People : And this is all to be found by our .flE_eft of In. quiry. But theProphet hereinditeth others. For, by faying, They Jhalllooke; (Ire. WhomThey ha'Ve pierced, he enrendeth by very confirucrion, that the fir!t and lecond [They, ] are not two, but one and thefame parties : And that they that are here willed to looke upon Him, are they, and none oth~r, that were the authors of this fact even of the murther of IEsus CHRIST. And (to fay trmh) theProp/Jet's ~ntent is noother but to bring the male· factors themfelvts thatpierced Him, to view the body and the wounded heart of Him, iVhom they l1a'VeJo pierced. In the courle of Iufl:ice, we fay and fay tru1y; when aparty is put eo death, that the ExecutiMer cannot bee fayd to be the caufe of his oearh; nor the Sherijje, by whole commandement he cloth it; neither yet rhe Judge by whofe fentence; nor theT1vel1Jemen, by whofe verdiCt, nor the Law it felfe, by whofe authority it is proceeded in. (For,G b o forbid we fbould inditethefe, or any of thele,of murther : ) Solum peccatum ho· micida: Sin, and Sin only is the mur,therer. Sin (I fay) either of the Parry that fuffereth : or of fome other, bywhofe meaqes, er for whole caufe, he isput to death: Now •