Strmon Io Of the P A ss-~· o If· } Now C H R 1 s T's owne fi'~ne ic was nor, that he died for. That is btolt evid~ntP Notlo much.byHis ow,ne .~h"lilenge, ~~foexcvqbwarguit Ioh.s.41$~ · me .Je>pedatQl ~ a~ by the rcpbr.t .of IllSI~clg~rwho oFenly'frqfeffed, nhat hehadcxamiliedllim, andfowa~lto f4~ltt,i.f/,~,'n: N~n?'i,ryet Herod, fa~, Lub;,>q> being jim~ toEiu~,rmd exammed by lmn alfo, I!QtlmzglllorV~,d~at.b 'll><~& found m t·s, HimJ: And therefore, E:al!m~for )vater, al\d 'll>ajlnngd~..t$1Miid£, he:e prc>tCI- Mac.> 7 ,,+ fleth ,his oVVrlCJ:imzocencie of bl?ud qfo,t1tiJ ' ~ U s.r .1M.~N; :' ~h~~~J pronounr;ing. ?,. ;tn~void:of any'llll.l\.&, mhunfelfe,Jof h1s D'<'vne death< t!l''l , .. :' J'l , . '• , "~ tCilliC,i •. , N \~t Ic mull cbe11- nece! the- linrkoflonicwthers; (ot ~'\lhob:'£1ke ' ' c HR 1sT I E sus was ehus pterced. And if we aske;~who,d10f.e others. . be: or whofe fumes they were? the Pr6phee, EJ.ry ceils,f1s):Pofuit {uper Ef.1.r,.,; Eu;1z iniquiwes .onmimn Jzoftnlnl, He laid' upon Himchetranfgcefsions of •h 115 all: who lliould (even for chore our ma.ny, great, an~ g;cievmis tranB- ·I ~J oreCsions) have etevnally beer:epier('ed, inbody and /o~tle,o wirh tormerit ~nd [orrowcs of.anever dyiog death, had n.oc he ilep.tbetweene us and the blow and receiv'd it in his owne body; even the dint'of the wmh of G0 0 to ~ome mpon. .us. So that it was the fin ne of ~ili poautedhand.r, that pierced his·hands :, the fiv,i{tne.j{e ofour.. ftet todoe·e'Vill, 'that nhiledHis \ .: feet: the wickedde'Vifis of our Heads, that-gored hishead~ and the wret, ehell•dejires of our hearts, that pi.erced hiS:-I~art. We that looke upon, it is we chat pierced Him : and it is we that pierced him, that are willed to looke upon. Idim. Which bringeth it home tO us·; to me my felfe that fpeake, and to you youtfelvesthar heare; and applicth it moll dfti~ually to every one ofus, who evidentiy feeing 1 .that w,ewere the caufe of this his piercing, ifour hearts be not too too hard, ougj1tto have rem,orfe, eobepierced with it, ' . · . ''i , • . ~ When for ddiveriog to':DdlMa few;, .~,Ahimeicd~and·rhe Priefts Were by Saul put eo· the [word, if :Da'Vid <:lid then acknowledae with griefe of heartl' and f.1y, I, e'M1l l-am the cattje of the d&at/J qf tby Fa~her and 1 sam.2i.:2i aObii houfe, (\1\Chenhec: was but onely the.occallon of it, andnotthat d'i0 reCl: neither : ) may not we (nay, ought not w~) much more jufily and. deferVedly fay of ·rhispiercing;of CH R 1sl' our Sa'Viour, that we verily'> ,11v~n ~ve, are the ·a.tufe thereof' ·as venly wean~,even theprincipals irt 1 this murtber; and the Iewes and orhers, en whomwe feeketo derive it. .\ but ohely accejfories and inflr.umenrall ea~ res thereof. Which point, w; ought, as conrmually, fo, fenoufly to rhmke of; and that no leffe chart theformer. The former, to fiirreup comparsion in our [elves over him: bh~tt?us Was pierc~J, the latter, t~ work~ deepe r~~or[e in ou/hearrs,for eTg authors of ~t ..: That hee was pterced, Will make our bovvdl:s; tnleke With .compafstotl, over CH R. 1sT. That he waspim:ed bym,that oo ·e on H ·r h · Miljl 1m~ 1 our .earts bee not flint (as lob faith) 'chenetlm• 1 . 1 · one, ~tll b~eed remorfe over our Cdves wrecci1ed finm:rs as wee Iob •n.zir jl~e: . ... . . ' The c ..