Andrewes - Heaven Collection BX5133.A56 X3 1641

Sermon r. Of the PASS ION. } 1 · 011 • ~"or it is not Mee, but in Mee : Not onelyVpon Him, but Into atten I • r• ' fi . d . . h . . Him. 2 , That wee doe it o t, agame an bagame; ~Jt lteratwn: for, !JI!JPicient, is re-afpicient. N_ot a J!ngle ail, ut anaElzterate4. 3: That r. ur namre to doe It, as It.were, by vertue of an In[unElton, per we cau1e o . h 0 . . ll . . . h n 1· ·t m as theSc!Joolmencall it. For mt e ngma , It IS m t ecomac.WIIetctu , . . ' · h · manding [onjmzCtion, that figmfieth,faczent fe re/}zcere, rat er than !J(effe: cient. FirR then, not llighdy, fuperficiall~ or perfunctorily, budtedfaiHy; w· h-~ and with due attention, ro look.e upon Hmz. And, not to lo?ke upon the .,.!~ •. · out-fide alone; bur, to looke into the very entrailes ; andWith our eye to Rrfpicimt In piercehim tha_t 'V: as thus pierced. In Bumbeareth both: _ . Eum~ 1. P'pon htm,tfwe look,we fhall fee fo much,as Pdate fhewed ofh1m, &ce Homo, that He isaMan. And, if he were not aman, but fome other. unreafondble creature, it were great ruth to fee him fo handled. 2. Among men we leffepitieMalefaElors, and have moG compafsion on them that be innocent. And, he was innocent, and deferveditnot (as you have heard) his enemies_rhemfelvesbeing his fudges. : 3. Amongthofe that be mnocem, ~he morenoblethe perfo?, the grea. ter the griefe, and the more heavy ever IS the fpe~a~le. Now, 1f we con. fider the Verfe of thisTextwell, wee fhall fee, tt IS Go o himfelfe, and no man that here fpeaketh (for, to G oo only it belongeth,topoure out the Spirit of grace; it paffeth mans reach, to doe it : ) ~o that, if we looke bet~ ter upon him, wee fltall fee as much as the Centunon faw? that thit partie Mat. ~7• i-4. thuspierced u the SoN of Go o._The SoN .of Go o flame! Sutdy, he that bath done this deed is t/Je(!Jild of deatb, would every one of us fay : 2 Sam. u .r. Et tu es bomo, Thou art the man, would the Prophet anfwere us : You arc: 7• they, for whole fins the SoN ofGoo bath hisveryheart-bloudfhed forth . Which muG needs fhike into us remorfe of a deeper degree than before : That, not only, itis wee that havepi·erced the Partie thus found flaine; but, that this Parcie; whom vve have thus pierced, isnot a principall perfon among the children of men, but even theOnly begotten S 0 N of tbemofl Hig/1Go o: Which will make us crie out (withSt.Augufline) 0 amarttudo peccati mei, ad quam tol/enda.'fl necejfaria fuit amal'itudotanta! Now fure,deadly was the bitterneffe ofour fins,that might not be cnred~ but by the bitter death and blond fheddingpafsion of the SoN of G u o. And this may we fee looking upon Him. - _ B~tnowthen, if we_lookei.'1Eum, intoHim, we fhall fee yet agrea.:: ter thtng, whtch may ratfe us m comfort, as farre as the other l:altus downe. Even the bowels of compaj?ion and tender lo1le, whereby hec! would and was content to fuffer ali this for our fakes. For that, whereas a 110 man had power to take His life from flim, (for hee had po\ver tO have " 1 g; commanded b twel11e Legions of .A'ngels,inhis jnG defenfe: and, without hMaM6.5 ~ ;tny dngellat all, p~~e~ enough of himfelfe with his cEgo furu, to ftrzk.e cfob.r8.61 - - 'H h ~' -- -- !~~~